Korean face toner: why use and how to apply?


Prop­er facial care helps women not only stay young longer, but also look fresh and rest­ed every day. One of the main prod­ucts in facial care is ton­er. Today we want to tell you about WHAMISA ton­ers, a pre­mi­um brand from South Korea.

What is a toner?

Ton­er is the first and most impor­tant step in mois­tur­iz­ing, nour­ish­ing and ton­ing. The com­po­si­tion of the ton­er con­tains a large num­ber of com­po­nents that restore the water bal­ance of the skin. It is impor­tant to apply the ton­er to the skin with­in the first 3 sec­onds after you wash your face. You don’t need to wipe or soak it.

What does a toner do?

It instant­ly and deeply mois­tur­izes the der­mis after the cleans­ing stage, pro­tects the skin from mois­ture loss, and also pre­pares it for the appli­ca­tion of cos­met­ics. For exam­ple, many creams con­tain mois­ture-retain­ing ingre­di­ents, and if you use a ton­er before apply­ing the cream, the cream will work bet­ter. The ton­er also neu­tral­izes the neg­a­tive effects of tap water, there­by restor­ing the nat­ur­al pH of the skin.

In the WHAMISA assort­ment there are as many as 3 options for this cat­e­go­ry of prod­ucts:

  • Orig­i­nal ton­er based on flower enzymes. It con­tains 97.95% ingre­di­ents of organ­ic ori­gin. It eas­i­ly and effec­tive­ly restores the opti­mal water bal­ance of the skin. Organ­ic extracts soothe it and pre­pare it for the next step of mois­tur­iz­ing. The pecu­liar­i­ty of this ton­er is that it is suit­able for all skin types.
  • A rich ton­er based on flo­ral enzymes. It con­tains 97.40% ingre­di­ents of organ­ic ori­gin. The prod­uct has a com­fort­able serum con­sis­ten­cy that nour­ish­es, cleans­es and revi­tal­izes the skin. The ton­er also neu­tral­izes the neg­a­tive effects of tap water and pro­longs the mois­tur­iz­ing effect. This option is ide­al for dry and nor­mal skin.
  • Refresh­ing ton­er based on flower enzymes. It con­tains 97.96% ingre­di­ents of organ­ic ori­gin. In addi­tion to the main action, the prod­uct revi­tal­izes and tones the skin, nar­row­ing its pores. This ton­er will per­fect the skin of oily and com­bi­na­tion types.

How to apply toner?

After you have cleansed your skin, apply a small amount of ton­er to your palms. Spread even­ly over face, neck and décol­leté with fin­ger­tips. Let the ton­er absorb. Ton­er can and should be used dai­ly in the morn­ing and evening. Whamisa lotion and/or mois­tur­iz­er is rec­om­mend­ed after ton­er.

What is the 7 step approach to skin care?

The Kore­an skin­care phi­los­o­phy uses a 7‑step approach when apply­ing ton­er. It involves the grad­ual and repeat­ed appli­ca­tion of the prod­uct:

  1. After make-up remover, you apply the ton­er for the first time with a cot­ton pad, remov­ing any remain­ing impu­ri­ties.
  2. Reap­pli­ca­tion of ton­er with a cot­ton pad is the final cleans­ing.
  3. The third stage requires expo­sure with­in 3 min­utes after the sec­ond stage. After this time, the ton­er is applied with your hands, light­ly pat­ting the skin with your fin­gers. Such a light mas­sage will help the prod­uct to be bet­ter absorbed.
  4. Next, we repeat the expo­sure of three min­utes and car­ry out the pro­ce­dure for apply­ing the ton­er 4 more times, each time main­tain­ing a pause before apply­ing.

What gives such an approach?

Thanks to the grad­ual appli­ca­tion, the skin com­plete­ly gets rid of bal­last sub­stances. It is also most ful­ly sat­u­rat­ed with mois­ture, which pre­vents the main fac­tor of aging — dehy­dra­tion.

Why is WHAMISA cosmetics good?

The unique tech­nol­o­gy allows the use of up to 99% of organ­ic raw mate­ri­als from cer­ti­fied plan­ta­tions in the com­po­si­tion of prod­ucts, with­out the use of preser­v­a­tives and harm­ful sub­stances. As a result of a com­plex chem­i­cal process, the mol­e­cules of organ­ic ingre­di­ents are bro­ken down and reduced, thus increas­ing the con­cen­tra­tion of ben­e­fi­cial sub­stances and enhanc­ing the effect on the skin. In the pro­duc­tion of Whamisa cos­met­ics, an anhy­drous base is used, obtained from organ­ic plants — aloe vera juice, chrysan­the­mum, nat­ur­al oils and med­i­c­i­nal plants.

The cos­met­ics are suit­able for veg­ans and are not test­ed on ani­mals.

Whamisa cos­met­ics pro­vide bal­anced care for all skin types in a sim­ple dai­ly beau­ty rit­u­al.







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