Why do you need a sports shaker


Any per­son who reg­u­lar­ly plays sports comes to the need to keep water or anoth­er drink on hand dur­ing exer­cise. Many addi­tion­al­ly use sports nutri­tion as a dietary sup­ple­ment for more effec­tive mus­cle growth, fat burn­ing, etc. At the same time, one of the most impor­tant com­po­nents in phys­i­cal cul­ture is the con­sis­ten­cy and reg­u­lar­i­ty of train­ing, as well as nutri­tion, includ­ing sports nutri­tion. Our body does not care where we are: at home, at work, at work or for a walk. It is impor­tant for the body not only to get a por­tion of water or sports nutri­tion, but also to do it at the right time, oth­er­wise there will be no desired effect and it can even be harm­ful. And it is impor­tant for us to always be in shape and at the same time remain styl­ish.

This is exact­ly what SPORTSTER sports shak­ers are designed for. They will allow you to drink sports nutri­tion, drinks and reg­u­lar water any­where and at any time and fol­low your regime exact­ly. To do this, we pro­duce shak­ers in two vol­umes (0.7 and 0.5 l): the large one can be used for drink­ing water dur­ing train­ing, walk­ing and oth­er places, and the small one can be used sep­a­rate­ly for mix­ing pro­tein, geyser, BCAA, etc. Using two shak­ers with dif­fer­ent vol­umes at once will keep them always clean and your things in your bag dry. For exam­ple: in the morn­ing after charg­ing, you drank from a small BCAA shak­er (you don’t need a large one for this) and imme­di­ate­ly washed it. And when leav­ing home, you take with you anoth­er large shak­er (you can already with water or your favorite drink), which has already dried up overnight and will not wet things in your bag, a cup hold­er in the car and your hands. Dur­ing the day you use a large shak­er, and at home in the evening a dry and pleas­ant to the touch small shak­er will be wait­ing for you for an evening por­tion of KSB or casein)!)

Using SPORTSTER shak­ers, you can be sure that noth­ing will leak out of it and noth­ing will get wet or dirty, because our shak­ers are made in Rus­sia from high-qual­i­ty food-grade plas­tic and their strength is con­stant­ly test­ed. Inside each shak­er there is a remov­able mesh that per­fect­ly stirs any addi­tive with­out lumps and excess noise from var­i­ous springs, balls and oth­er dan­gling objects.

The shape and dimen­sions of the shak­ers are spe­cial­ly select­ed to make them com­fort­able to hold in the hand of any per­son: both a huge ath­lete and a frag­ile girl, and the diam­e­ter is per­fect for car cup hold­ers and any bot­tle hold­ers (on a bicy­cle, scoot­er, baby stroller, etc.) .). We chose the col­ors and logo of the shak­ers in such a way that they are uni­ver­sal and fit any gen­der and style. The dura­bil­i­ty of the logo allows you to car­ry the shak­er in a bag with clothes and shoes, with­out fear for its era­sure and dam­age.

And if you are just plan­ning to start exer­cis­ing or inten­si­fy­ing your work­outs, buy­ing a shak­er can push you to go for anoth­er work­out, adjust your diet, drink the right amount of water, etc.

To make sure that SPORTSTER shak­ers will real­ly bring more con­ve­nience and ben­e­fit to your life, you can buy them in our Wild­ber­ry store at this link.







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