How to install RSAT for Windows 10

How to install RSAT for Windows 10

Many users, espe­cial­ly sys­tem admin­is­tra­tors, often need to con­nect to a remote serv­er or work­sta­tion to per­form tech­ni­cal work or pro­vide assis­tance with some appli­ca­tions, so Microsoft devel­op­ers have pro­vid­ed this capa­bil­i­ty in their oper­at­ing sys­tems. As a result, our edi­to­r­i­al team decid­ed to make a guide on how to install RSAT and oth­er remote access tools to be able to ser­vice your com­put­er from any­where with an inter­net con­nec­tion.

What is RSAT?

Microsoft has been releas­ing oper­at­ing sys­tems for orga­niz­ing servers under the Win­dows Serv­er brand for a very long time, but the first ver­sions of this soft­ware could use remote con­trol of oth­er com­put­ers only via an RDP con­nec­tion, which is not very con­ve­nient, since all data dis­ap­peared after a com­mu­ni­ca­tion ses­sion. Sub­se­quent­ly, this defect was elim­i­nat­ed in serv­er ver­sions of the OS, and start­ing from the sev­enth gen­er­a­tion of stan­dard Win­dows prod­ucts, users have the oppor­tu­ni­ty to install a spe­cial mod­ule that per­forms remote con­nec­tion with­out being tied to RDP tech­nol­o­gy.

The RSAT soft­ware pack­age, which stands for Remote Serv­er Admin­is­tra­tion Tools, allows you to estab­lish com­mu­ni­ca­tion with a remote sys­tem with­out resort­ing to using the desk­top, but at the same time, the admin­is­tra­tor gets access to all the main sec­tions of the com­put­er, includ­ing edit­ing the reg­istry, installing roles, delim­it­ing access rights, and etc. More­over, this method makes it pos­si­ble to con­nect simul­ta­ne­ous­ly to all users with­in the same domain, with­out heavy load on the serv­er, which is very con­ve­nient, for exam­ple, when using the SQL-Serv­er plat­form in large enter­pris­es.

Installing RSAT on Windows 10


There are four impor­tant things to con­sid­er before installing RSAT:

- in serv­er ver­sions of Win­dows Serv­er, start­ing from “2012” and “R2”, the RSAT pack­age is built in by default, so there is no need to down­load it

- RSAT can only be installed on full-fea­tured OS ver­sions, includ­ing “Pro­fes­sion­al”, “Enter­prise” and “Edu­ca­tion”, a full list of which can be viewed on the offi­cial web­site with the mod­i­fi­ca­tion “Home Edi­tion” or “Lite Ver­sion” this util­i­ty will not work, as well as in sys­tems with a sin­gle-core archi­tec­ture of proces­sors

- before instal­la­tion, it is extreme­ly impor­tant to erase all pre­vi­ous remote admin­is­tra­tion tools, includ­ing third-par­ty soft­ware, as, accord­ing to our experts, this is the main rea­son for RSAT to work incor­rect­ly

- Win­dows 10, start­ing with the Octo­ber 2018 updates, is already equipped with RSAT admin­is­tra­tion tools, so after installing this pack­age, all com­po­nents will already be includ­ed

If all of the above require­ments are met, you can pro­ceed to down­load the RSAT file on the resource in accor­dance with the bit­ness of the oper­at­ing sys­tem and to its sub­se­quent stan­dard instal­la­tion, which usu­al­ly takes a long time.

Configuring RSAT Components

After instal­la­tion, open the “Con­trol Pan­el” by cre­at­ing the appro­pri­ate request through the search bar of the “Start” menu, where you need to select “Turn Win­dows fea­tures on or off” from the “Pro­grams and Fea­tures” sec­tion. At the next stage, it remains to find the “Remote Serv­er Admin­is­tra­tion Tools” item and check the box­es for the nec­es­sary mod­ules, after which you can start using the new func­tions.

Accord­ing to our spe­cial­ists, many users are faced with the prob­lem of the absence of admin­is­tra­tion com­po­nents in this list, which can hap­pen for many rea­sons, among which the most com­mon is incor­rect instal­la­tion of the lan­guage local­iza­tion, which must be changed to EN-US by open­ing the “Time and lan­guage” tab through a request to search for the start menu and select “Eng­lish (Unit­ed States)” and con­firm with the “Use as pri­ma­ry lan­guage” but­ton, after which you will need to reboot the sys­tem.

In addi­tion, after the auto­mat­ic Win­dows 10 update from Octo­ber 2018, all remote admin­is­tra­tion tools dis­ap­pear, as a result of which you will have to rein­stall the RSAT pack­age or sim­ply run the com­mand Get-Win­dows­Capa­bil­i­ty ‑Name RSAT* ‑Online | Add-Win­dows­Capa­bil­i­ty ‑Online through the “Pow­er Shell” util­i­ty, run as an admin­is­tra­tor, which can be opened through a query of the same name in the Start menu search.

It is also impor­tant to take into account that in the lat­est ver­sions, after installing RSAT, all admin­is­tra­tion mod­ules will already be includ­ed, and you can use them by open­ing the “Admin­is­tra­tion” sec­tion by request­ing the “Start” menu.

Connecting via RSAT

At the next stage, in the same sec­tion, we find “Serv­er Man­ag­er” and dou­ble-click to open it, after which the “Mon­i­tor­ing Pan­el” will appear, allow­ing you to add servers, cre­ate groups, assign roles, and so on, but this can only be done if the com­put­er is in a cer­tain domain. If you need a remote con­nec­tion to the “Active Direc­to­ry” from an alter­na­tive work­group, you will need to per­form the fol­low­ing steps:

  1. cre­ate a new con­sole by run­ning the “mmc” com­mand;

  2. open “File” — “Add or remove snap-in” — “Active Direc­to­ry Users and Com­put­ers” — “Ok” — “File” — “Save”;

  3. hold down “Shift” and click “RMB” on the saved file, where you should select “Run as anoth­er user”, after which you need to enter the name and pass­word from the remote com­put­er;

  4. at the last stage, it remains to click “RMB” on the “Active Direc­to­ry Users and Com­put­ers” fold­er and select “Change Domain …”, where you need to spec­i­fy the domain name and enter the pass­word, after which the struc­ture of the attached “Active Direc­to­ry” should be dis­played.

It is also impor­tant to remem­ber that when car­ry­ing out such manip­u­la­tions, it will be ide­al to assign admin­is­tra­tor rights to both accounts on the con­nect­ed com­put­ers, oth­er­wise this con­nec­tion may not work.

How to connect to a remote desktop using Windows 10

To remote­ly con­nect to anoth­er desk­top in Win­dows 10, there is a util­i­ty of the same name that can be opened through the Start menu request, but before that, both com­put­ers must be pre­pared, which includes the fol­low­ing steps:

  1. view the name of the con­nect­ed PC;

  2. set­ting a sta­t­ic IP address;

  3. set­ting remote access per­mis­sions.

The first step is to find out the name of the com­put­er to which you plan to con­nect by click­ing “RMB” and select­ing “Prop­er­ties” on the “This PC” icon in the “Start” menu or by cre­at­ing a “Sys­tem” query here.

Then you should set a per­ma­nent IP address due to pos­si­ble con­stant dis­con­nec­tions due to its change, for which you need to go to the “Net­work and Shar­ing Cen­ter” upon request through the “Start” sys­tem search bar, where you need to click on the con­nec­tion name, and in the pop-up win­dow, click “Prop­er­ties” — “IP ver­sion 4 (TCP / IPv4) — “Prop­er­ties”, where you need to set the “Use the fol­low­ing IP address” sec­tion and enter the address 192.168.1.xx — the last dig­it can be set in the range from 0–255, but must not match the address of the con­nect­ed com­put­er on the local net­work.

Next, in the pre­vi­ous “Sys­tem” block, you will need to select the “Remote Access Set­tings” sec­tion, where in the “Remote Access” tab you need to check the box­es next to “Allow remote assis­tance con­nec­tions to this com­put­er” and “Allow remote con­nec­tions to this com­put­er”, and then click “Apply”.

Next, we look for the pro­gram “Remote Desk­top Con­nec­tion” and run it, after which in the “Com­put­er” field we enter the name of the com­put­er or its address, if it is known and click “Con­nect”, as a result of which a form will appear in which you need to spec­i­fy the pass­word for the account admin­is­tra­tor, but this will hap­pen pro­vid­ed that every­thing was done cor­rect­ly before.

After enter­ing the cor­rect pass­word, the desk­top of the con­nect­ed com­put­er will be dis­played on the mon­i­tor, for which you can work just like your own.

How to connect via macOS

How to install RSAT for Windows 10

For own­ers of Apple lap­tops and oth­er gad­gets, Microsoft has also pro­vid­ed the abil­i­ty to set up a remote con­nec­tion by down­load­ing the “Remote Microsoft Desk­top” appli­ca­tion from the offi­cial online store “App­Store”. After start­ing the util­i­ty, it remains to enter all the nec­es­sary data about the remote sys­tem and click “Con­nect”.

Connection via mobile devices

Users of smart­phones run­ning “Android” and “IOS” can also use the pro­gram “Remote Microsoft Desk­top” down­loaded from “Google Play” or “Win­dows Store” depend­ing on the OS installed on the device.

Installing Third Party Software

Based on the infor­ma­tion pre­sent­ed in this mate­r­i­al, it becomes clear that all of the above meth­ods of installing remote con­trol are not very suit­able for ordi­nary users due to the com­plex­i­ty of the set­tings and the need for pro­fes­sion­al sys­tem admin­is­tra­tion skills, which, accord­ing to our experts, is much eas­i­er for For these pur­pos­es, use third-par­ty plat­forms, the best of which are:

  1. “Team View­er”;

  2. Ammy Admin.

The first util­i­ty is easy to use, since it only requires mutu­al instal­la­tion on the con­nect­ed com­put­ers of this soft­ware, which is avail­able for down­load on the offi­cial web­site
https://www.teamviewer.comafter which it remains only to find out the part­ner’s iden­ti­fi­ca­tion num­ber and enter it in the appro­pri­ate sec­tion, and then, if the con­nec­tion is con­firmed, the mon­i­tor will dis­play some­one else’s active desk­top, which can be con­trolled as on your com­put­er.

The “Ammyy Admin” plat­form is very sim­i­lar in prin­ci­ple to the pre­vi­ous pro­gram, that is, to con­nect, you only need an iden­ti­fi­er and con­fir­ma­tion of the con­nec­tion from the oth­er side, but in addi­tion there is a built-in file man­ag­er, launched by press­ing the blue icon of the active win­dow, through which you can trans­fer data one-time up to 140 giga­bytes. In addi­tion, the pro­gram is equipped with a voice chat for com­mu­ni­ca­tion between users, which allows it to be used for remote learn­ing. Also, a sig­nif­i­cant advan­tage of “Ammy Admin” is the abil­i­ty to auto­mat­i­cal­ly start its own Win­dows ser­vice, which, among oth­er things, allows you to remote­ly reboot servers and com­put­ers, restor­ing com­mu­ni­ca­tion with them after load­ing. As a result, accord­ing to our team of spe­cial­ists, “Ammyy Admin” is best suit­ed for novice sys­tem admin­is­tra­tors who can con­nect to any com­put­er on the net­work with­out hav­ing to go through var­i­ous com­pli­cat­ed set­tings.

Thank you, we hope this infor­ma­tion will be use­ful for you!






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