Who and why buys home TV stands in Russia?


In our coun­try, tele­vi­sion stands are still per­ceived by many as equip­ment for offices or class­rooms. But abroad, the advan­tages of racks for the home have long been appre­ci­at­ed. Most mod­els have wheels, they are easy to move around an apart­ment or a coun­try house, which you can’t do with a hinged brack­et. By pur­chas­ing a stand, you avoid the need to drill into the wall and gain free­dom of move­ment. There are both large and medi­um sized mod­els on the mar­ket today. There is a place for them even with a lim­it­ed area. The design of the racks has also changed. Now they can dec­o­rate even a sophis­ti­cat­ed inte­ri­or. Racks have become more ele­gant. There is a choice of col­ors. There are already mod­els on the mar­ket in white, blue and even red. There are even stands made of wood. Anoth­er ques­tion is that no mat­ter how many new prod­ucts are announced, TV stands rarely reach Rus­sia. But there are already pos­i­tive exam­ples. For exam­ple, ONKRON TS2551.

This rack seems to be spe­cial­ly designed for home use. It is small: its max­i­mum height is 1.5 meters, and the base area is less than a meter. At the same time, the mod­el is one of the most durable. It is made of high qual­i­ty steel and alu­minum. You can safe­ly hang a TV weigh­ing up to 30 kg on it. In this case, the diag­o­nal of the screen can reach 60 inch­es. The stand has a lacon­ic design and will eas­i­ly fit into inte­ri­ors of dif­fer­ent styles. Cus­tomers love the two remov­able shelves. They can accom­mo­date a game con­sole or sound­bar. Shelves can be eas­i­ly adjust­ed in height or com­plete­ly removed if they are not need­ed.

The same applies to the height of the stand itself. With the help of a spring lock, you can eas­i­ly and quick­ly change the height of the TV in 6 modes. For exam­ple, in the nurs­ery it is often nec­es­sary to low­er the screen low­er, and in the kitchen, on the con­trary, to raise it. If you want to com­plete­ly change the place where you watch TV, then the wheels will come in handy. With them, the rack can be eas­i­ly trans­port­ed from room to room and secure­ly fixed. Each wheel is equipped with a built-in brake. Many buy­ers are quite often wor­ried about the assem­bly process. Here, man­u­fac­tur­ers have pro­vid­ed for all the lit­tle things. The pack­age includes all nec­es­sary fas­ten­ers and step-by-step instruc­tions. Even begin­ners can assem­ble the stand in less than 30 min­utes. The ONKRON TS2551 stand strikes a bal­ance between reli­a­bil­i­ty and func­tion­al­i­ty. With it, you can watch TV any­where, the main thing is the sock­et near­by.







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