Why do you need polarized glasses and how to choose them?


If you are involved in active sports such as run­ning, climb­ing, ski­ing, motor­cy­cling and love to dri­ve a car, whether you are a pro­fes­sion­al dri­ver or just an ama­teur, like to go fish­ing and hunt­ing, then you are advised to choose spe­cial pro­tec­tive equip­ment. One of them is safe­ty glass­es, which should pro­tect the eyes as much as pos­si­ble from expo­sure to sun­light and from pos­si­ble injuries.

In this arti­cle, we will look at one of the most impor­tant pro­tec­tive prop­er­ties of glass­es as polar­iza­tion.

Let’s answer the main ques­tions:

1. So, what is polar­iza­tion?

Polar­iza­tion is a phys­i­cal phe­nom­e­non, that is, the fil­ter­ing of light (glare) reflect­ed from any hor­i­zon­tal sur­faces. For exam­ple: road­way, glass show­case, water sur­face, ice, snow, walls, roofs of hous­es.

In sim­ple terms, this is when a beam of light is reflect­ed from a smooth sur­face and forms a glare.

2. How to cope with this phe­nom­e­non and why do we need polar­ized glass­es?

Polar­ized glass­es will help you deal with glare.

One of these mod­els is pre­sent­ed in our store.

Sports glass­es with Sport + polar­iza­tion have the nec­es­sary char­ac­ter­is­tics:

1. Polar­ized glass­es are equipped with dark impact-resis­tant poly­car­bon­ate lens­es;

2. The frame fix­es only the upper part of the glass­es, this makes the glass­es weight­less. Weight 30 gr.;

3. Have an Anti-fog coat­ing (pro­tec­tion against fog­ging and scratch­es);

4. 1st opti­cal class (accord­ing to EN166 stan­dard) means that Sport + glass­es can be worn through­out the day with­out time lim­its;

5. They sit well, do not press, there is no feel­ing of dis­com­fort;

6. Con­nec­tions are strong, no play;

7. The gog­gles with­stand a steel ball with a diam­e­ter of 6 mm, which was released at a speed of 120 m/s.

Polar­ized glass­es should pro­tect your eyes from the blind­ing glare that reflects light from var­i­ous smooth sur­faces.

Thus, polar­ized glass­es — block the appear­ance of sun glare.

3. Who needs polar­ized glass­es?

      - Dri­vers, cyclists, motor­cy­clists;
      - Fish­er­men and all those who work on the water;
      - Ath­letes (alpin­ists, skiers, snow­board­ers, etc.);
      -Peo­ple with increased pho­to­sen­si­tiv­i­ty;
      -And to all those who want to pro­tect them­selves from sun glare, love com­fort and take care of their health. Since polar­ized glass­es pro­tect your eyes from con­stant and long-term strain.

4. What are the prop­er­ties of glass­es with a polar­iz­ing fil­ter?

    1. Nat­ur­al col­or per­cep­tion is pre­served;
    2. The pic­ture becomes clear­er;
    3. Addi­tion­al UV pro­tec­tion;
    4. Reduce eye fatigue;
    5. Pro­vide good vis­i­bil­i­ty at night and cloudy weath­er.

5. How to check if the glasses are polarized or not?

To do this, you can con­duct a not very dif­fi­cult test.

We need to take glass­es and rotate them 90 ° rel­a­tive to any LCD screen, if there is noth­ing suit­able near­by, then we can use a reg­u­lar smart­phone, which we always have at hand. If there is a polar­iz­ing fil­ter, then the image will be dark­ened, ordi­nary lens­es will not give such an effect.

We also offer you to con­sid­er oth­er mod­els of sports, pro­tec­tive and sun­glass­es in our store. We are sure that you will def­i­nite­ly find among them an option that suits you.







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