HOW and WHY do children play with the constructor?


When choos­ing a gift for a child, pay atten­tion to such an enter­tain­ing and inter­est­ing thing as the ANT con­struc­tor. These “smart toys” can occu­py the baby for a long time and become his favorite. After all, with them you can come up with a huge num­ber of new games and col­lect inter­est­ing designs. The design­er for chil­dren is not only fas­ci­nat­ing and inter­est­ing, but also use­ful. Games with the con­struc­tor Ant: — well devel­op imag­i­na­tion and fan­ta­sy; — con­tribute to the devel­op­ment of vol­un­tary atten­tion, per­se­ver­ance and willpow­er. After all, to build a house, the crumbs will have to spend a lot of effort and time; — form spa­tial and fig­u­ra­tive think­ing. The child tries to assem­ble from the con­struc­tor what he saw (car, house, train); — devel­op fine motor skills, eye and gen­er­al move­ments. The baby trains mus­cles, he learns to devel­op strength, to deter­mine by eye the required num­ber of parts, their size and con­fig­u­ra­tion. Although, if your child can be called hyper­ac­tive, he will be bored play­ing with the design­er. There­fore, the lit­tle fid­get needs to be inter­est­ed. And here a lot depends on you, more pre­cise­ly, on your mood. If you your­self are bored with assem­bling the design­er, then what can you expect from a child. But when he sees with what enthu­si­asm you set to work, he will def­i­nite­ly want to join you.

Psy­chol­o­gists rec­om­mend!

  • Start play­ing your­self. When you have pur­chased the con­struc­tor, laid it out of the pack­age, you should start play­ing it your­self. This will arouse the inter­est of the child;
  • Put the pieces away after each ses­sion. It is very impor­tant for a child to form order;
  • It is not nec­es­sary to play the con­struc­tor before going to bed, because when the thought process­es are excit­ed, it is dif­fi­cult for the child to slow down this process. The game must end no lat­er than half an hour before bed­time;
  • If a child has built some­thing and does not want to dis­as­sem­ble it, because he tried and made efforts, and says that he wants to leave it, par­ents, lis­ten to his request;
  • If a child does not want to engage in a con­struc­tor, there is no need to force him. Reproach­es of par­ents as a bone will stand across the throat. The child will not be moti­vat­ed to even approach the design­er because of reproach­es. If you don’t want it, remove it. Take it out after a while and start play­ing by your­self. Then the child will also join, and you will become an assis­tant for him.







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