What is a tagine and why is it needed?


The tagine was invent­ed in Moroc­co, and after the Moroc­cans appre­ci­at­ed the per­for­mance prop­er­ties of the dish­es, the fame of it reached the neigh­bor­ing states.

The secret of the tagine’s design lies in its lid: it is quite high, and in its upper part it heats up much weak­er than in its low­er part. The steam gen­er­at­ed dur­ing cook­ing con­dens­es on the lid and, unlike dish­es with a reg­u­lar, flat lid, does not drip onto the ingre­di­ents, but flows down the slop­ing walls back to the bot­tom of the tagine, where it evap­o­rates again. The process is repeat­ed over and over again. Thus, a unique micro­cli­mate is cre­at­ed in the tagine, and the prod­ucts are cooked in two ways: from below — by heat­ing the base, and from above — almost like steam­ing, so the ingre­di­ents are very ten­der and acquire a spe­cial taste.

The Emile Hen­ry tagine is per­fect for healthy and deli­cious cook­ing. The tagine is made of a spe­cial, durable FLAME ceram­ic, which dis­trib­utes heat opti­mal­ly and pro­motes slow, con­trolled cook­ing of dish­es that are rich in taste and nutri­tion­al prop­er­ties. Unique French ceram­ics are not afraid of tem­per­a­ture changes. It is easy to wash, even in the dish­wash­er. Emile Hen­ry cook­ware is not sub­ject to chips and scratch­es — it is not afraid of met­al and sharp knives and has a 10-year war­ran­ty.

Per­haps many of you have already encoun­tered var­i­ous tagines and may have noticed that some have a hole in the top of the lid, while Emile Hen­ry tagines do not have such holes. The expla­na­tion is quite sim­ple — the holes were or are being made so that the lid does not burst from inter­nal pres­sure, so the ceram­ics may not be strong enough and not with­stand heat. Emile Hen­ry ceram­ics are very strong and with­stand such tests and no holes are need­ed.

Emile Hen­ry tagines are best­sellers for many rea­sons.

• Beau­ti­ful shape, design and col­ors — they will per­fect­ly fit into the inte­ri­or of your kitchen.

• Spec­tac­u­lar serv­ing of dish­es on the table — the WOW effect will be guar­an­teed

• A huge vari­ety of recipes for cook­ing a wide vari­ety of dish­es: meat, fish, veg­eta­bles and even desserts!

• Most impor­tant­ly, excep­tion­al­ly tasty and fra­grant dish­es that will sur­prise every­one and which, at the same time, are pre­pared very eas­i­ly and sim­ply, thanks to the spe­cial tech­nol­o­gy of cook­ing inside the tagine.







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