What is a PULSE OXIMETER and why is it needed?


In our new world, the world of pan­demics and oth­er unknown dis­eases, more and more often peo­ple ask them­selves the ques­tion: How to main­tain health, and how to be aware of all the impor­tant process­es in your body! 2020 knocked down the whole world and shook the nerves and health of mil­lions of cit­i­zens of the plan­et! Now on the world mar­ket there is a very large selec­tion of devices for mon­i­tor­ing your health, which you can and should have not only for peo­ple with weak immu­ni­ty and peo­ple of advanced age, but also from 20 years old and above! World expe­ri­ence has shown us that no one is immune from the impact of harm­ful and dan­ger­ous bac­te­ria! Of the many devices and gad­gets, house­hold fin­ger pulse oxime­ter is now gain­ing pop­u­lar­i­ty! It is very easy to use and can be used by peo­ple of all ages! The main advan­tages of this device is that it will show you the per­cent­age of oxy­gen in the SO2 blood and the pulse in real time with an accu­ra­cy of 99.9! Many peo­ple won­der why I need to know oxy­gen and pulse, if I feel bad, I will call an ambu­lance and when the ambu­lance offi­cers come, they will check every­thing and find out! Well, first­ly: if you feel bad, you can mea­sure the read­ings of your body and for ear­li­er, when call­ing an ambu­lance, report your tes­ti­mo­ny! Thus, you speed up the diag­no­sis and pos­si­bly save your life or the life of your loved ones. The pulse oxime­ter is becom­ing pop­u­lar among ath­letes and peo­ple with an active lifestyle! Indeed, with any kind of sports, you need to con­trol your pulse, and with such a com­pact device it is very easy and fast to do! The oxy­gen lev­el in the blood should not be less than 94 per­cent, the nor­mal oxy­gen con­tent in the blood is 97–99 per­cent! But the pulse rate is indi­vid­ual, but noma is con­sid­ered 65–80 beats per minute, but peo­ple who are over­weight or with arte­r­i­al hyper­ten­sion most­ly have an increased pulse of 80–100! Experts rec­om­mend not to trust the read­ings of cheap devices, since the error in their read­ings is very large! There are also pulse oxime­ters with the same body but dif­fer­ent fill­ings, so you can often find the same device but with a wide vari­a­tion in cost! We advise you to look at cus­tomer reviews as this is the best indi­ca­tor of whether the game is worth the can­dle! Thank you all for your atten­tion.







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