Why are household gloves made in different colors?


Today, many peo­ple neglect to put on gloves and very in vain. After all, gloves not only pro­tect against dirt and dust. They pro­tect your hands from skids, cuts and oth­er dam­age. This is why wear­ing gloves is so impor­tant! Because the health of your hands depends on it. And health, as we know, is above all!

Our gloves do a great job! They are very com­fort­able and pro­vide excel­lent pro­tec­tion.

And now we will tell you why gloves come in dif­fer­ent col­ors.

Mul­ti-col­ored gloves are not only beau­ti­ful, but also com­fort­able. Why, you ask!? And because for dif­fer­ent house­work, you should have your own gloves. Actu­al­ly, so as not to con­fuse them, gloves should be of dif­fer­ent col­ors.

For exam­ple, for some jobs — yel­low gloves, for oth­ers — pink. So you will nev­er con­fuse them and will not get con­fused which gloves to wear for what.

What is the advan­tage of our prod­uct?

Our gloves are com­fort­able to wear and 100% durable. Thanks to these fac­tors, your pens will always be safe!

How to store gloves?

They need to be stored in a room with a tem­per­a­ture of up to + 25 ° C, humid­i­ty should be no more than 65%. It is also impor­tant to avoid expo­sure to direct ultra­vi­o­let rays.

Are they suit­able for a gift?

Of course! After all, this is a tru­ly nec­es­sary gift. You can give gloves to your moth­er, grand­moth­er or friend. And we assure you, they will be delight­ed. Because it is real­ly a nec­es­sary thing in the house!

When order­ing our gloves, your hands will always be healthy and beau­ti­ful, even if you have been clean­ing all day!







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