Massage rollers — why are they needed?


Many peo­ple asso­ci­at­ed with sports — ath­letes, sports doc­tors, train­ers — say that mas­sage rollers are a mod­ern approach to restor­ing the body after a work­out or to warm up the mus­cles before phys­i­cal activ­i­ty or train­ing. One small tool is a mas­sage roller (MPR roller), which is suit­able for the back, shoul­ders, feet, hips and but­tocks, it helps to deeply work the mus­cles, relax and relieve pain. The embossed sur­face of the medi­um-hard fit­ness roller has a favor­able mas­sage effect. The mas­sage roller can improve flex­i­bil­i­ty, pos­ture, mobil­i­ty and bal­ance, and gen­er­al­ly strength­en the entire mus­cu­lar frame of the body, pro­mote weight loss and strength­en mus­cles. The fit­ness cylin­der (mas­sage roller) is suit­able for fit­ness, pilates, yoga, gym­nas­tics, cross­fit, dance, wrestling, run­ning. MFR roller is indis­pens­able in work­ing out mus­cles, elim­i­nat­ing cel­lulite, improv­ing blood cir­cu­la­tion, for mobil­i­ty and joint mobil­i­ty. Myofas­cial MFR roller or, as it is also called, a back mas­sager is suit­able not only for adults, but also for chil­dren. In the process of train­ing, you can notice how blood cir­cu­la­tion has sig­nif­i­cant­ly improved, joint mobil­i­ty has increased, body mobil­i­ty has improved, all sports per­for­mance and the qual­i­ty of train­ing have improved, and all this with the help of an indis­pens­able mas­sage roller! It also makes a great hol­i­day gift.
I want to share with you a link to high-qual­i­ty mas­sage videos. They cor­re­spond to the descrip­tion and test­ed on myself per­son­al­ly!







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