Why do I need a cocoon diaper for newborns?


I share my expe­ri­ence, I am a moth­er of two chil­dren — 4 years and 6 months. I learned about such a dia­per in 2018, then it was a nov­el­ty. I was preg­nant then and my friend gave me this dia­per and rec­om­mend­ed to take it to the hos­pi­tal, which I did. And then my son was born, he turned out to be very high­ly sen­si­tive, he slept bad­ly and the cocoon dia­per just saved me. As a result, the son slept in a sleep­ing bag for up to a year, although I thought that I would only use the first months, while the kids wake them­selves up with their hands.

By the way, I some­how tried to swad­dle him, but it didn’t work out for me, it was a pity for me to tight­en it very tight­ly, and if I swad­dle weak­er, I very quick­ly got my arms and legs out of ordi­nary dia­pers. With my youngest daugh­ter, I myself bought sev­er­al dia­pers of cocoons in advance and took them to the hos­pi­tal. She also sleeps bet­ter in them. I use a cocoon for all dreams, after 5 months a huge plus is that the child will not crawl away wak­ing up, because. we have a crib attached to ours with­out a side and from 5 months old my daugh­ter qui­et­ly crawls out of it, and with a dia­per I am calm that she will not crawl to the edge. In my expe­ri­ence, I pre­fer a dia­per with a zip­per, because Vel­cro is not so reli­able, my son pulled his hands out of it all the time.

The birth of my daugh­ter inspired me to cre­ate a cocoon pele­ka. Our BabySleep brand presents a styl­ish and very soft dia­per, gen­tle inter­lock for baby’s del­i­cate skin. Full length light­ning pro­tec­tion. By the way, the mod­el in the pho­to is my daugh­ter, she also sleeps in our dia­pers.







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