Why do you need a bath for a bath?


Banana zaparka is noth­ing more than dried med­i­c­i­nal herbs, crushed to a pow­der state. They are stored in can­vas, linen or chintz bags, and are used as need­ed to cre­ate the right atmos­phere or to obtain a heal­ing effect in the steam room.

It is like­ly that our ances­tors used bunch­es of dried herbs as a par­ka, which were kept hang­ing in attics and sheds. Herbs in the bath were brewed with boil­ing water, and the broth was splashed on a red-hot stove or stones. When it evap­o­rat­ed, the air was filled with var­i­ous sub­stances (phy­ton­cides, essen­tial oils, etc.), which are used to treat var­i­ous dis­eases, strength­en and main­tain health.

Today, it has become incon­ve­nient to store bath grass in bunch­es, so they began to grind it and pack it in small bags. And so the bath­house was born. It began to be used along with kvass, beer and herbal infu­sions, which were pre­vi­ous­ly used in the steam room.

Unlike infu­sion, zaparka is stored in dried form for a long time, and before vis­it­ing the bath, it is quick­ly brewed with boil­ing water. Smart Tex­tile pro­duces bath infu­sions from nat­ur­al herbs and mate­ri­als with­out the addi­tion of fra­grances. Small cloth bags filled with chopped herbs are pack­aged in a set of three.

Essen­tial oils per­fect­ly cope with headaches, increase the effi­cien­cy of the body, strength­en the immune sys­tem:

Pep­per­mint is an excel­lent seda­tive for the ner­vous sys­tem. The men­thol aro­ma of mint relieves irri­tabil­i­ty and stim­u­lates the activ­i­ty of the car­dio­vas­cu­lar sys­tem.

Cal­en­du­la — has a pro­nounced anti­sep­tic and anti-inflam­ma­to­ry action. Pro­motes the restora­tion of dam­aged cells, has a mild seda­tive effect.

Lemon­grass (schizan­dra) — pre­vents the devel­op­ment of neu­ro­sis, relieves insom­nia. Elim­i­nates pain in mus­cles and joints, improves blood cir­cu­la­tion and strength­ens the immune sys­tem.

Moth­er­wort — has a calm­ing and relax­ing effect. Low­ers blood pres­sure, improves blood cir­cu­la­tion and active­ly strength­ens the immune sys­tem.

How to use steam: Fill the bag with boil­ing water and insist in a spe­cial steam­er (or basin) for 15–20 min­utes. Water the stones in small por­tions of the pre­pared infu­sion, after wet­ting them with clean water at least two times. Repeat the pro­ce­dure, enjoy­ing the nat­ur­al and ben­e­fi­cial aro­ma of nature.







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