Freshness and volume: why you need a scalp scrub


Oily scalp, itch­ing, peel­ing, dis­com­fort? Lack of root vol­ume? Unruly hair? Hair loss and slow growth? If you answered yes to at least some of these ques­tions, then maybe you should try a scalp scrub. And not a chem­i­cal peel, which, of course, is also good, but for a slight­ly dif­fer­ent pur­pose, but a clas­sic scrub. Yes, yes, both for the body and face. For exam­ple, “Your Fresh Head”.

It is based on fine salt crys­tals for a del­i­cate but deep scrub­bing of the scalp. They seem to “release” the hair fol­li­cles and pores from the cap­tiv­i­ty of dead epi­der­mis scales, styling residues, excess sebum, day­time pol­lu­tion, smog, dust and pollen. All these “lit­tle things” accu­mu­late on the scalp, and not only on the strands, and at some point can cause not only dis­com­fort, but also wors­en the appear­ance and even health!

To pre­vent this from hap­pen­ing, our experts have devel­oped a spe­cial tool for extra cleans­ing of the scalp. By the way, in addi­tion to its main task — exfo­li­a­tion and main­tain­ing a feel­ing of fresh­ness and clean­li­ness, the scrub has a pro­nounced mas­sage effect, stim­u­lates blood cir­cu­la­tion and micro­cir­cu­la­tion, acti­vates dor­mant hair fol­li­cles and accel­er­ates hair growth.

In the com­po­si­tion you will find D‑panthenol, avo­ca­do and argan oils, vit­a­min A and a com­plex of plant extracts. D‑panthenol not only soft­ens the skin and nor­mal­izes regen­er­a­tion process­es, but also relieves irri­ta­tion, reduces red­ness and itch­ing. Avo­ca­do and argan oils inten­sive­ly nour­ish the curls and scalp, while there is no effect of weight­ing. Vit­a­min A works as an antiox­i­dant and slows down the pre­ma­ture aging process. A com­bi­na­tion of extracts of cal­en­du­la, chamomile, lin­den, clover, wild rose, plan­tain, suc­ces­sion and lemon balm soothes and at the same time tones the scalp, heal­ing and heal­ing micro-inflam­ma­tions.

Scrub “Your Fresh Head” is eas­i­ly and com­plete­ly washed off, does not scratch or dam­age the epi­der­mis.







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