Irrigator B.Well WI-912 - characteristics and description of the device

Irrigator B.Well WI-912 — characteristics and description of the device


This is a fair­ly portable mod­el, which stands out among the devices for oral care. These prod­ucts are char­ac­ter­ized by very high per­for­mance, with their help it is pos­si­ble to achieve thor­ough care for teeth and gums, reduce the cost of den­tal treat­ment. The mod­el is per­fect for dai­ly use.


Product Features

B.Well Swiss AG has been man­u­fac­tur­ing and sell­ing med­ical prod­ucts for the home for 25 years. Cur­rent­ly, the assort­ment of this man­u­fac­tur­er has a huge num­ber of var­i­ous devices — inhalers, ther­mome­ters, ban­dages, blood pres­sure mon­i­tors and oth­er dig­i­tal and high-tech prod­ucts that allow for pro­fes­sion­al diag­nos­tics of a per­son­’s health.
What B Well WI-912 looks like photo

B.Well — ranks first in the sale of irri­ga­tors in EU (accord­ing to Wal­mart sta­tis­tics for 2019). Mod­el WI-912 is new for 2019. The device oper­ates on the basis of a built-in bat­tery that can store a charge for 60 min­utes, which is about 1 month of oper­a­tion with­out addi­tion­al recharg­ing. Out­ward­ly, the irri­ga­tor resem­bles the most ordi­nary elec­tric tooth­brush, dec­o­rat­ed in gray and white col­ors, which gives it addi­tion­al appeal.

The device is com­pact in size, so if nec­es­sary, you can take it with you even on a long trip. On the front side, you can find the pow­er but­ton, under it there is anoth­er key respon­si­ble for the water jet sup­ply mode. The device has three modes of oper­a­tion: nor­mal, soft (used for sen­si­tive, weak­ened gums or teeth), enhanced and impulse for mas­sage and strength­en­ing of the gums. Includ­ed with this prod­uct imme­di­ate­ly deliv­ers five effec­tive and ergonom­ic noz­zles. If you use them reg­u­lar­ly, you will be able to sig­nif­i­cant­ly improve the con­di­tion of the oral cav­i­ty in gen­er­al, and teeth and gums in par­tic­u­lar.

Convenient carrying bag included B Well WI-912

Operational qualities of the irrigator B.Well WI-912

The irri­ga­tor is char­ac­ter­ized by a num­ber of unique fea­tures. First of all, the water sup­ply is car­ried out in a pulsed mode. This pro­vides a suf­fi­cient­ly strong water ham­mer. It has a neu­tral effect on the con­di­tion of enam­el and gums, how­ev­er, it eas­i­ly repels plaque and oth­er con­t­a­m­i­nants that have accu­mu­lat­ed on the teeth, which allows you to suc­cess­ful­ly fight bad breath. Also, reg­u­lar use of the irri­ga­tor will help make your smile more attrac­tive and radi­ant with­out involv­ing all sorts of expen­sive pro­ce­dures.

B Well WI-912 features

The pul­sa­tion fre­quen­cy is one of the high­est among all sim­i­lar prod­ucts that can be found on the mar­ket today — about 1420 water sup­ply puls­es per minute. You can use this device in con­tin­u­ous mode for a max­i­mum of two min­utes: this time is enough to remove the most seri­ous dirt, as well as make your smile more attrac­tive.

The capac­i­ty of the water tank is 150 ml — enough for a quick dai­ly brush­ing, how­ev­er, if each tooth is care­ful­ly treat­ed, it will require sev­er­al “refills” with water or spe­cial. liq­uid. If nec­es­sary, you can also use med­ica­tions that reduce gum bleed­ing, have a strength­en­ing and anti­sep­tic effect.

B Well-WI-912 Rear

The mass of the device is 282 grams — this is not much, and in 2–3 min­utes of use the hand will not get tired. Dimen­sions of the device 195x79x65 mm. The irri­ga­tor allows you to pro­vide a pres­sure lev­el rang­ing from 378 to 720 kPa. It also has the addi­tion­al func­tion of rotat­ing the noz­zle 360 ​​degrees around its axis. The bat­tery in a ful­ly dis­charged state will be charged with­in a day, but it will last for about 15–20 days of dai­ly two-time use.

In what cases is it recommended to use?

B Well WI-912 general view of the irrigator

Often, expe­ri­enced den­tists advise the use of these prod­ucts in cas­es where patients expe­ri­ence one or more of the fol­low­ing:

  • Exces­sive­ly rapid occur­rence of bac­te­r­i­al plaque on the sur­face of the enam­el;
  • Reg­u­lar for­ma­tion of tar­tar;
  • The pres­ence of braces or fixed den­tures in the oral cav­i­ty, under which a large num­ber of path­o­gen­ic bac­te­ria accu­mu­late;
  • Bad breath (may be asso­ci­at­ed with dis­eases of the gas­troin­testi­nal tract, but in most cas­es occurs due to dis­eases of the teeth and gums);
  • Mild or mod­er­ate bleed­ing gums;
  • Diag­nosed mal­oc­clu­sion or cur­va­ture, as well as twist­ing of the teeth them­selves;
  • Dis­eases of the nasophar­ynx, which often lead to prob­lems with the teeth;
  • The destruc­tion of tooth enam­el due to the effects of caries (the irri­ga­tor is not able to cope with this dis­ease, but it can sig­nif­i­cant­ly slow down or com­plete­ly stop its course);
  • The patient has gin­givi­tis, peri­odon­ti­tis, dia­betes mel­li­tus or sim­i­lar dis­eases;
  • This device will allow preg­nant and lac­tat­ing women to ful­ly pre­serve their own teeth, pro­tect them from destruc­tion, espe­cial­ly due to a lack of cal­ci­um in the body;
  • The irri­ga­tor allows you to remove con­t­a­m­i­nants from the most inac­ces­si­ble areas;
  • Users often pur­chase this device for high-qual­i­ty pre­ven­tion of den­tal dis­eases.

Positive aspects of the device

The irri­ga­tor, when com­pared with oth­er sim­i­lar mod­els, stands out among them due to a whole set of per­for­mance qual­i­ties:

  • Increased capac­i­ty of the lithi­um-ion type bat­tery. The bat­tery is recharged and does not sit down even dur­ing pro­longed down­time, has a very long peri­od of oper­a­tion;
  • Charg­er con­tact­less induc­tion type.
  • The time of con­tin­u­ous oper­a­tion with­out recharg­ing can reach about 60 min­utes;
  • Noz­zle rotat­ing around its axis;
  • Sim­ple oper­a­tion with just two but­tons;
  • A con­ve­nient mouth for the gulf of water or oth­er liq­uid;
  • Five inter­change­able noz­zles are sup­plied with the device at once, each of which has its own func­tion: 2 stan­dard noz­zles, ortho­don­tic, tongue clean­ing noz­zle, peri­odon­tal gums.
  • The ergonom­ics of the irri­ga­tor are designed in such a way that even very sen­si­tive teeth and gums are cleaned as gen­tly as pos­si­ble. At the first use, bleed­ing can be observed, but lit­er­al­ly after a week or two it dis­ap­pears;
  • The device is not indi­vid­ual — if nec­es­sary, all fam­i­ly mem­bers can use it using the attach­ments in the kit or by pur­chas­ing the nec­es­sary attach­ments addi­tion­al­ly;
  • The device is well suit­ed for remov­ing dirt from under installed braces, crowns, it is nec­es­sary in the care of implants;
  • The irri­ga­tor has a com­pact size, is a portable device;
  • Works qui­et­ly;
  • Ergonom­ic body design — the mod­el fits com­fort­ably in the hand, does not slip;
  • The cost for April 2019 is 32$ (accord­ing to Wal­mart at the time of writ­ing the review);
  • Long war­ran­ty peri­od for the device. The man­u­fac­tur­er pro­vides war­ran­ty for 12 months from the date of pur­chase of the device. If a man­u­fac­tur­ing defect is dis­cov­ered dur­ing the war­ran­ty peri­od, the defec­tive device will be repaired, and if repair is not pos­si­ble, it will be replaced free of charge.
  • After being turned on for two min­utes, the irri­ga­tor auto­mat­i­cal­ly turns off, so even if you turn it on care­less­ly, you won’t have to wor­ry about the fact that the gad­get is com­plete­ly dis­charged.
  • If nec­es­sary, the irri­ga­tor can be attached to the wall; for this, the pack­age con­tains every­thing you need.

What is included in the package?

Scope of delivery B Well WI-912

  • Five inter­change­able noz­zles at once;
  • One water tank;
  • One charg­er sup­port­ing con­tact­less induc­tion charg­ing;
  • One fil­ter and one suc­tion tube;
  • Com­pact size zip­per bag for stor­ing and trans­port­ing the device. It is made from soft-touch fab­ric mate­ri­als;
  • Instruc­tions for safe oper­a­tion;
  • A set of screws and dow­els for wall mount­ing;
  • War­ran­ty card;
  • The pack­ag­ing itself.

Features of the nozzles included in the kit

Nozzles for irrigator B Well WI-912

As men­tioned above, 5 inter­change­able noz­zles are sup­plied with the irri­ga­tor at once, each of which has its own func­tions:

  • Stan­dard — there are no bris­tles on it, it is made in the form of a curved tube that process­es direct­ly select­ed areas. Excel­lent for deal­ing with all sorts of plaque. It is com­fort­able for her to mas­sage the gums, to deal with an unpleas­ant odor. The noz­zle can be used for dai­ly brush­ing of teeth. In total, there are two such mod­els in the kit, which have col­or cod­ing. The device is suit­able for paired use;
  • Spe­cial design designed to work with ortho­don­tic con­struc­tions and areas between the teeth. It ide­al­ly cleans the spaces under braces and oth­er struc­tures, the action of which is aimed at lev­el­ing the bite and oth­er oper­a­tions. In addi­tion, the noz­zle will be very use­ful for peo­ple whose teeth are locat­ed far from each oth­er. The bris­tles of this noz­zle are soft and not too large, the gums are mas­saged gen­tly, which elim­i­nates bleed­ing and improves blood cir­cu­la­tion;
  • The peri­odon­tal tip has the shape of a tube with a soft cone tip made of high-qual­i­ty poly­mer. Such a noz­zle suc­cess­ful­ly copes with bac­te­r­i­al plaque. The soft noz­zle pen­e­trates into peri­odon­tal pock­ets, removes plaque and plaque from there, the noz­zle is an excel­lent pre­ven­tion of tar­tar for­ma­tion at the gin­gi­val mar­gin. The peri­odon­tal tip is also used to clean the jaw sur­face under den­tures and bridges;
  • Espe­cial­ly for work­ing with the tongue there is a noz­zle made in the form of a round spat­u­la. Accord­ing to den­tists, quite a lot of bac­te­ria accu­mu­late on the tongue, so it also needs spe­cial clean­ing. This noz­zle is suit­able for every­day clean­ing of the tongue, removes up to 99.5% of bac­te­r­i­al plaque and fresh­ens breath.

To replace one noz­zle with anoth­er, a spe­cial but­ton is pro­vid­ed on the body of the device, which, in our opin­ion, is quite tight, and replac­ing noz­zles with wet hands can be quite dif­fi­cult.

Despite the fact that the irri­ga­tor is a device that absolute­ly all fam­i­ly mem­bers can use, start­ing from the age of three, noz­zles are a sub­ject of per­son­al hygiene, which are rec­om­mend­ed for replace­ment every 6 months.

What are the contraindications?

Despite the huge num­ber of pos­i­tive aspects asso­ci­at­ed with the use of an irri­ga­tor, there are a num­ber of impor­tant fac­tors in the pres­ence of which the use of this device in the oral cav­i­ty is not rec­om­mend­ed at best, and at worst is strict­ly pro­hib­it­ed. Pro­fes­sion­al and expe­ri­enced den­tists dis­tin­guish the fol­low­ing:

  • Reg­u­lar bleed­ing gums of medi­um and intense type;
  • If a per­son has had implants, pros­the­ses or braces installed just a few days ago, they need to be giv­en some time so that the oral cav­i­ty has time to get used to them;
  • If the human body has expe­ri­enced surgery some time ago, then it should be giv­en time to recov­er;
  • The pres­ence of ulcer­a­tive for­ma­tions in the oral cav­i­ty is also a seri­ous con­traindi­ca­tion for the use of an irri­ga­tor;
  • Diag­nosed sus­pi­cion or already deter­mined diag­no­sis of onco­log­i­cal pathol­o­gy in the mouth, throat or esoph­a­gus of a per­son.

Since the irri­ga­tor is a med­ical device, we rec­om­mend that you con­sult with a spe­cial­ist before pur­chas­ing it. The doc­tor will deter­mine if there are con­traindi­ca­tions.

How to properly care for the device?

Accord­ing to the man­u­fac­tur­er, this prod­uct is designed for a fair­ly long ser­vice life. In order for the irri­ga­tor to last as long as pos­si­ble, you need to fol­low sim­ple rules:

  • The main unit is strict­ly for­bid­den to be immersed in water, so as not to cause a short cir­cuit. After each use, it is rec­om­mend­ed to dry the prod­uct, wipe it with a soft dry cloth;
  • If var­i­ous kinds of med­i­c­i­nal com­po­si­tions are used instead of water, the device should be thor­ough­ly rinsed. To do this, the tank is filled with warm water and the irri­ga­tor itself is turned on until the water runs out;
  • The max­i­mum tem­per­a­ture of the liq­uid that can be poured into the tank is 50 degrees;
  • After each use, it is advis­able to rinse the noz­zles, and some­times dis­in­fect them in a solu­tion of chlorhex­i­dine or in hydro­gen per­ox­ide at room tem­per­a­ture;
  • Store the device in a dry place.

Only puri­fied water should be poured into the tank, in order to avoid clog­ging of the noz­zle noz­zles with par­ti­cles of dirt or salt. Com­po­si­tions con­tain­ing infu­sions of herbs or oily sub­stances are strict­ly pro­hib­it­ed. It is per­mis­si­ble to fill the reser­voir only with spe­cial flu­ids that have been pre­vi­ous­ly approved by the man­u­fac­tur­er.

Features of use and instructions for use

In prin­ci­ple, work­ing with the WI-912 irri­ga­tor is not dif­fi­cult. How­ev­er, there are a num­ber of impor­tant rules. First of all, the man­u­fac­tur­er does not rec­om­mend turn­ing on the device if the noz­zle is not insert­ed into the sock­et, as this can cause the elec­tric motor to over­heat and soon dis­able it. In addi­tion, you should not start the irri­ga­tor if the water tank is not filled with liq­uid.

Your new device comes with an emp­ty bat­tery, so you should charge it before­hand. When this is done, they start fill­ing the tank, this can be done in two ways: through the top hole, remov­ing the tank itself, and through the out­er hole, fold­ing the pro­tec­tive cap. The irri­ga­tor is filled with either water or a spe­cial liq­uid.

B-Well-WI-912 box

Select and place a suit­able noz­zle, install it close to the han­dle. Before using the irri­ga­tor, select the inten­si­ty of the pres­sure — this is done using a spe­cial but­ton. It is desir­able to keep the jet at a right angle towards the gums and teeth.

When the noz­zle is in the mouth, it is bet­ter to close the lips to pre­vent splash­ing. Move the tip by feel­ing from one tooth to anoth­er, try­ing to linger in the gaps between the teeth them­selves. The degree of purifi­ca­tion can be seen in the mir­ror. Exces­sive appli­ca­tion should not be feared, since the jet is dis­trib­uted over the sur­face of the enam­el quite gen­tly. This allows you to remove plaque and plaque, and save your teeth.

If the device is not used for a long time, it is advis­able to rinse it thor­ough­ly. After use, all remain­ing water should be poured out.

User reviews of B.Well WI-912

Max­im, 35 years old, world

  • Lots of noz­zles, cleans well. Per­fect­ly kneads the gums, although at first there was a slight bleed­ing. It dis­ap­peared in just 3 or 4 uses. Teeth are vis­i­bly whiter. I use ordi­nary fil­tered water, I didn’t fill in spe­cial­ized com­pounds, but I assume that the effect of them will be even bet­ter. High pow­er lev­el, and if nec­es­sary, you can adjust the inten­si­ty of the jet.

Vera, 26 years old, Yegorievsk

  • It cleans teeth very effec­tive­ly and even effec­tive­ly, it is a good pre­ven­tion of bleed­ing gums. Pow­er can be adjust­ed direct­ly dur­ing use or from time to time, grad­u­al­ly bring­ing it to the max­i­mum lev­el of work. The kit comes with a fair­ly large set of noz­zles that can rotate, which allows you to brush your teeth and mas­sage your gums from almost any angle and in the most inac­ces­si­ble places. The case for the device and noz­zles is very con­ve­nient — it is con­ve­nient to take it on the road. For such a func­tion­al device and a wide range of equip­ment, the cost is quite accept­able. In terms of short­com­ings, I want to note the not very con­ve­nient sys­tem for top­ping up water.

Alex­ey, 43 years old, Shatu­ra

  • This prod­uct was rec­om­mend­ed to me by a peri­odon­tist. Per­son­al­ly, in my opin­ion, the device is char­ac­ter­ized by a very opti­mal ratio of price and qual­i­ty. There are many attach­ments, but I don’t use all of them. How­ev­er, those that are designed for direct gum mas­sage suit­ed me opti­mal­ly. The design of the device is attrac­tive, the mod­el does not need a lot of free space, if nec­es­sary, you can take it with you on the road. The capac­i­ty of the tank is quite enough to work with the entire oral cav­i­ty. The assem­bly is of high qual­i­ty — even after sev­er­al months of dai­ly use, I did not find any squeaks or oth­er man­u­fac­tur­ing defects, although the case is made exclu­sive­ly of plas­tic. I did­n’t notice any real­ly ill-con­ceived moments.

In custody

Well, here we have con­sid­ered such an orig­i­nal device as the WI-912 irri­ga­tor, the Swiss brand B.Well. We hope that the infor­ma­tion we col­lect­ed as a result of test­ing the device will be enough for you to decide on a pur­chase, and the result will please you and your loved ones!

If you have any ques­tions in terms of func­tion­al­i­ty or oth­er points, then you may well ask them in the com­ments to this arti­cle. We will try to respond to your mes­sage as soon as pos­si­ble and pro­vide all the data you are inter­est­ed in. In addi­tion, you can share your expe­ri­ence of using sim­i­lar prod­ucts: it will be very inter­est­ing for us and our read­ers to learn addi­tion­al infor­ma­tion about sim­i­lar equip­ment.






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