Why dress a dog in summer and autumn? We understand from the point of view of a scientific approach


It would seem that why a dog needs clothes in win­ter is under­stand­able: shoes pro­tect the paws from freez­ing and numb­ness, clothes warm the body, but what about sum­mer? In sum­mer it seems to be warm, and why over­load the dog with extra clothes? But it was not there. Accord­ing to many vet­eri­nar­i­ans, sum­mer can be much more dan­ger­ous than win­ter. Why? Now let’s fig­ure it out.
The most dan­ger­ous thing in sum­mer is sun­stroke. It comes from direct expo­sure to the sun on the dog’s skin. Lit­er­al­ly an hour under the sun and the dog will lit­er­al­ly need the help of a vet­eri­nar­i­an. The very first and surest way to pro­tect your dog from direct expo­sure to the sun is with a Dog Shirt from Car­toon Dogs. Unlike a cape, it will not fall off the dog, and the airy mate­r­i­al will help the dog’s skin to breathe. A spe­cial col­or scheme in pre­dom­i­nant­ly light shades allows the dog to feel great even on the hottest walk.
Most often, abnor­mal heat is accom­pa­nied by a dry cli­mate and light wind. Chif­fon is able to pro­tect the skin of the dog from dust and sand, at the same time restrain the wind and pro­tect the pores of the skin.
The col­or scheme and pat­terns on the shirts in the exclu­sive col­lec­tion from Car­toon Dogs are very sym­bol­ic and com­fort­able. Red is a sym­bol of dynam­ics, activ­i­ty and joy, blue and blue col­ors are sym­bols of calm­ness and com­fort, and white is peace and com­fort.
Thus, to pre­vent sun­stroke, pro­tect the skin from wind and dust, it is bet­ter to choose a light, com­fort­able and much-need­ed shirt for dogs from Car­toon Dogs. Order a shirt now to feel the com­fort and safe­ty of your dog tomor­row!







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