The best air purifiers for the home in 2022

The best air purifiers for the home in 2022


Accord­ing to the rec­om­men­da­tions of doc­tors, it is nec­es­sary to ven­ti­late the rooms of an apart­ment or house sev­er­al times a day. Let’s say we real­ly do it: we still want to be healthy. The prob­lem is that the air from the street is far from clean: car exhaust, dust, aller­gens like plant pollen and oth­er sub­stances harm­ful to humans freely enter the house and degrade air qual­i­ty. For­tu­nate­ly, there is a solu­tion to this prob­lem: an air puri­fi­er.

For some mod­els extend­ed fea­ture set. They can not only clean, but also, for exam­ple, main­tain the cor­rect bal­ance of ionswhich is impor­tant for sleep and over­all health.

In the arti­cle we will tell you what clean­ers are, what indi­ca­tors should be checked when choos­ing, and imag­ine top ten air puri­fiers of 2022.

How to choose the right air purifier?

The best air purifiers for the home in 2022

When choos­ing the best clean­er, we advise you to focus on the fol­low­ing para­me­ters:

Device type

It is worth decid­ing what kind of clean­er you want: water or dry. Not only the price depends on this, but also how the puri­fi­er will remove pol­lu­tion from the air. Water appli­ances lit­er­al­ly wash the air: all aller­gens and dust are trapped in the water. Due to this, it also mois­tur­izes. They do not need any addi­tion­al mate­ri­als, just pour water into the tank.

Dry appli­ances are cleaned using sev­er­al fil­ters. They are more pow­er­ful than water, as they are able to get rid of unpleas­ant odors. There are dry clean­ers with a mois­tur­iz­ing func­tion: they are some­times called cli­mate com­plex­es. Such devices are the best, as they com­bine sev­er­al use­ful func­tions at once. In our review, we will main­ly con­sid­er such devices, and we rec­om­mend choos­ing them.


They per­form dif­fer­ent func­tions, and most often there will be sev­er­al of them in one clean­er. Antibac­te­r­i­al need­ed for removal of harm­ful microor­gan­isms. Black coal or cat­alyt­ic are designed for removal of gas­es and unpleas­ant odors. Coarse and fine clean­ing are the most basic, they do not let coarse and fine dust and aller­gens through. HEPA fil­ters are the most mod­ern, they can replace sev­er­al dif­fer­ent fil­ters at once. Of course, we advise you to choose a device with a whole range of fil­ters, so the air will be cleaned step by step.

Cultivated area

Every­thing is sim­ple here: the more it is, the bet­ter. If you have a small apart­ment, then a com­pact device will do, but for a large apart­ment or house, you should choose a more func­tion­al clean­er. Add 5 sq.m. to the hous­ing area. — this will be the desired val­ue. If it exceeds 60–70 sq.m., you will have to buy sev­er­al clean­ers.

Productivity, or Clean air supply rate

The same goes for per­for­mance. She is respon­si­ble for how many cubic meters of air the device will have time to clean in an hour. The aver­age val­ue is 200 m³/h.

Filter clogging indicator

It is desir­able that the device itself noti­fies you of the need to replace fil­ters. If you choose a sim­i­lar mod­el, you can not wor­ry about the appear­ance of an unpleas­ant odor.

Additional functions

Humid­i­fi­ca­tion, ion­iza­tion, ultra­vi­o­let treat­ment and so on — the set of func­tions depends on the spe­cif­ic clean­er, so pay atten­tion to what is impor­tant to you.

In fact choose an air puri­fi­er — not so dif­fi­cult if you know what para­me­ters you should pay atten­tion to in the first place. We talked about the selec­tion cri­te­ria, now let’s move on to the best puri­fiers.

Rating TOP 10 best air purifiers

1 Hanzo Z9

Hanzo Z9 cleaner in action

We start our rat­ing of the best from the whole cli­mate sta­tion from Han­zo. The smart puri­fi­er humid­i­fies, ion­izes and treats the air with ultra­vi­o­let light.

Let’s start with the look. The device looks styl­ish: the main part is made of mat­te white plas­tic, and addi­tion­al ele­ments of gold­en col­or are made of glossy. The rec­og­niz­able Han­zo cher­ry blos­som logo on this mod­el has been redone. The diode strip changes col­or depend­ing on the con­tent of fine dust in the atmos­phere.

Of course, it is worth men­tion­ing the tech­ni­cal indi­ca­tors. The clean air sup­ply rate of Han­zo is high: 488 m³/h. It is per­fect for an apart­ment or house up to 58 sq.m. Let’s not for­get about the fil­ters: their num­ber is impres­sive. Of course, first let’s talk about the HEPA fil­ter. Also installed with it pre­filter, antibac­te­r­i­al, car­bon and cold cat­alyt­ic. Togeth­er with an ultra­vi­o­let lamp and ion­iza­tion, it turns out that the air under­goes a sev­en-stage purifi­ca­tion. This can­not but rejoice.

You can con­trol the puri­fi­er using the but­tons on the top pan­el, and using the remote con­trol. Also, a mobile appli­ca­tion was devel­oped for it, we advise you to use it, as it dis­plays all the infor­ma­tion about the puri­ty of the air. There you can also choose UV-clean­ing, ion­iza­tion and set pro­tec­tion from chil­dren. The speed of work is adjustable.

Han­zo Z9 can be used dur­ing sleep, and if you do not want to turn it on at night, then you can sim­ply select a work sched­ule for it. Then by your arrival in the apart­ment there will be no dust and aller­gens. It is impor­tant that the appli­ca­tion and the puri­fi­er itself will remind you to change fil­ters. Pre­filter you can sim­ply peri­od­i­cal­ly rinse with water, while the rest will have to be replaced after some time. Since the fil­ters are of high qual­i­ty, this will need to be done infre­quent­ly.

We liked:

  • mul­ti-stage air purifi­ca­tion
  • excel­lent per­for­mance
  • ion­iza­tion
  • hydra­tion
  • child pro­tec­tion
  • nice design
  • fil­ter clean­ing and replace­ment reminder

We did­n’t like:

  • above aver­age price

2 Tefal Intense Pure Air Connect XL PU6086F0

The best air purifiers for the home in 2022

In sec­ond place in the list of the best clean­ers is a mod­el from the French com­pa­ny Tefal. Mod­el XL PU6086F0 knows how to ion­ize the air and con­ducts its phased purifi­ca­tion.

The fil­tra­tion sys­tem con­sists of four lev­els. First comes the pre-fil­ter, then the HEPA fil­ter, which col­lects fine dust and pollen. A spe­cial anti-aller­gic fil­ter brings cleans­ing to the max­i­mum, and car­bon removes unpleas­ant odors. Man­u­fac­tur­ers claim that they clean­er can help peo­ple with cat aller­gies and make their life eas­i­er.

The device is capa­ble of ser­vic­ing a room up to 140 sq.m.: this is a con­sid­er­able area. The inten­si­ty of the air flow is also pleas­ing — 360 m³ / h. The fil­ter replace­ment indi­ca­tor is present.

There is a mobile appli­ca­tion for the device, it is most con­ve­nient to give com­mands to the clean­er through it. You can set a timer so that you do not con­trol the oper­at­ing time of the device. In addi­tion, devel­oped and delayed start func­tion. Silent mode is avail­able for night time. The vol­ume lev­el of the device in this case is 32 dB.

We liked:

  • ion­iza­tion
  • per­for­mance
  • pro­cess­ing area
  • enhanced elim­i­na­tion of aller­gens

We did­n’t like:

  • silent mode is not so silent


The best air purifiers for the home in 2022

The pre­mi­um equip­ment brand BORK man­u­fac­tures and devices for clean­ing and humid­i­fy­ing the airwe placed his device in third place among the best clean­ers. Cli­mat­ic com­plex Q780 AQUA CUBE with a min­i­mal­is­tic design, it also dis­in­fects the air. How does this hap­pen? Pre-fil­ters col­lect all coarse dust, sev­er­al HEPA fil­ters elim­i­nate small­er con­t­a­m­i­nants. The spe­cial dis­in­fect­ing fil­ter destroys virus­es and harm­ful microor­gan­isms. The puri­fied air then pass­es through the dis­in­fect­ed water and is thus humid­i­fied.

Pro­duc­tiv­i­ty aver­age — 200 m³/h. But if you con­sid­er that this is a clean­er with a bias towards high-qual­i­ty mois­ture, then this draw­back can be for­giv­en. Cleans­ing and mois­tur­iz­ing will be effec­tive indoors up to 60 sq.m.

The humid­i­ty lev­el can be cho­sen, which is nice, the air­flow rate is also adjustable. Sen­sors ana­lyze the amount of car­bon diox­ide in the room. When it is raised, the dis­play will turn orange — this is how the device reminds you to ven­ti­late the rooms. The device will noti­fy you when the fil­ters inside it become dirty or the water in the tank runs out.

You can pour water direct­ly onto the dis­play: you do not have to dis­as­sem­ble the device. The water tank holds 5.5 liters. and it won’t be added very often.

We liked:

  • pre­mi­um design
  • advanced hydra­tion
  • elim­i­na­tion of virus­es and bac­te­ria
  • fil­ter replace­ment indi­ca­tion

We did­n’t like:

4 PHILIPS AC2729/10

The best air purifiers for the home in 2022

Mod­el AC2729/10 from PHILIPS - anoth­er puri­fi­er with humid­i­fi­ca­tion func­tion in our rank­ing of the best.

Rec­om­mend­ed area — up to 85 sq.m. Pro­duc­tiv­i­ty is above aver­age, 330 m³/h. Clean­ing with fil­ters is typ­i­cal: first comes a fine fil­ter, then HEPA and car­bon. It will cope with dust, aller­gens and unpleas­ant odors.

Humid­i­fi­ca­tion device pro­duces at an expert lev­el. The inten­si­ty of the steam sup­ply can reach up to 600 ml / h: this indi­ca­tor is not found in all humid­i­fiers. The AeraSense sen­sor ana­lyzes air qual­i­ty 1000 times per sec­ond and dis­plays the data on the dis­play. The ring of light around the dis­play shows the over­all qual­i­ty lev­el.

Now let’s say a few words about modes. There are sev­er­al. The first is the “2 in 1” mode, that is, the puri­fi­er also mois­tur­izes. The auto­mat­ic and man­u­al modes are only applic­a­ble to air purifi­ca­tion. There are two sub­types avail­able in auto­mat­ic: Nor­mal and Aller­gens. In man­u­al, you can choose the speed lev­el your­self (1, 2, 3 and Tur­bo).

The puri­fi­er con­sumes lit­tle ener­gy: only 35 watts. This indi­ca­tor can be com­pared with the ener­gy expend­ed by an incan­des­cent lamp.

We liked:

  • humid­i­fi­ca­tion up to 600 ml/h
  • good tech­ni­cal spec­i­fi­ca­tions
  • low ener­gy con­sump­tion
  • night mode

We did­n’t like:

  • quite noisy in nor­mal mode
  • too high price

5 Sharp KC-WE20RW

The best air purifiers for the home in 2022

Cli­mate com­plex KC-WE20RW from Sharp cleans, mois­tur­izes and ion­izes the air. There­fore, it is impos­si­ble not to include it in our rank­ing of the best.

The inten­si­ty of air purifi­ca­tion is aver­age, 203 m³/h. The ser­vice area is indi­cat­ed for humid­i­fi­ca­tion only, and it is only 23 sq.m. This mod­el is com­bined, as it includes both dry fil­ters and an air wash­er.

Ion­iza­tion elim­i­nates sta­t­ic elec­tric­i­ty and main­tains the bal­ance of ions at the lev­el of nat­ur­al con­di­tions. They, in turn, deac­ti­vate fun­gi, mold and virus­es.

The dis­play shows data on the puri­ty of the air: the device notices the pres­ence of dust or odor, reports the tem­per­a­ture and humid­i­ty in the room. But you will have to guess about replac­ing fil­ters, since there is no indi­ca­tion.

Fil­tra­tion is stan­dard, con­sists of 3 fil­ters: pre-fil­ter, car­bon and HEPA. The humid­i­fi­er inside is a tra­di­tion­al type (cold evap­o­ra­tion), so you should not expect high per­for­mance from it. You can con­trol the device only through the but­tons on the case. Nei­ther the appli­ca­tion nor the remote con­trol was pro­vid­ed, so it will not be pos­si­ble to turn it on remote­ly. You can set the night mode, but the device will not work qui­eter from this, judg­ing by the reviews.

We liked:

  • hydra­tion
  • ion­iza­tion
  • child lock

We did­n’t like:

  • Quite noisy even at night
  • but­ton con­trol only

6 Philips AC2887/10

The best air purifiers for the home in 2022

Philips Air Puri­fi­er pleas­es with above-aver­age per­for­mance; it is 333 m³/h. That’s why we added it to our roundup of the best. The pro­cess­ing area is already small­er: 39 sq.m. The AC2887/10 was built using the inno­v­a­tive AeraSense tech­nol­o­gy. It cap­tures par­ti­cles small­er than 2.5 microm­e­ters, con­tin­u­ous­ly self-adjusts the puri­fi­er and eval­u­ates air qual­i­ty in real time. There is an indi­ca­tion of the need to replace the fil­ter.

The fil­ter­ing here is pret­ty stan­dard. The HEPA Nano Pro­tect fil­ter removes not only pollen and dust, but also bac­te­ria and virus­es, which is very use­ful now. Char­coal absorbs unpleas­ant odors.

Three auto­mat­ic oper­at­ing modes are avail­able: stan­dard, aller­gen reten­tion mode, bac­te­ria and virus reten­tion mode. There are 5 fan speeds to choose from: Silent, Speeds 1–2‑3 and Tur­bo. The device is con­trolled through the but­tons on the dis­play.

The noise lev­el of 19 dB can be called a record: there is no one qui­eter in this rank­ing of the best. The vol­ume from the work is less than the vol­ume of a whis­per. So qui­et­ly the device will work in nor­mal mode, and com­plete­ly silent mode is suit­able for night time.

We liked:

  • good per­for­mance
  • five speed oper­a­tion
  • low noise

We did­n’t like:

  • no addi­tion­al fea­tures
  • no remote con­trol

7 Mi Air Purifier Pro H

The best air purifiers for the home in 2022

Ranked sev­enth in rank­ing of the best air puri­fiers — a mod­el from the well-known Chi­nese com­pa­ny Mi Air Puri­fi­er Pro H. This puri­fi­er serves an area of ​​72 sq.m., which is just great for such a bud­get price. Pro­duc­tiv­i­ty is also pleas­ing: 600 m³ / h. Per­haps this is even a bit much, but the device will def­i­nite­ly dri­ve air through itself sev­er­al times per hour.

What about fil­ters? Char­coal was designed specif­i­cal­ly for the device. The inner lay­er con­sists of a col­umn of high-qual­i­ty acti­vat­ed car­bon, and there­fore effec­tive­ly absorbs harm­ful gas­es and unpleas­ant odors. Next comes the HEPA fil­ter, which traps dust and aller­gens. In gen­er­al, the fil­tra­tion sys­tem for such a price is not bad.

Let’s talk a lit­tle about the oper­a­tion of the device itself. You can choose from three pre­set speed modes. Suit­able if you do not want to spend time set­ting up the device. Low speed mode is use­ful for keep­ing the air clean, and more pow­er­ful modes for quick clean­ing. In addi­tion, there are also night, auto­mat­ic and favorite modes.

The dis­play shows the lev­el of air pol­lu­tion, as well as the humid­i­ty and tem­per­a­ture in the room. You can con­trol the device and select the desired set­tings via a smart­phone or dis­play.

We liked:

  • decent pro­cess­ing area
  • good per­for­mance

We did­n’t like:

  • no addi­tion­al fea­tures
  • quite noisy

8 Ballu ONEAIR ASP-130

Ballu ONEAIR ASP-130

Mov­ing on: eighth place in review of the best humid­i­fiers occu­pies a device from Bal­lu. ONEAIR ASP-130. This is a sup­ply air clean­er, that is, it also per­forms the func­tion of a ven­ti­la­tor. Per­for­mance is not impres­sive — 130 m³ / h. The opti­mal area of ​​​​the room for the best work is 50 square meters. m.

Inside are HEPA fil­ters and pre-fil­ters. Sen­sors deter­mine the humid­i­ty and tem­per­a­ture in the room, there is also an indi­ca­tor of fil­ter con­t­a­m­i­na­tion.

There is a con­ve­nient remote con­trol, through which you can select almost any func­tion. Appli­ca­tions for the device have not been devel­oped, so use the remote con­trol or the puri­fi­er dis­play. Silent night mode is avail­able, which pleas­es. You can also choose from 6 air flow rates.

ONEAIR ASP-130 can aro­m­a­tize and heat the air. True, the man­u­fac­tur­er does not spec­i­fy how arom­a­ti­za­tion will be car­ried out. Usu­al­ly spe­cial cap­sules are sold for clean­ers, most like­ly they are need­ed for this mod­el. The device has a built-in back­light, you can turn it on at will.

The device is installed on the wall. Please note that the air from the puri­fi­er exits through the upper grille, so it can­not be hung close to the ceil­ing.

We liked:

  • arom­a­ti­za­tion and heat­ing
  • night mode
  • choice of 6 speeds

We did­n’t like:

  • per­for­mance
  • too high price

9 Xiaomi Air Purifier A1

The best air purifiers for the home in 2022

Next in line in the list of the best one more mod­el from Xiao­mi. Now it’s Air Puri­fi­er A1. What dis­tin­guish­es him from his broth­er? First, the price: this clean­er costs a lit­tle more. Sec­ond­ly, the pro­duc­tiv­i­ty is much low­er, only 150 m³/h.

The device ana­lyzes air qual­i­ty and dis­plays all rel­e­vant infor­ma­tion on the dis­play. Laser sen­sors for deter­min­ing indi­ca­tors are import­ed from Swe­den, and based on the data received from them, the device auto­mat­i­cal­ly cor­rects its work.

There is on it and fil­ter clog­ging indi­ca­tor. It’s great, you’ll always know when it needs to be washed. Yes, this mod­el has a wash­able fil­ter, although this is not always the case. It’s good that you don’t have to con­stant­ly buy a replace­ment one. It is clear that soon­er or lat­er even such a reusable fil­ter will become unus­able. It just hap­pens much lat­er.

Addi­tion­al fea­tures include air heat­ing. The clean­er is turned on mechan­i­cal­ly, that is, by press­ing a but­ton. The remote con­trol is not pro­vid­ed, so you need to con­trol the device through the appli­ca­tion. There you can get acquaint­ed with all the func­tions and select the desired mode.

The device is hung on the wall, for this you will need to drill holes in it. If you want to choose a floor-mount­ed puri­fi­er, we advise you to look at oth­er options from our rank­ing of the best. The noise lev­el from the device is small — only 20.4 dB.

We liked:

  • fil­ter clog­ging indi­ca­tor
  • air heat­ing
  • air qual­i­ty analy­sis

We did­n’t like:

  • very lit­tle per­for­mance
  • wall mount
  • one fil­ter

10 ROYAL Clima Brezza XS (for 10th place)

The best air purifiers for the home in 2022

We are fin­ish­ing our review of the best air han­dling units from ROYAL Cli­ma. In addi­tion to clean­ing the air, it also con­ducts its ion­iza­tion. HEPA, F7 fine and car­bon fil­ters trap dust, soot, aller­gens, microfibers and exhaust gas­es.

The device is installed on the wall. It will be nec­es­sary to drill a hole into the street so that the puri­fi­er receives air from there and feeds it clean into the room. The fil­ter is installed direct­ly into the pipe. When buy­ing on cer­tain mar­ket­places, the com­pa­ny installs it for free. If you make a pur­chase else­where, you will have to do the instal­la­tion your­self.

A lit­tle frus­trat­ing per­for­mance: only 75 m³ / h. This is half the aver­age. Max­i­mum room area: 40 sq.m. Suit­able for small apart­ments. There is also no fil­ter sta­tus indi­ca­tor. You can turn the device on and off, you can con­fig­ure it through the remote con­trol and but­tons on the clean­er itself. Whether to choose it or not is up to you.

We liked:

  • ion­iza­tion
  • mul­ti-stage clean­ing
  • free instal­la­tion

We did­n’t like:

  • no indi­ca­tion of dirty fil­ters
  • very lit­tle per­for­mance
  • time-con­sum­ing instal­la­tion

Summing up

Ten mod­els of puri­fiersthat fell into our rank­ing of the bestimpress with their qual­i­ty and func­tion­al­i­ty. It was not so easy for us to allo­cate places: in order to choose, we were guid­ed by reviews, expert assess­ments and our own impres­sions.

As a result of this review of the best clean­ers first place went to Han­zo Z9. Why choose it? For the price offered, the man­u­fac­tur­er pro­vides a max­i­mum of use­ful func­tions, excel­lent con­tent and first-class design.








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