What is membrane tissue used for?


Mem­brane fab­ric is an inno­v­a­tive mate­r­i­al with selec­tive per­me­abil­i­ty. Pos­sess­es the increased pro­tec­tive prop­er­ties. Helps keep you dry while still being breath­able.

The struc­ture and mech­a­nism of action of the mem­brane

Mem­branes are usu­al­ly divid­ed into porous (con­tain­ing pores) and non-porous (not con­tain­ing pores).

Mem­brane with pores — sweat removal is built on the pres­ence of tiny pore cells, too small for water to squeeze through, but large enough for steam to escape through them.

Mem­brane with­out pores — looks like a sponge that absorbs sweat vapor and turns them into a liq­uid, which is pushed out by the pres­sure dif­fer­ence.

In some mate­ri­als, dif­fer­ent mem­branes are com­bined, a lay­er with­out pores is laid on the out­side, and with pores on the inside.

Our prod­ucts use a HARD-TEX® mem­brane, we will get to know it.

Main characteristics of the membrane

The mem­brane does not per­form insu­lat­ing func­tions. It pro­tects from rain, wind, snow, pro­vides “breath­ing” to the body.

What should you pay atten­tion to when choos­ing?


With a heavy down­pour, any fab­ric will begin to leak, the water resis­tance indi­ca­tor is respon­si­ble for pro­tec­tion from var­i­ous pre­cip­i­ta­tion. How is it cal­cu­lat­ed? On an area of ​​1 cm², a pres­sure is cre­at­ed that is equal to the pres­sure of the water col­umn.

To be clear, cloth­ing designed for extreme con­di­tions must with­stand from 20,000 mm, the water resis­tance of our ENDURO waders up to 25,000 mm

Vapor permeability

With it, you can under­stand how much water vapor the mem­brane can pass per day. The high­er the indi­ca­tor, the eas­i­er it is for the body to main­tain a com­fort­able body tem­per­a­ture.

It is mea­sured as fol­lows: (g / m² / 24h). ENDURO waders have a steam con­duc­tiv­i­ty index of 7000 g/m²/24h.

Fabric structure

Con­sid­er the struc­ture of the fab­rics that we use to cre­ate equip­ment.

Inter­nal lin­ing — pro­tects against dam­age, clog­ging.

Pro­tec­tive lay­er — helps pre­vent neg­a­tive effects on the mem­brane.

HARD-TEX mem­brane — a spe­cial wear-resis­tant four-lay­er fab­ric is used, which has the fol­low­ing char­ac­ter­is­tics:

- High water resis­tance 20,000mm — Breatha­bil­i­ty 7000g/m2/24h

Addi­tion­al pro­tec­tive lay­er.

Wear-resis­tant out­er mate­r­i­al — pro­tects the mem­brane from both mechan­i­cal dam­age and clog­ging.

+ water-repel­lent impreg­na­tion DWR or TEFLON. Apply on top. The coat­ing can be washed off over time, but is eas­i­ly restored with spe­cial means.







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