Why do we need cosmetics with hyaluronic acid?


Hyaluron­ic acid has not lost its pop­u­lar­i­ty for many years. It per­fect­ly mois­tur­izes the skin, stim­u­lat­ing its recov­ery. That is why funds with it must be in your care.

Let’s start with the fact that hyaluron­ic acid is not some­thing alien to our body. It is con­tained in the tis­sues of the ner­vous sys­tem, in bones, joints and, of course, in the skin, strength­en­ing its frame and pro­vid­ing elas­tic­i­ty. After 25 years, this sub­stance is pro­duced in the body more and more slow­ly, and the skin begins to age. So, prod­ucts with hyaluron­ic acid are shown to every­one, start­ing from this age.

pro­tec­tive veil
Per­haps the most inter­est­ing fea­ture of hyaluron­ic acid is the abil­i­ty to attract and hold water with a vol­ume of 1000 times its own weight. Get­ting on the skin, it forms a film on its sur­face, which pre­vents the evap­o­ra­tion of mois­ture and at the same time pro­tects against aggres­sive envi­ron­men­tal fac­tors — wind, pol­lu­tion, UV radi­a­tion. Indi­rect­ly, hyaluron­ic acid is also involved in the syn­the­sis of col­la­gen and elastin. There­fore, a decrease in skin elas­tic­i­ty, the appear­ance of wrin­kles in the eye area and nasolabi­al folds are clear sig­nals of a lack of this sub­stance in the body. Con­verse­ly, if the skin is well hydrat­ed, the pro­duc­tion of col­la­gen and elastin pro­ceeds nor­mal­ly — and the skin remains smooth and elas­tic.

impor­tant type
How to choose an effec­tive rem­e­dy with hyaluron­ic acid? First of all, you should pay atten­tion to its type. The most com­mon is high mol­e­c­u­lar weight hyaluron­ic acid. But there is a dif­fi­cul­ty in its appli­ca­tion: the fact is that the mol­e­cules of this type of acid are quite large in vol­ume, and there­fore can­not over­come the pro­tec­tive epi­der­mal bar­ri­er of the skin. They work on its sur­face. Result: the skin looks more toned, fresh­er, but this effect is rather dec­o­ra­tive and does not affect the cor­rec­tion of age-relat­ed changes. Anoth­er thing is low mol­e­c­u­lar weight hyaluron­ic acid. It is she who works in the deep­er lay­ers of the skin, stim­u­lat­ing, as men­tioned above, the syn­the­sis of col­la­gen and elastin and there­by increas­ing skin elas­tic­i­ty, fill­ing wrin­kles and creas­es. And low mol­e­c­u­lar weight hyaluron­ic acid improves the pen­e­tra­tion of oth­er ben­e­fi­cial sub­stances into the skin — amino acids, vit­a­mins and pep­tides.

Gold­en mean
Do you want hyaluron­ic acid to sat­u­rate the skin with mois­ture and stim­u­late its restora­tion both from the out­side and from the inside? Use tools with sev­er­al types of it. For exam­ple, the Hyaluron­ic Ener­gy Ampoule Shot from DR.F5 con­tains as many as 11 types of hyaluron­ic acid with high, medi­um, low and ultra-low mol­e­c­u­lar weight, due to which it mois­tur­izes all pos­si­ble lay­ers of the skin. In order to fur­ther enhance this effect, col­la­gen has been added to the ampoule-shot, which works great in tan­dem with hyaluron. Col­la­gen cre­ates a pro­tec­tive breath­able “film” on the sur­face of the epi­der­mis that pre­vents the evap­o­ra­tion of mois­ture. And laven­der oil and cen­tel­la asi­at­i­ca extract as part of the DR.F5 shot ampoule stim­u­late skin regen­er­a­tion, soft­en­ing, nour­ish­ing it and improv­ing blood cir­cu­la­tion in small ves­sels.

A mat­ter of tech­nol­o­gy
Apply prod­ucts with hyaluron­ic acid on slight­ly damp skin. In this case, hyaluron absorbs water and takes it with it to the deep­er lay­ers of the epi­der­mis. Use the Hyaluron­ic Ener­gy Ampoule Shot from DR.F5 as a serum: dis­trib­ute two or three drops on the face and the same amount on the neck, after cleans­ing the skin with cleanser and ton­ic. Wait until the con­cen­trate is absorbed and, if nec­es­sary, apply a cream. The skin tone will almost imme­di­ate­ly become fresh­er, and after a month of reg­u­lar use of the DR.F5 shot, its tur­gor will increase, it will look smoother and well-groomed.







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