Sports shakers: to whom and why


Every per­son who is already involved in sports or just start­ing to train comes to the need to have at hand a suit­able con­tain­er for sports nutri­tion and ordi­nary water, both dur­ing train­ing and in any oth­er con­di­tions (at home, at work, on a walk, on a trip, etc.). etc.) And of course, these dish­es should be of high qual­i­ty, prac­ti­cal, ver­sa­tile and have an attrac­tive appear­ance. In addi­tion, the intake of sports nutri­tion is based on con­sis­ten­cy and reg­u­lar­i­ty, which means you need to drink pro­teins, gain­er, BCAAs and just water not only before, dur­ing and after train­ing, but also dur­ing the day, includ­ing rest days. At the same time, our body does not care where we are and what we are doing, it is impor­tant for it to get the nec­es­sary amount of water and nutri­ents in time, and if it does not get them from food and drinks, it will take them from the mus­cles and oth­er organs.

Now it is most con­ve­nient to use plas­tic sports shak­ers, which are suit­able for mix­ing sports nutri­tion, as well as for ordi­nary water or oth­er drinks. SPORTSTER shak­ers are designed to be as con­ve­nient and prac­ti­cal as pos­si­ble, and here are their advan­tages:
- Russ­ian pro­duc­tion and use of high-qual­i­ty food-grade plas­tic make SPORTSTER shak­ers as durable, flex­i­ble and harm­less as pos­si­ble;
- exe­cu­tion in two vol­umes (700 and 500 ml) allows you to choose the most con­ve­nient shak­er for both pro­tein shakes and water or drinks;
- inter­nal remov­able mesh per­fect­ly stirs pro­teins, BCAA, geyser, etc., with­out cre­at­ing unnec­es­sary noise from for­eign objects (balls, springs, etc.), and is also easy to clean;
- due to their shape, SPORTSTER shak­ers are com­fort­able to hold in any hand (both for a huge man and a frag­ile girl), place in a car cup hold­er or bot­tle hold­er (on a bicy­cle, scoot­er, baby stroller, etc.);
- a spe­cial­ly devel­oped design allows you to cre­ate two uni­ver­sal col­ors that will suit absolute­ly any appear­ance or envi­ron­ment;
- a styl­ish, unusu­al and durable logo is applied with suf­fi­cient qual­i­ty and will not be erased in your bag, in the gym and hands, whether you have hard cal­lus­es, long nails or hard gloves.

In addi­tion, it is very con­ve­nient to use shak­ers of two sizes at once. First­ly: dur­ing train­ing and through­out the day, you can drink ordi­nary water or drinks from a large shak­er, and use a small one sep­a­rate­ly for pro­tein shakes. Sec­ond­ly, after drink­ing a por­tion of BCAA from a small shak­er at home in the morn­ing, you can imme­di­ate­ly wash it and leave it to dry, tak­ing with you anoth­er (oth­ers) that is already dry and will not wet things in your bag, a cup hold­er in the car and your hands. And in the evening, a dry and pleas­ant to the touch shak­er will be wait­ing for you at home for the next por­tion of a cock­tail for the night.

Sum­ming up, we can con­fi­dent­ly say that SPORTSTER sports shak­ers will help you reg­u­lar­ly take sports nutri­tion, drink enough water and do it in any sit­u­a­tion, keep­ing your body healthy and fit.







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