What is a deshedder and why is it needed?


Prob­a­bly, every­one who has a dog or a cat at least once dreamed that his pet would not shed. After all, ani­mal hair can be found every­where: on fur­ni­ture, on clothes, every­where — wher­ev­er you look. This caus­es not only aes­thet­ic dis­com­fort, but can also cause aller­gic man­i­fes­ta­tions. Few peo­ple are hap­py with this sit­u­a­tion. In this case, the ani­mals them­selves suf­fer. For exam­ple, cats swal­low wool, which caus­es them intesti­nal dis­or­ders.

And in this sit­u­a­tion, deshed­der becomes a real sal­va­tion. After all, this hand tool allows you to sim­ply and pain­less­ly for a pet rid him of the under­coat. And that means sig­nif­i­cant­ly reduc­ing the amount of wool in the house.

Deshed­der, or fur­mi­na­tor as it is also called, is a great item for both cat own­ers and dog own­ers. It is suit­able for both short-haired and long-haired breeds of ani­mals. There is no def­i­nite dif­fer­ence between deshed­ders for cats and dogs.

Deshed­der, due to the spe­cial design of the blades, eas­i­ly reach­es the under­coat of any ani­mal, while not affect­ing live hairs and does not scratch the skin. Reg­u­lar groom­ing using a deshed­der allows you to reduce the process of sea­son­al molt­ing by 2 times. It must be remem­bered that you should start using the deshed­der only when the ani­mal has already formed the skele­ton and the adult molt has begun.

The difference between deshedders and ordinary slicker combs

Many may have a ques­tion — why is not a reg­u­lar comb enough? What is so spe­cial about deshed­der? Com­pared to a slick­er comb, a deshed­der has sev­er­al advan­tages:

  • Does not spoil the struc­ture of the coat, gen­tly and with­out harm remov­ing dead hairs. The deshed­der does not cut the hairs, but lifts them up so as to cap­ture the fine lint from the under­coat of the ani­mal. At the same time, liv­ing hairs remain absolute­ly intact and unharmed due to the unique arrange­ment of the blades and their sharp­en­ing.
  • Deshed­der, allows you to remove the dead inner under­coat. Unfor­tu­nate­ly, con­ven­tion­al combs only go over the sur­face of the wool.
  • Deshed­der pre­vents the for­ma­tion of tan­gles, because with the con­stant use of the deshed­der, dead hairs do not accu­mu­late, do not get tan­gled and do not cause dis­com­fort to the ani­mal.
  • By remov­ing the inner under­coat with a deshed­der, the own­er helps the pet cope with excess wool and improve its health. We must also not for­get that, cats, when lick­ing them­selves, swal­low a lot of hairs. This neg­a­tive­ly affects their gas­troin­testi­nal tract and can cause intesti­nal obstruc­tion.
  • Dur­ing the pro­ce­dure, the skin of the pet is enriched with oxy­gen, which helps to improve the con­di­tion of the epi­der­mis. The seba­ceous glands begin to work more active­ly, which con­tributes to the uni­form dis­tri­b­u­tion of fat­ty lubri­ca­tion. As a result, the coat of pets becomes shinier and smoother.
  • Helps main­tain clean­li­ness. The less your pet sheds, the less often you need to col­lect wool through­out the house.

Terms of use

Groom­ing is a rather lengthy process. It can take from 15 min­utes to sev­er­al hours, depend­ing on the size of the ani­mal and the thick­ness of its coat. There­fore, it is impor­tant that the pet is in a good mood and allowed to comb out com­plete­ly. To do this, the ani­mal must be fed and walked. You can also pre­pare your pet’s favorite toy to dis­tract and soothe. Since not all ani­mals tol­er­ate hygiene pro­ce­dures well.

To com­plete­ly remove all traces of dead under­coat, you will need sev­er­al approach­es. Dur­ing molt­ing, you can comb the ani­mal every 1–2 days. Fur­ther, it will be enough to comb out once a month so that your pet always looks well-groomed. In the sum­mer, this pro­ce­dure can be per­formed more often. Since the absence of excess hair will allow the ani­mal to main­tain nor­mal heat exchange on hot days. Remem­ber that always, first of all, you should focus on the con­di­tion of the pet and its need for this pro­ce­dure.

How to choose a deshedder

If you decide that you need this device, then, of course, you should pay atten­tion to some nuances when choos­ing a deshed­der:

  1. The qual­i­ty of mate­ri­als. The teeth must be made of durable met­al, with­out notch­es and defor­ma­tions. This is very impor­tant, because the hairs of wool should eas­i­ly pass between the blades, with­out get­ting stuck between them and with­out caus­ing dis­com­fort to the ani­mal.
  2. The han­dle should be rub­ber­ized and have embossed inserts. Thanks to this, when work­ing, the deshed­der will not slip in your hand. After all, oth­er­wise you can acci­den­tal­ly harm your pet.
  3. But­ton for auto­mat­ic clean­ing of the comb from combed hairs. It is not required, but its pres­ence great­ly sim­pli­fies and speeds up the groom­ing process.


Reg­u­lar and prop­er use of the deshed­der will make life eas­i­er for your pet, improve its coat and save you from end­less clean­ing of fluff. And most like­ly, hav­ing tried a deshed­der dur­ing a molt, at least once, you will no longer be able to refuse it.







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