Magnetic window cleaner: rating of the best models

Magnetic window cleaner: rating of the best models

How are glass­es washed? The evo­lu­tion of wash­ers has gone from chalk and rags to house­hold chem­i­cals and robot­ic devices. Among the lat­ter, a wor­thy place is occu­pied by a mag­net­ic robot win­dow clean­er, which guar­an­tees safe­ty and clean glass from both sides at the same time in one pass. Faster in 2 times it turns out! It is the safe­ty of the glass wash­ing pro­ce­dure that is impor­tant for all hous­es and apart­ments from the sec­ond floor and above.

How often do they wash the win­dow through which they look at the world? As it gets dirty, but there are two gen­er­al clean­ings — after “hiber­na­tion” and after a dusty sum­mer. We do not argue, it all depends on the loca­tion of the house or apart­ment: over­look­ing the for­est, the park and a cozy qui­et court­yard or the road­way. But dust has no days off and con­tin­u­ous­ly cov­ers any sur­face: floor, sofa, car­pets, clothes, fur­ni­ture. How to choose a high-qual­i­ty cord­less ver­ti­cal vac­u­um clean­er, see the link. And back to the win­dows. In the arti­cle, we present the TOP of the best mod­els of mag­net­ic brush­es, eval­u­at­ing their func­tion­al­i­ty, design and price, high­light­ing the advan­tages of each and not for­get­ting the dis­ad­van­tages.

How to use a magnetic window cleaner for different thicknesses of glass and double-glazed windows

Brush­es made of heat-resis­tant plas­tic with replace­able felt sponges and a rub­ber scraper have been used for 20–25 years. The devices do not leave streaks and stripes on the glass + dry and pol­ish the sur­faces of not only room and office win­dows, but also glazed log­gias, bal­conies, ter­races, as well as shop and cafe win­dows. Ide­al­ly, not only glass is washed, but also the frame + fit­tings, oth­er­wise the gen­er­al view of the “world” will not be per­fect (the house­wives do the same when clean­ing the floor: they always wash the base­board so that it does not dis­cord with the clean floor).

Mod­els of prod­uct lines of var­i­ous brands dif­fer in price and design: size, reli­a­bil­i­ty, shape — tri­an­gu­lar is the best, cor­ners are washed to “5+”. Sol­id dou­ble-glazed win­dows present an addi­tion­al chal­lenge, but the mag­net­ic win­dow clean­er for dou­ble-glazed win­dows copes with them per­fect­ly. Three types of brush­es are clas­si­fied accord­ing to the strength of the mag­nets.

  • For sin­gle-cham­ber dou­ble-glazed win­dows (2 glass­es) with a thick­ness in the range of 10–24 (34) mm.
  • For dou­ble-glazed win­dows (3 glass­es) with a total thick­ness of up to 4 cm or more.
  • For sin­gle ordi­nary panes 4–8 mm thick.

How to choose the right brush? For dif­fer­ent dou­ble-glazed win­dows, you need to buy “your own”, oth­er­wise not only the cor­ners will not be thor­ough­ly washed, but the entire win­dow. Why? There is not enough grav­i­ty to keep the mag­net­ic win­dow clean­er on the glass. And be sure to pay atten­tion to the length of the safe­ty cord — with a long cord, it is more con­ve­nient to wash huge panoram­ic win­dows.

Rating of window cleaners on magnets

Euro­pean and for­eign brands present a lux­u­ri­ous range of mag­net­ic wipers for every taste and bud­get, in var­i­ous col­ors and shapes (rec­tan­gu­lar, tri­an­gu­lar, square), with an ergonom­ic han­dle and addi­tion­al acces­sories (tele­scop­ic han­dle / with­out it, clean­ing agent, replace­able sponges). The more pow­er­ful the mag­nets, the high­er the price. Mag­nets should be stored with a spe­cial gas­ket to pre­vent stick­ing (includ­ed).

No. 1 — Vilaijie, triangular shape, China

Magnetic window cleaner: rating of the best models
Clean from both sides and in all cor­ners!

In the mod­el range there is a cheap brush for sin­gle glass (4–8 mm) and a more expen­sive one for dou­ble-glazed win­dows (24–40 mm thick). It is pos­si­ble to adjust the pow­er of the mag­nets man­u­al­ly using a screw + a long safe­ty cord with a ring.

#2 — TATLA‑1 (-2, ‑3, ‑4, ‑5, ‑6), dimensions 10.8x11.7x14.3 cm, Europe

The uni­ver­sal glass clean­er is rep­re­sent­ed by a prod­uct line of 6 mod­els with dif­fer­ent mag­net strengths for dif­fer­ent glass thick­ness­es (up to 5 and 10 mm) and dou­ble-glazed win­dows (up to 24, 28, 32 and 40 mm). Long ser­vice life, saves liq­uid for wash­ing win­dows — do not pour a lot, so that there are no streaks. The move­ment of the brush on the glass is like clock­work.

Magnetic window cleaner: rating of the best models
Any TATL mod­el is a qual­i­ty win­dow clean­er with mag­nets!

Number 3 — Double Faced Glass Clear, dimensions 10.5x11x6.5 cm, China

Magnetic window cleaner: rating of the best models
With clean win­dows, we save on elec­tric­i­ty and clean­ing com­pa­ny!

Bud­get ver­sion of the wash­er for sin­gle glass up to 4 mm. Light weight (0.450 kg), cel­lu­lose inserts, com­fort­able han­dle, long cord.

No. 4 — Glider, elongated rectangle shape, China

The name of the mod­el is trans­lat­ed from Eng­lish as “glid­er” and ful­ly cor­re­sponds to the func­tion­al­i­ty — a con­ve­nient grip of 15x6.5 cm of glass area for wash­ing dou­ble-glazed win­dows (up to 22 mm thick) and sin­gle glass. High-qual­i­ty microfiber cloth (2 pcs.). The unusu­al design with­out a spe­cial han­dle-hold­er will appeal to many, as will the result with a pol­ished effect. Manda­to­ry safe­ty cord with ring. Bud­get price.

Magnetic window cleaner: rating of the best models
Glid­er is a safe and fash­ion­able sin­gle glass wash­er. Wash­es even with soapy water!

No. 5 — Maxi, triangular shape, China

Magnetic window cleaner: rating of the best models
Clean­ing win­dows with­out scratch­es is easy with the Maxi mod­el!

The uni­ver­sal mag­net­ic win­dow clean­er is suit­able for both glass and sin­gle-cham­ber dou­ble-glazed win­dows up to 12 mm, and for dou­ble-glazed win­dows up to 34 mm. Weight — 0.6 kg. High-qual­i­ty plas­tic, ergonom­ic han­dle, mag­net grip con­trol. Tra­di­tion­al equip­ment (safe­ty cord 1.8 m, replace­able nap­kins).

If you absolute­ly do not want to work with your hands while clean­ing the win­dow, then you will be inter­est­ed in the review of win­dow clean­ing robots 2022 at the link

Good advice! We pur­chase all wind­shield wipers on mag­nets from the man­u­fac­tur­er. Only fakes do not wash win­dows (applies to all house­hold appli­ances for clean­ing apart­ments and hous­es). Now your doubts about “how to safe­ly wash win­dows on both sides” if you live in a mul­ti-storey build­ing have dis­si­pat­ed.

When the win­dows and floor are clean in the apart­ment, then in the sum­mer heat an elec­tric humid­i­fi­er becomes a life­saver. And with the begin­ning of late autumn, it will help to improve and humid­i­fy the air in the nurs­ery and liv­ing room as soon as the heat­ing sea­son begins. TOP of the best mod­els of mod­ern design with dif­fer­ent types of air humid­i­fi­ca­tion from the Xiao­mi brand, see the link.






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