Ring selfie lamp — for whom? why? what happens in the kit?


Many peo­ple think that tak­ing beau­ti­ful pho­tos for social net­works and mak­ing cool videos is pos­si­ble only with pro­fes­sion­al expen­sive equip­ment. In fact, to get a high-qual­i­ty pic­ture or video, there is often enough bright light (of course, you still need desire and time, but let’s assume that you have them 🙂

In the con­di­tions of an aver­age apart­ment or house, it is not so easy to “catch” such a nec­es­sary bright light. In cen­tral Rus­sia, cloudy gray weath­er pre­vails in win­ter. And arti­fi­cial stan­dard light­ing (such as a chan­de­lier or sconce) is sore­ly lack­ing. It is for such cas­es that ring LED lamps were invent­ed.

They are avail­able to every­one and every­one, because:

safe (no glass or sharp parts)

light­weight (can be car­ried and trans­port­ed with­out dif­fi­cul­ty)

Inex­pen­sive (price range from 900 to 3700 rubles)

bright (not infe­ri­or to pro­fes­sion­al light­ing equip­ment)

Con­ve­nient (com­pat­i­ble with any smart­phone)

Com­pact (does not take up much space)

sim­ple (even a first-grad­er will under­stand the con­trols)

· uni­ver­sal (adjust to many pur­pos­es).

You can use them in dif­fer­ent ways:

1. sep­a­rate­ly as light­ing fix­ture

2. with a smart­phone for film­ing.

The ring lamp is adjustable:

· light

· col­or


To do this, there is a remote con­trol on the lamp cord (it is also a switch and a traf­fic con­troller).

There is a wide­spread belief that the larg­er the diam­e­ter of the lamp, the brighter the light will be. It is not always so. The bright­ness of the lamp depends not only on its size and pow­er, but on the pow­er of the pow­er adapter (the so-called plug in the sock­et). If you buy a lamp with a diam­e­ter of 33 cm, and the adapter is 0.5 amps, its bright­ness will be even less than a lamp with a diam­e­ter of 26 cm, but by 2 amps.

Accord­ing to our expe­ri­ence and cus­tomer feed­back, a lamp with a diam­e­ter of 26 cm is con­sid­ered the opti­mal size. For exam­ple, 33 cm is already too bulky for an apart­ment.

What should be in the kit for any shoot­ing to take place:

1. desk­top tri­pod (take pic­tures while sit­ting at the table. Very com­pact, easy to take with you)

2. floor tri­pod (for shoot­ing stand­ing, full height or hor­i­zon­tal­ly, above the table)

3. swiv­el joint (to turn the lamp hor­i­zon­tal­ly, par­al­lel to the table or floor)

4. smart­phone hold­er (where to mount the phone. It is uni­ver­sal and extends for dif­fer­ent widths of the smart­phone)

5. remote con­trol for turn­ing on the Blue­tooth cam­era (not to be con­fused with the built-in remote con­trol for adjust­ing the bright­ness of the lamp)

6. adapter to the sock­et (to use the lamp per­ma­nent­ly, from the sock­et)

A very handy acces­so­ry is the Blue­tooth remote con­trol. It con­nects to any smart­phone via Blue­tooth, after which it con­trols the on/off but­ton of the cam­era. This is very con­ve­nient, you do not need to reach for the phone at the end of the shoot­ing to stop shoot­ing, or even run up to it if you are shoot­ing in full growth, for exam­ple.

Be care­ful, not all ring lamps come with the remote con­trol. And buy­ing it sep­a­rate­ly, as a rule, is much more expen­sive (the price ranges from 250–400 rubles.)

The ring self­ie lamp is equipped with a uni­ver­sal USB con­nec­tor, so it can work both from a wall out­let and from a lap­top. More options: a pow­er­ful power­bank or a sys­tem unit.

Also note that the pow­er sup­ply to the out­let (aka adapter, aka “plug”), as well as the remote con­trol, do not always come with the lamp.

What is the pur­pose of a ring lamp?

Take beau­ti­ful self­ies

apply make-up

remove tik­tok

hold zoom meet­ings

Con­duct meet­ings on Teams or Skype

Cap­tur­ing live on Insta­gram

make videos for YouTube

film the process of work (for lash mak­ers, eye­brow artists, hair­dressers, make-up artists, artists)

for shoot­ing cre­ativ­i­ty (sewing, food blog­ging, draw­ing, cal­lig­ra­phy, epoxy resin, poly­mer clay)

shoot expert videos (for accoun­tants, coach­es, psy­chol­o­gists, teach­ers)

as a floor lamp or read­ing light


· Ring LED self­ie lamp is real­ly an indis­pens­able thing today, when every per­son has some­thing to share with the world and unique con­tent is very much appre­ci­at­ed.

When buy­ing, pay atten­tion to the pack­age: it is always more con­ve­nient that every­thing is includ­ed in the kit at once and then you don’t have to run, look for and buy more parts

· ring self­ie lamp with two tripods (art. 18332066) comes with a com­plete set. It has absolute­ly every­thing you need to cre­ate con­tent.







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