The best toasters for home - Techscanner's list of popular models

The best toasters for home — Our’s list of popular models

This is an indis­pens­able thing for those who do not have much time to pre­pare them­selves a deli­cious and hearty break­fast. The toast­er is not some nov­el­ty, but quite a famil­iar thing. So it is not sur­pris­ing that there are a lot of sim­i­lar mod­els on the mar­ket. Espe­cial­ly to make your choice eas­i­er, we have col­lect­ed the most inter­est­ing toast­ers of 2019 in the rat­ing, the top 10 mod­els accord­ing to user reviews.

No. 10 — Philips HD 2581

The best toasters for home - Our's list of popular models

Our top toast­ers are opened by a mod­el called Philips HD 2581. This option is quite attrac­tive in view of the low price. At the same time, this toast­er has eight oper­at­ing modes and two adjustable com­part­ments. So any kind of bread can be toast­ed even­ly on both sides. And a spe­cial stand will allow you not to fry, but to warm up buns and oth­er flour prod­ucts.

Both com­part­ments of the toast­er are adjustable in size. This means that you can make toast in a vari­ety of pro­por­tions, and thanks to the dif­fer­ent modes, you don’t have to wor­ry that they will be toast­ed too much. In addi­tion, bread in Philips HD can be not only fried, but sim­ply reheat­ed. All in all, a very good inex­pen­sive toast­er.

No. 9 — Kitfort KT-2014

The best toasters for home - Our's list of popular models

Toast­er Kit­fort KT-2014 received a lot of good feed­back from cus­tomers. Sure­ly, not only the func­tion­al­i­ty, but also the design of the device did its job. This toast­er is made in a very attrac­tive met­al case and has sev­er­al col­or options.

Infrared heat­ing allows the sug­ar to crys­tal­lize inside the baked goods, mak­ing the crou­tons tasti­er and rosier. What more could you want from a toast­er? In addi­tion, Kit­fort KT is quite sim­ple to oper­ate and easy to clean. In addi­tion to every­thing, the low price makes the toast­er a very good buy. Also here is the excel­lent build qual­i­ty and mate­ri­als used, the reli­a­bil­i­ty of the device is con­firmed by many users who have been using this mod­el for sev­er­al years.

No. 8 — VITEK VT-1584

The best toasters for home - Our's list of popular models

The next in our com­par­i­son was VITEK VT-1584. This mod­el is sig­nif­i­cant­ly more expen­sive than the pre­vi­ous ones. What can a toast­er offer for its mon­ey? And it can offer heat-insu­lat­ed walls that pre­vent your hands from get­ting burned, sev­er­al dif­fer­ent modes of oper­a­tion and high build qual­i­ty.

The con­trol here is mechan­i­cal, there is a defrost func­tion and a grill for heat­ing buns. In order to col­lect the crumbs, a spe­cial tray is pro­vid­ed. A vari­ety of oper­at­ing modes allows you to sig­nif­i­cant­ly expand the options for mak­ing bread, you will get crou­tons of dif­fer­ent roast­ing, for exam­ple, at the third and fourth pow­er lev­el. By the way, bread in this toast­er is browned quick­ly enough. The mod­el is per­fect even for those peo­ple who are always in a hur­ry in the morn­ing.


#6 — De’Longhi CTLA 2103

The best toasters for home - Our's list of popular models

The De’­Longhi CTLA 2103 toast­er has such an excel­lent and some­times extreme­ly nec­es­sary qual­i­ty as com­pact­ness. This mod­el has a fair­ly high pow­er rat­ing of 900 watts, thanks to which the bread is toast­ed in just a few tens of sec­onds. The lev­el of done­ness and the desired crust can be adjust­ed using the ther­mo­stat.

For greater con­ve­nience, you can save the set­tings once, so that lat­er every morn­ing you can have break­fast with the toasts that you like. CTLA 2103 offers the user a lot of lit­tle things that togeth­er will bring a lot of use­ful things when using the toast­er. LED indi­ca­tion will allow you to mon­i­tor the oper­at­ing mode of the device, and the crumb tray will save the table from unnec­es­sary dirt.

№5 — Gorenje T1100INF

The best toasters for home - Our's list of popular models

Reflect­ing on the ques­tion of which toast­er is bet­ter to choose, we rec­om­mend pay­ing atten­tion to such a mod­el as the Goren­je T1100INF. This unit will per­fect­ly fit into the inte­ri­or of your kitchen and will not take up too much space. It is made in an attrac­tive design with a pleas­ant col­or­ing. True, the range of col­ors is not very large. You will have to be con­tent with one option, but it is exe­cut­ed very beau­ti­ful­ly. The toast­er com­bines a gold pan­el and a stain­less steel main body.

The mod­el can please not only with a pleas­ant design, but also with wide func­tion­al­i­ty. There is a smooth adjust­ment of the degree of toast­ing and six dif­fer­ent pow­er modes. With their help, you can cook any toast to your taste. All con­trols are back­lit, you can use even in the dark. Func­tions such as defrost­ing and heat­ing make it pos­si­ble to expand the scope of the toast­er, and the pow­er of 860 W will sig­nif­i­cant­ly speed up the prepa­ra­tion of break­fast.

No. 4 — Braun HT 450

The best toasters for home - Our's list of popular models

The Braun HT 450 toast­er has been specif­i­cal­ly designed to be as com­fort­able and easy to use as pos­si­ble. A large num­ber of var­i­ous func­tions allows you to achieve the desired result for any request. The pecu­liar­i­ty of this machine is a very large hole for bread, which is suit­able for toasts of var­i­ous shapes and sizes. And in order for each piece to be browned even­ly, auto­mat­ic cen­ter­ing of the toast is pro­vid­ed.

But, of course, the main advan­tage of the Braun HT is its high pow­er lev­el, which is equal to 1080 watts. With such an appa­ra­tus, it turns out to fry bread very quick­ly, but the advan­tage is not only in speed: the main thing is the max­i­mum uni­for­mi­ty of roast­ing. The con­trol in this mod­el is mechan­i­cal, which will appeal to those who pre­fer sim­ple devices. No need to under­stand a lot of extra but­tons, old, time-test­ed adjust­ment tech­nolo­gies are used.

No. 3 — Hotpoint-Ariston TT 12E

The best toasters for home - Our's list of popular models

The top three of our top is opened by Hot­point-Aris­ton TT 12E. Its price may seem very high, as for a reg­u­lar toast­er. But in fact, it ful­ly jus­ti­fies its cost, because the TT 12E has some­thing to offer the user. First of all, I want to pay atten­tion to elec­tron­ic con­trol. This may not be the main cri­te­ri­on, but it gives the user more con­trol over the prepa­ra­tion of their break­fast. Adds con­ve­nience and the pres­ence of a dis­play on the case.

There is only one branch, which may seem rather unusu­al. But it is designed for two toasts. That is, you can set two slices of bread side by side and fry both, or take one large piece and fry it whole. So this inno­va­tion is only good. The case of the device is made of met­al, how­ev­er, it does not heat up. All heat remains inside the struc­ture due to effec­tive ther­mal insu­la­tion. There is also a spe­cial con­tain­er that is designed for mak­ing sand­wich­es.

№2 — Bosch TAT 6A803

The best toasters for home - Our's list of popular models

There are a lot of toast­ers on the mar­ket, but not every one of them is wor­thy of pay­ing mon­ey for it. Espe­cial­ly if the device is quite expen­sive. But Bosch TAT 6A803 hon­est­ly works out every ruble that you spend on it. This device has a very high pow­er of 1090 watts, which not only increas­es the speed of roast­ing, but also gives the user a lot of addi­tion­al options. There are six degrees of roast­ing, but that’s not all. There is a spe­cial func­tion that makes a crispy crust on a piece of bread, keep­ing it soft inside. Most toast lovers are chas­ing just such a result.

Smooth adjust­ment of toast­ing and the can­cel but­ton will allow you to con­trol the entire process of toast­ing. With such a device, you can cook not only ordi­nary toast­ed bread, but also cre­ate more com­plex dish­es.

#1 — Kenwood TTM610

The best toasters for home - Our's list of popular models

With­out a doubt, the best toast­er avail­able today is the Ken­wood TTM610. The main fea­ture that dis­tin­guish­es the TTM610 from its com­peti­tors is the abil­i­ty to toast on only one side. The width of the slot for bread can be adjust­ed in a fair­ly wide range of 10–58 mm. With this device you can cook dif­fer­ent dish­es. Sev­er­al built-in modes allow you to make crispy crois­sants or hot sand­wich­es, not just toast.

Ken­wood’s spe­cial Peek and View fea­ture gives the user the abil­i­ty to con­stant­ly mon­i­tor the cook­ing progress. The done­ness lev­el can be deter­mined at any time with­out inter­rupt­ing the pro­gram. The toasts are auto­mat­i­cal­ly cen­tered and the degree of toast­ing is adjustable. With a host of aux­il­iary fea­tures, burnt toast is next to impos­si­ble, mak­ing Ken­wood the best toast­er you can buy.

We just reviewed ten of the best toast­ers you can find today. When buy­ing a bread toast machine, refer to our rat­ing and it will become much eas­i­er to choose. The main thing is to choose a device that will meet your spe­cif­ic require­ments.






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