Rating of the best submersible blenders of 2019 in the selection

Rating of the best submersible blenders of 2019 in the selection

In house­hold appli­ance stores you can find a large num­ber of sim­i­lar mod­els, which can be quite dif­fer­ent from each oth­er in terms of use­ful char­ac­ter­is­tics. To make it eas­i­er for you to choose this device, we decid­ed to write a rat­ing of the best sub­mersible blenders of 2019. But before pro­ceed­ing to a direct analy­sis of the per­for­mance of the mod­els includ­ed in our review, let’s see what you should pay atten­tion to when buy­ing these devices. With this, per­haps, we will begin.


How to choose the best immersion blender?

One of the most impor­tant points is the pow­er of the prod­uct. It direct­ly affects what prod­ucts such a device can han­dle. For exam­ple, if the pow­er of the blender is less than 250 W, then it will not work to chop frozen veg­eta­bles or minced meat; a device with an indi­ca­tor of approx­i­mate­ly 400–600 W will be suit­able for such oper­a­tions. In addi­tion, pow­er direct­ly affects the speed of the struc­ture. Most house­wives in their reviews rec­om­mend pur­chas­ing mod­els for home use, the pow­er of which will be about 300–400 watts.

It will not be super­flu­ous to have a speed switch, and it can be either smooth or stepped. The num­ber of speeds varies from 1 to 24. You can change the speed of work due to the force on the but­ton — this is already a pulse mode. These qual­i­ties allow you to choose the opti­mal speed of the device for var­i­ous prod­ucts. For exam­ple, you can start grind­ing meat at low speeds, grad­u­al­ly increas­ing the num­ber of rev­o­lu­tions. Smooth switch­ing of speed allows to pick up exact speed of work. For home con­di­tions, 5–8 blender speeds are enough.

How to choose the right immersion blender

It is best if as many noz­zles as pos­si­ble are sup­plied with the prod­uct — then they will be able to mix the dough, work with var­i­ous types of prod­ucts. Be sure to pay atten­tion to what mate­r­i­al these noz­zles are made of. They are made from plas­tic or met­al. Pref­er­ence is giv­en, of course, to met­al prod­ucts, as they are much more durable.

Recent­ly, not only wired blenders, but also bat­tery-pow­ered designs have begun to appear on sale. The lat­ter have a greater mass, but they are autonomous, there is no need to install the device near the out­let or use exten­sion cords. The bat­tery capac­i­ty is usu­al­ly such that the device can oper­ate for half an hour. These mod­els are charged on spe­cial stands, they will cost more com­pared to wired designs.

In com­pil­ing our review of the best immer­sion blenders of the year, we took into account not only these fac­tors, but also user reviews and the val­ue for mon­ey mod­els. We have tried to include only afford­able mod­els in the rat­ing so that they are afford­able for most of our read­ers. So, let’s move on to a direct analy­sis of the use­ful char­ac­ter­is­tics of spe­cif­ic blenders.

Budget category

3. CENTEK CT-1319

CENTEK CT-1319 photo

This is a domes­tic-made appli­ance, which, accord­ing to many house­wives, is an excel­lent assis­tant in the kitchen. First of all, this prod­uct has a rather high pow­er, which is 1000 watts. The unit is capa­ble of grind­ing or whip­ping absolute­ly any prod­uct, regard­less of its hard­ness, in a mat­ter of sec­onds. The prod­uct comes with a grinder, which is very con­ve­nient to grind wal­nuts. The grinder can eas­i­ly replace a meat grinder. Knives are made of food stain­less steel, they are care­ful­ly sharp­ened, even new ones do not give the prod­ucts a spe­cif­ic taste. Minced meat can be cooked very quick­ly. The case is made of high-qual­i­ty plas­tic, it does not have any assem­bly defects. All parts are tight­ly fit­ted to each oth­er, back­lash and squeaks do not occur even due to strong pres­sure on the device dur­ing oper­a­tion. The appear­ance is very beau­ti­ful, the device will eas­i­ly fit into any kitchen inte­ri­or.

The prod­uct comes with a glass for whip­ping, the vol­ume of which is 700 ml. With it, you can even cook bis­cuit dough. The blender is equipped with two oper­at­ing modes, there is a tur­bo mode designed specif­i­cal­ly for sol­id prod­ucts. The pow­er cable is long enough — more than one and a half meters, so you can com­fort­ably work even at a con­sid­er­able dis­tance from the out­let.


  • Very high pow­er rat­ings;
  • High-qual­i­ty noz­zles from care­ful­ly sharp­ened stain­less steel;
  • Ease of use;
  • Wide func­tion­al­i­ty.


  • Due to the increased pow­er, the engine may become warm dur­ing inten­sive use.

2. SUPRA HBS-633

SUPRA HBS-633 photo

Anoth­er design that is quite afford­able. The pow­er of the prod­uct is low­er com­pared to the pre­vi­ous mod­el — it is 500 W, this indi­ca­tor will also be quite enough for home use. The noz­zles are made of durable met­al, which can with­stand pro­longed phys­i­cal exer­tion. The blades do not become dull dur­ing their entire ser­vice life. The body is made of ABS plas­tic, pleas­ant to the touch, which does not show dirt, and is also easy to clean. There are rub­ber­ized areas on the han­dle that do not allow the design to slip out even from wet hands. The blender has only two speeds, and a tur­bo mode is also pro­vid­ed. The seat for attach­ing the noz­zles is made of reli­able plas­tic, met­al ele­ments will not loosen or spoil it. Even with reg­u­lar use, there is no back­lash when rotat­ing the noz­zles. The knife on the main noz­zle is pressed in, so it will not be pos­si­ble to remove and sharp­en it.

The mod­el is com­plet­ed with a grinder of rather big sizes. At its bot­tom there is a rub­ber insert that will damp­en vibra­tion from a run­ning motor and pre­vent the device from slid­ing on the table sur­face. The knives here are also quite sharp — they can even work with frozen foods. The mod­el does not need a lot of free space, so it is well suit­ed even for a small kitchen. The blender is very easy to clean, it is designed for cook­ing small amounts of food — enough for a fam­i­ly of two or three peo­ple.


  • Accept­able price;
  • Qual­i­ty assem­bly;
  • Small over­all dimen­sions;
  • Fits com­fort­ably in the hand;
  • The kit includes every­thing you need for com­fort­able work.


  • It makes a lot of noise when using the whisk.

1. Bosch MSM 14200

Bosch MSM 14200 photo

It is a design devel­oped by Ger­man engi­neers, the assem­bly of the device is car­ried out in Slove­nia. The blender is sup­plied with a por­tion glass and a chop­per with a plas­tic lid. The motor pow­er is 400 W — it will be quite enough to work even with fair­ly sol­id prod­ucts. There is only one speed here, but an anti-splash sys­tem is pro­vid­ed. Even liq­uid prod­ucts will not splat­ter in dif­fer­ent direc­tions dur­ing the use of the prod­uct. All remov­able ele­ments are made of met­al, they are very easy to install, remove and wash. The device works rel­a­tive­ly qui­et­ly, has a small weight, which is just over 1.1 kg. The han­dle has an ergonom­ic shape, the device can grind nuts, gar­lic, herbs with­in a few sec­onds.

If nec­es­sary, the attach­ments can even be washed in the dish­wash­er. They are fixed on the motor block using a spe­cial rotary mech­a­nism. It will not allow them to pop out dur­ing oper­a­tion, which makes the device com­plete­ly safe dur­ing use. The blender’s foot is housed in a case made of heat-resis­tant plas­tic. All mate­ri­als from which the Bosch MSM 14200 is made are of high qual­i­ty and reli­a­bil­i­ty.


  • Tra­di­tion­al Ger­man qual­i­ty;
  • Accept­able cost;
  • Suf­fi­cient pow­er for home use.


  • There is no whisk includ­ed.

Middle category

4 Philips HR1672 Avance

Philips HR1672 Avance photo

A fair­ly pow­er­ful device — the elec­tric motor is designed for 800 W, to achieve max­i­mum per­for­mance, the mod­el has a tur­bo mode. The case is made of high-qual­i­ty plas­tic, all sub­mersible ele­ments are met­al. The design has ten speeds, the adjust­ment is smooth. Prod­ucts can be chopped not in a bowl, but direct­ly in a saucepan, even if it is not very deep. The prod­uct is man­u­fac­tured using the lat­est ProMix Tita­ni­um tech­nol­o­gy, thanks to which the prod­ucts are crushed as even­ly as pos­si­ble. It is acti­vat­ed using a tri­an­gu­lar-shaped noz­zle.

A pulse mode is pro­vid­ed: the more the pow­er but­ton is pressed, the high­er the speed will be, and it can be grad­u­al­ly increased. The knives are very sharp, they have a tita­ni­um coat­ing, which increas­es their strength sev­er­al times com­pared to ordi­nary steel. There is no need to sharp­en blades. The han­dle has an ergonom­ic shape, which makes the blender absolute­ly safe to use. The prod­uct comes with a tri­an­gu­lar mea­sur­ing cup with a mea­sur­ing scale. Its capac­i­ty is 1 liter. The blender is elec­tron­i­cal­ly con­trolled — this makes the design even more reli­able.


  • Beau­ti­ful appear­ance;
  • Elec­tron­ic con­trol;
  • Con­ve­nient to use;
  • Ergonom­ic shape;
  • Long ser­vice life.


  • The whisk is rather weak — over time, the rods can pop out of the base.

3. Moulinex DD643132

Moulinex DD643132 photo

Quite a pow­er­ful design, which is excel­lent for use in domes­tic con­di­tions. The com­plete set is opti­mal, how­ev­er, the mod­el is not at all over­loaded with var­i­ous con­tain­ers and noz­zles, respec­tive­ly, it will not take up too much free space dur­ing stor­age. The pow­er of the elec­tric motor is enough for the blender to eas­i­ly han­dle hard foods such as veg­eta­bles and nuts. The device is suit­able even for work­ing with raw meat, for this a spe­cial grinder is pro­vid­ed, the capac­i­ty of which is 0.5 liters. The length of the pow­er cable is one and a half meters — you can use the device with­out using an exten­sion cord. The prod­uct has as many as 20 speeds, they switch smooth­ly.

The blender also has a tur­bo mode. Despite the engine pow­er of 800 W, the unit is quite qui­et. As many house­wives note, the device is con­ve­nient and easy to use, large­ly due to the ergonom­ic han­dle and min­i­mal vibra­tion. All noz­zles are very easy to clean, and you can even do it in the dish­wash­er. Sub­mersible noz­zles are made of high-qual­i­ty food steel, resis­tant to cor­ro­sion process­es. They are fixed secure­ly, do not rat­tle or vibrate dur­ing oper­a­tion.


  • Qui­et oper­a­tion;
  • Accept­able pow­er;
  • All nec­es­sary noz­zles are includ­ed in the kit;
  • Long ser­vice life;
  • Extend­ed func­tion­al­i­ty.


  • It takes a long time to grind tough meat like beef.

2. Polaris PHB 1043A

Polaris PHB 1043A photo

The mod­el is made in Chi­na, how­ev­er, despite this, it has all the nec­es­sary world and Euro­pean qual­i­ty cer­tifi­cates. The class of pro­tec­tion against elec­tric shock is the sec­ond, which indi­cates the pres­ence of dou­ble elec­tri­cal insu­la­tion, the case is not equipped with ground­ing, as well as the plug. The rat­ed pow­er of the device is 600 watts, it is capa­ble of deliv­er­ing a max­i­mum of 1000 watts. The body is half met­al and half plas­tic. The device is char­ac­ter­ized by low weight, prac­ti­cal­ly does not vibrate dur­ing use. The engine does get warm, but not too hot, which is not the case with the noz­zles, which heat up to a very high tem­per­a­ture, espe­cial­ly the top. As stat­ed in the instruc­tions, it is advis­able to take breaks for sev­er­al min­utes so that all mov­ing ele­ments have time to cool. When heat­ed, the struc­ture does not emit unpleas­ant odors.

All but­tons are large enough, it is very con­ve­nient to press them, there is a tur­bo mode, and you can use it with­out switch­ing the pow­er lev­el. Togeth­er with the blender itself, a cut­ting bowl with a plas­tic lid and a mea­sur­ing cup are sup­plied. The main fea­ture is the pres­ence of a spe­cial noz­zle for mak­ing mashed pota­toes or veg­eta­bles. All noz­zles, if nec­es­sary, can be com­plete­ly dis­as­sem­bled and thor­ough­ly washed. The teeth in the sock­et for attach­ing the attach­ments are made of elas­tic plas­tic, which with­stands phys­i­cal exer­tion well.


  • Excel­lent work­man­ship;
  • Attrac­tive appear­ance;
  • There is a mash­er attach­ment.


  • The attach­ments can become very hot dur­ing oper­a­tion.

1. Bosch MSM 87140

Bosch MSM 87140 photo

Anoth­er mod­el from Ger­man engi­neers of a well-known com­pa­ny. The design is equipped with a pow­er­ful elec­tric motor — as much as 750 W, which is quite enough for cook­ing home­made food. The prod­uct is equipped with reli­able pro­tec­tion against over­heat­ing. Even the hard­est food­stuffs are ground qual­i­ta­tive­ly with­in a very short time. The upper part of the han­dle is rub­ber­ized, there are 12 modes of oper­a­tion, and they switch smooth­ly, a tur­bo mode is pro­vid­ed. The rest of the han­dle is made of met­al. At the bot­tom of the prod­uct there are two large but­tons designed to extract noz­zles. The pow­er cable is quite long — more than one and a half meters, which makes the use of the device even more con­ve­nient. There is a rub­ber loop on the han­dle for hang­ing the blender, there­by sav­ing free space in the kitchen. The immer­sion leg is made of pol­ished stain­less steel, the cut­ting edges are also made of it.

The chop­per is equipped with a dou­ble-sided knife, it eas­i­ly copes with chick­en, pork, veg­eta­bles, it’s a lit­tle tight with lamb and beef — it takes more time to grind them. The vol­ume of the mea­sur­ing cup is 1 liter, and in it you can not only mix, but also store food. The lid is not tight, but sits on the glass very firm­ly. All mov­ing parts are easy to clean. Sep­a­rate­ly, I want to say about the build qual­i­ty of the struc­ture — it’s just on top. The prod­uct looks quite sol­id in many respects thanks to the body made of met­al.


  • Pow­er­ful, but at the same time it works quite qui­et­ly;
  • Beau­ti­ful and mon­u­men­tal appear­ance;
  • Opti­mal num­ber of speed modes;
  • Good prod­uct set;
  • Reli­able pro­tec­tion against over­heat­ing is pro­vid­ed.


  • In the chop­per, the plas­tic bot­tom is very close to the knives.

Professional Models

3. BBK KBH1011

BBK KBH1011 photo

Most of the ele­ments of this mod­el are made of high-qual­i­ty stain­less steel, which ensures trou­ble-free use of the device for quite a long time. All knives includ­ed with this mod­el have a tita­ni­um coat­ing that keeps them sharp through­out the entire peri­od of oper­a­tion, they are sharp­ened using the lat­est Tor­na­do titan 6 Blade tech­nol­o­gy, the total pow­er of the device is 2000 W — one of the high­est rates in our review of the best immer­sion blenders. The main unit is equipped with a very com­fort­able grip. It is almost com­plete­ly made of rub­ber­ized mate­ri­als with a soft-touch coat­ing, which elim­i­nates even the slight­est slip in the hand. The prod­uct is con­trolled by two mechan­i­cal but­tons — one turns on the design, the sec­ond allows you to increase the num­ber of rev­o­lu­tions. On the top end there is a pow­er adjust­ment. The blender comes with a mea­sur­ing cup and two bowls, all of which are made of high-strength trans­par­ent plas­tic.

Even before the first start, no for­eign odors are observed. The con­nec­tion between all the ele­ments is quite tight, there are lock­ing locks that snap off with the help of but­tons. They are locat­ed con­ve­nient­ly, you do not have to change the grip. Noisy dur­ing oper­a­tion, but not too much. It is easy to take care of the device, the leg with the elec­tric motor is wiped with a damp or dry soft cloth, and all mov­ing parts can be placed in the dish­wash­er. A mash­ing attach­ment is sup­plied with the equip­ment.


  • High pow­er lev­el;
  • Com­fort­ably lies in the hand;
  • Does not over­heat even dur­ing pro­longed use;
  • High qual­i­ty pro­duc­tion and assem­bly.


  • To store all the attach­ments, you need a lot of free space.

2 Philips HR 1677

Philips HR 1677 photo

As many users note, this blender is quite com­pa­ra­ble in its func­tion­al qual­i­ty to a real food proces­sor. The device uses Speed­Touche tech­nol­o­gy in its work, thanks to which the speed of work changes very quick­ly and con­ve­nient­ly. The han­dle is made of high-qual­i­ty plas­tic, there is also a spe­cial eye­let here so that the struc­ture can be hung. There is only one but­ton to con­nect and dis­con­nect noz­zles. The pow­er cable has a length of 1.2 m. The clas­sic blender noz­zle is made of reli­able stain­less steel. It is made in the shape of a tri­an­gle, thanks to which it is pos­si­ble to ensure the most thor­ough mix­ing of food prod­ucts. The knife is cov­ered with a lay­er of tita­ni­um nitrite, which does not allow it to become dull dur­ing its entire ser­vice life. The shape of the noz­zle is wavy, which min­i­mizes splash­ing even of liq­uid prod­ucts. Togeth­er with the noz­zles, a spe­cial bowl is sup­plied, the vol­ume of which is 1.2 liters, it is con­ve­nient not only to mix, but also to beat the prod­ucts in it.

The speed and mode of oper­a­tion is select­ed using Tur­bo Boost tech­nol­o­gy, for this only one but­ton is used, and the stronger the pres­sure, the high­er the rota­tion speed of the mov­ing ele­ments. It increas­es smooth­ly, so you can choose the opti­mal mode of oper­a­tion for var­i­ous prod­ucts. It is worth not­ing that this device is equipped with an addi­tion­al func­tion of crush­ing ice, and a spe­cial disk is also includ­ed in the kit. Allows you to cut food into slices.


  • A well-made device;
  • Wide func­tion­al­i­ty;
  • Con­ve­nient adjust­ment of speed and pow­er;
  • Easy to clean;
  • Rich equip­ment.


  • The kit does not include a noz­zle that allows you to cut into cubes.

1. Braun MQ 9087X MultiQuick 9

Braun MQ 9087X MultiQuick 9 photo

A fair­ly con­ve­nient and pro­duc­tive mod­el that can eas­i­ly grind any prod­ucts. Togeth­er with the prod­uct, 11 noz­zles are sup­plied at once, which great­ly expand the func­tion­al­i­ty of the equip­ment. The dome of the blender is made in the form of a bell, so it is pos­si­ble to cope with such a prob­lem as splash­ing. The shape of the knives is such that they are able to cap­ture even the small­est pieces of food, grind­ing the entire vol­ume as even­ly as pos­si­ble. A spe­cial blade is pro­vid­ed that pro­vides crush­ing of rather large pieces. The han­dle is made on the basis of rub­ber­ized mate­ri­als — it lies com­fort­ably in the palm of your hand and does not pop out dur­ing oper­a­tion. The pow­er of the design is 1000W, it is equipped with a step­less speed switch.

The blender rod is insert­ed quite eas­i­ly, you can remove it from the grooves by press­ing the two side but­tons. There is pro­tec­tion against acci­den­tal inclu­sion and from chil­dren, so the like­li­hood of injury to a child is reduced to zero. The design pro­vides for a spe­cial mov­able chop­per blade, which will descend direct­ly to the bot­tom of the bowl, com­plete­ly cap­tur­ing the entire vol­ume of the prod­uct placed there. The device oper­ates almost silent­ly. The capac­i­ty in which the food is ground is dis­tin­guished by decent vol­umes — as much as one and a half liters. Prod­ucts are brought to the required con­sis­ten­cy in the short­est pos­si­ble time.


  • Excel­lent ergonom­ics;
  • Attrac­tive appear­ance;
  • Long peri­od of oper­a­tion;
  • Com­fort­able to use;
  • Rich equip­ment;
  • Extend­ed func­tion­al­i­ty.


  • Not diced.


Well, our review of the best sub­mersible blenders has come to its log­i­cal end. We have tried to pro­vide you with the max­i­mum amount of infor­ma­tion for each of the mod­els, so that it is as easy as pos­si­ble for you to decide on the choice of the opti­mal prod­uct. If you still have some ques­tions, you can ask us in the com­ments to this arti­cle, we will try to respond to your mes­sage as quick­ly as pos­si­ble and pro­vide addi­tion­al infor­ma­tion on the mod­el you are inter­est­ed in.






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