Foot patches. What is it and why?


There is no truth in the legs. But they often have a feel­ing of fatigue after a long day at work, heav­i­ness and even pain. The best solu­tion to the prob­lem is to spend the evening with a cool foot bath, but there is a more effec­tive and mul­ti­func­tion­al rem­e­dy — foot patch patch­es.

Patch­es are attached to the feet in the sen­si­tive area, where the most active pen­e­tra­tion into the skin of ben­e­fi­cial sub­stances from a spe­cial herbal com­po­si­tion. The com­po­si­tion is in a small paper sachet, sim­i­lar to a tea bag. Patch­es can be used by both women and men, there are no age restric­tions either.

If you stick patch­es at night, you can imme­di­ate­ly get sev­er­al use­ful results:

— relieve feel­ings of fatigue

— reduc­tion of puffi­ness

— improved qual­i­ty of sleep

— Reduc­ing rest­less legs syn­drome

— reduc­tion of snor­ing

— slight pres­sure drop

— gen­er­al improve­ment in well-being in the morn­ing and through­out the day

— reduced risk of vari­cose veins

The patch­es con­tain plant extracts — mint, arti­choke, worm­wood, med­lar, tour­ma­line pow­der, coal, chitin, as well as cam­phor and bam­boo vine­gar. This rich, and most impor­tant­ly, nat­ur­al for­mu­la pen­e­trates deep into the skin and pro­vides a wide range of ben­e­fits, help­ing you feel lighter in your legs and improve your well-being.

The order in which patch­es are used is as fol­lows:

1. The skin of the feet must be clean and dry before use. It is best to apply patch­es before going to bed.

2. Remove the pro­tec­tive coat­ing from the patch. Remove the herbal sachet from the sachet and place it in the mid­dle of the patch, turn­ing the sachet with the mesh side up.

3. Glue the patch with the sachet to the soles of the feet, plac­ing it in the mid­dle. Often in the pack­age you can find spe­cial instruc­tions with active stop points, where it is bet­ter to attach the patch­es.

4. After 6–8 hours, remove the patch and gen­tly wipe the skin from the rem­nants of the con­tents of the sachet. Wash feet if nec­es­sary.

5. Apply 2–3 times a week with a course of at least 5 pro­ce­dures for the full man­i­fes­ta­tion of the desired effects.

Foot patch­es are anoth­er of the nat­ur­al reme­dies that are brought from the east, in par­tic­u­lar from Thai­land. Whiten­ing pastes, herbal balms, silk­worm cocoons, and now foot patch­es have become avail­able to us.

Take care of your feet, your health and well-being. And your body will be grate­ful to you, answer you with long and healthy years of life!







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