Eye patches. Why and how to use them?


Patch­es are hydro­gel petals with nat­ur­al ingre­di­ents that effec­tive­ly care for your skin. Patch­es are glued for a short time, but the active com­po­nents have time to pen­e­trate into the deep lay­ers of the epi­der­mis.

Patch­es that con­tain pearl pow­der bright­en the skin and give it a healthy glow. Sea­weed extracts make the skin fresh and toned. Col­la­gen helps to nour­ish the skin with mois­ture and smooth it. Gin­seng extract has a strong reju­ve­nat­ing effect, stim­u­lates blood micro­cir­cu­la­tion and accel­er­ates regen­er­a­tion process­es. Sea min­er­als deeply mois­tur­ize, soft­en, sat­u­rate the skin with use­ful trace ele­ments, increase tone and elas­tic­i­ty, even out tone. Gold par­ti­cles can solve sev­er­al prob­lems at once: they fight wrin­kles, elim­i­nate swelling, bright­en blue, mois­tur­ize, soft­en, refresh and tone.

Use patch­es not only under the eyes. If you notice that the nasolabi­al folds have become clear­er, and ugly creas­es and wrin­kles have appeared on the fore­head, feel free to apply patch­es to prob­lem areas. The smooth­ing effect will not take long. In gen­er­al, this is a good and con­ve­nient express care. Patch­es in a jar are con­ve­nient to store, and in gen­er­al, patch­es are a prof­itable pur­chase: you imme­di­ate­ly buy care for sev­er­al months.

Many women believe that to get the best result, you need to keep the patch­es as long as pos­si­ble, so they even put them on before bed. And they are very wrong about it!

It is rec­om­mend­ed to apply patch­es in the morn­ing to elim­i­nate the effects of a night’s sleep, the use time is 15–30 min­utes. Dur­ing this peri­od, the skin man­ages to receive the nec­es­sary care and the right amount of mois­ture. But if you keep the patch­es longer, the effect will be the oppo­site.

Impor­tant: apply patch­es, retreat­ing 2 mm from the eyes, so that the essence with which the hydro­gel is impreg­nat­ed does not get on the mucous mem­brane.

You can buy com­plex care for the skin around the eyes right now.







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