What are parapets and why are they needed?


Train with MyPar­al­lettes — get clos­er to nature!


The MyPar­al­lettes team is in touch, and we are pro­duc­ing pre­mi­um par­al­lets. An invol­un­tary ques­tion may arise — “What is it ?!”. Par­al­lets or stands are push-ups on which they train a cor­ner, a hand­stand, a hori­zon, and a huge num­ber of dif­fer­ent exer­cis­es with a greater ampli­tude due to the ele­vat­ed posi­tion of the body above the floor.

Why do we make stops from wood? Because wood is a nat­ur­al mate­r­i­al that is much more pleas­ant, dear­er and clos­er to a per­son. The stops made of met­al are cer­tain­ly stronger than those of wood, but they are heav­ier and feel cold to the touch. Plas­tic racks are a bud­get option. They are suit­able for the ini­tial lev­el of train­ing, as a test of the pen, how­ev­er, it is out of the ques­tion to work out com­plex ele­ments on such stops — it is sim­ply unsafe.

Wood is closer to man than metal or plastic

In turn, beech wood is one of the most durable and suit­able woods for mak­ing every­day objects, because it is durable and does not splin­ter. For this very rea­son, we imme­di­ate­ly decid­ed to pro­duce high-qual­i­ty and prac­ti­cal­ly “eter­nal” paraglid­ers that will delight you, your chil­dren, grand­chil­dren and great-grand­chil­dren.

Beech is an ideal tree for paralets

Why both­er with paraglid­ing? Let’s fig­ure it out, because wood­en stops hide tremen­dous poten­tial!

FIRST, for a good work­outdon’t need a lot of space. With paraglid­ers, every­thing is sim­ple — where you put them, train right there. You can train in your room, in the liv­ing room, in the coun­try — yes, lit­er­al­ly every­where!

The mobil­i­ty of the para­lets is a huge plus — the main thing is to have a flat sur­face, although train­ing is very com­fort­able even on the lawn — you can work out com­plex ele­ments and are not afraid of painful “encoun­ters” with a hard floor. We glue spe­cial rub­ber (rub­ber-based) anti-slip pads on our stops for max­i­mum grip on almost any sur­face, be it tile, lam­i­nate, con­crete or linoleum.

Paralets stand as if rooted to the spot

SECONDLY, wood­en stops are a uni­ver­sal sim­u­la­tor on which you can work out and strength­en, with­out exag­ger­a­tion, mus­cle groups of the whole body! You can con­stant­ly change the angle and posi­tion of the stops, mak­ing your work­outs as diverse as pos­si­ble. Our Par­al­lettes Train­ing ency­clo­pe­dia con­tains more than 120 exer­cis­es for every taste — and the col­lec­tion is con­stant­ly updat­ed. Par­al­lettes can be used lit­er­al­ly any­where.

Work­out — for work­ing out com­plex ele­ments;

Gym­nas­tics — in fact, they come from here;

Yoga — as a sup­port for bal­ance asanas;

Home work­outs — got it, set it, train;

Fit­ness — for greater mus­cle stretch dur­ing push-ups; Reha­bil­i­ta­tion — to relieve exces­sive stress from the hands.

THIRDLY, by train­ing with para­lets, you facil­i­tate the work of the brush­es, that is, relieve them of exces­sive load. If your hands start to hurt dur­ing class­es on the floor, just try to train on paraglid­ers — the progress will be obvi­ous and you will instant­ly feel the dif­fer­ence.

The wrist joint is one of the most vul­ner­a­ble places, espe­cial­ly among fans of street work­out and street gym­nas­tics. The load on the brush­es is some­times colos­sal, besides, the lion’s share of all the work falls on them. There­fore, the anatom­i­cal­ly cor­rect posi­tion of the hands dur­ing exer­cise will not only make your work­outs com­fort­able, but also ensure ath­let­ic longevi­ty.

FOURTH, with the help of para­lets you will be able to progress to more dif­fi­cult exer­cis­es, because you have a grip with more sta­bil­i­ty and con­trol, as opposed to an open hand and hands on the floor. True truth! Greater grip sta­bil­i­ty is espe­cial­ly rel­e­vant when mas­ter­ing the hand­stand, when sta­bi­liza­tion of the whole body is impor­tant, when attempts are made to catch the bal­ance, first­ly, in an uncom­fort­able upside down posi­tion.

The MyPar­al­lettes range includes wood­en stops in dif­fer­ent sizes, so they can be used by both begin­ners and world-class pro­fes­sion­al ath­letes!

The MINI stops will become your indis­pens­able trav­el assis­tant, because they ful­ly jus­ti­fy their name — they are easy to fit not only in a suit­case, but even a rel­a­tive­ly small back­pack can fit them with ease. Par­al­lets UNIVERSAL will be a great help to start work­ing out demand­ing exer­cis­es, and STANDART stands will be the icing on the cake when mas­ter­ing the ele­ments of extra class.

Parallets for every taste!

In short, once you try and fall in love with our pre­mi­um qual­i­ty wood­en para­pets, any of your work­outs will be com­fort­able and enjoy­able, your hands will be healthy, and your arse­nal of com­plex ele­ments will be reg­u­lar­ly replen­ished with new spec­i­mens!

Get in on the action, it’s still worth it!

The author of the mate­r­i­al is Niki­ta Matveev.







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