Why do you need a hammock for rodents?


Every liv­ing being needs a com­fort­able, cozy and safe home!

The own­ers of rodents who love their pets try to cre­ate good con­di­tions in the cages for rodents by plac­ing var­i­ous devices for games and recre­ation!

A rodent ham­mock is one of the most impor­tant devices for the com­fort of an ani­mal!

A ham­mock is a com­fort­able bed for a rodent, which increas­es the usable area of ​​the cage, form­ing an addi­tion­al floor.

Pros of a hammock for rodents:

  1. Ver­sa­til­i­ty: can serve as a house for rodents, a swing, a shel­ter, a place to sleep and rest, and every­thing that the ani­mal wants!

  2. Sav­ing floor space!
  3. Use for enter­tain­ment and games (rock­er)
  4. Ease of main­te­nance
  5. It is con­ve­nient to leave the ani­mal in the cage, putting it on a ham­mock dur­ing clean­ing in the cage, when chang­ing the bed­ding.

Benefits of HappyMouse pet hammocks:

  • Made from hypoal­ler­genic fleece.
  • The mate­r­i­al of the pet ham­mock allows air to pass through, but at the same time it retains heat very well!
  • Fas­ten­ing in the cage with reli­able, met­al cara­bin­ers (impos­si­ble to gnaw through)
  • The bed has an opti­mal size (29*24 cm) for rodents of small and medi­um size
  • Ver­sa­til­i­ty — fits in any cage for rodents
  • The lounger has a pock­et (hole) where the ani­mal can hide, sleep (a full-fledged hang­ing house for rodents)
  • Easy to care for (the rodent ham­mock is machine wash­able up to 40 degrees)

- Handmade!
- Production — Russia!

The need for a hammock in a cage for rodents is obvious!

We hope that you will please your pets by order­ing a won­der­ful ham­mock for rodents from the Hap­py­Mouse brand!

Each HappyMouse pet hammock is handcrafted with love for your pets!







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