Big bow for September 1? What for?


Sep­tem­ber 1 will come very soon, but you need to choose the per­fect and thought-out image for your daugh­ter as soon as pos­si­ble? How is every­one around buy­ing huge round white bows? What are they need­ed for?

  • A bow is, first of all, an impor­tant dec­o­ra­tion!
  • A bow is a styl­ish acces­so­ry that will empha­size and com­plete the fes­tive look of a school­girl!

! Did you know that hair for women is a sym­bol of Free­dom, Strength and Health!

At least part of the strands of hair in girls should always be tidied up, espe­cial­ly for medi­um and long ones. These are the rules in all schools, and they go far from the ori­gins of our his­to­ry. When the hair is tied up in a bow, this per­son­i­fies a hol­i­day and dis­ci­pline. School is a regime and order. When we go to school, it is nec­es­sary to start every day with this first rit­u­al of self-dis­ci­pline — brush­ing our hair. Then every­thing will be under con­trol, both hair and study.

In ancient Rus­sia, it was believed that hair removed from the face would bring the own­er more health and ener­gy.

Large white round bows for many may not be the most styl­ish and mod­ern option, because the image will not always look har­mo­nious on a girl with an acces­so­ry larg­er than her head, so it is bet­ter to choose small­er and more neu­tral hair bows.

Two-tone bows will be in har­mo­ny with many looks, suit­able for clothes of dif­fer­ent col­ors and styles. Girls will be able to wear the uni­form even after the hol­i­day if you choose the right hair acces­so­ry.

A satin bow with an elas­tic band no wider than 13–17 cm will be uni­ver­sal, and if you con­sid­er the options in a set of two pieces 7–8 cm wide, then such acces­sories can be worn through­out the school year.

White and blue bows make the image more strict and this allows you to wear them every day, unlike white pure­ly fes­tive bows.

And fes­tive and for every day!

A bow is one of the few acces­sories that remains unchanged for school­girls on Knowl­edge Day for a long time.

Sev­en Drag­on’s has a range of bows in dif­fer­ent sizes and designs to per­fect­ly match your child’s school uni­form.







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