How to clean the case from yellowness

How to clean the silicone case for phone from yellowness

Most often in the pro­duc­tion of phone cas­es, sil­i­cone is used — an elas­tic mate­r­i­al that is resis­tant to defor­ma­tion and heat. This case pro­tects your phone from drops and scratch­es. At the same time, yel­low­ness and dark­en­ing often appear on its sur­face: if the prod­uct is trans­par­ent, then such pol­lu­tion will imme­di­ate­ly catch the eye.

Con­sid­er how to quick­ly clean a sil­i­cone case from yel­low­ness and pre­vent it from becom­ing dirty in the future.

How to clean the case from yellowness

Why does the cover turn yellow

The sur­face of the prod­uct turns yel­low for two rea­sons:

    1. nat­ur­al pen­e­tra­tion of fat stains;


    1. expo­sure to sun­light.


Both yel­low­ing and dark­en­ing of the case can adverse­ly affect the con­di­tion of the phone. For this rea­son, you should not keep the device in direct sun­light, and if you notice grease spots on the case, you should imme­di­ate­ly get rid of them.

Ways to clean the silicone case

If there are minor dirt on the cov­er, wet wipes will help to remove them. If the dirt is old, use the fol­low­ing meth­ods.

Washing solution


    1. Fill a con­tain­er with water at room tem­per­a­ture.


    1. Add some sham­poo, dish deter­gent or liq­uid soap.


    1. Soak the cov­er in the solu­tion for 1 hour.


    1. Remove stains with a tooth­brush or sponge.


    1. Rinse the case under tap water and dry with a cloth.


When wip­ing the cov­er with a cloth, it is impor­tant to com­plete­ly elim­i­nate the liq­uid, oth­er­wise ugly stains will appear on the sur­face of the prod­uct. In this case, the fab­ric should be soft so that scratch­es do not appear on the cov­er.



    1. Mix bak­ing soda with water to make a paste.


    1. Apply the mix­ture to the dirt with­out rub­bing it.


    1. Wait until the mix­ture is com­plete­ly dry.


    1. Rinse the case under run­ning water at room tem­per­a­ture.


You may need to go through the entire pro­ce­dure again.

Vodka, industrial alcohol

Vod­ka and alco­hol will help remove stains, degrease the sur­face and remove oily fin­ger­prints.


    1. Soak a cot­ton swab in alco­hol or vod­ka.


    1. Wipe the sur­face of the acces­so­ry with a cot­ton swab until the dirt is removed.


    1. Rinse the prod­uct with tap water and dry it.


Nail polish remover

The method is opti­mal for white cov­ers, for light prod­ucts with­out a print.


    1. Moist­en the cot­ton with the indi­cat­ed agent.


    1. Gen­tly wipe the sur­face of the prod­uct.


    1. Rinse the cov­er with warm run­ning water, dry with a cloth.


Atten­tion! You should first test the prod­uct by apply­ing it to any incon­spic­u­ous place on the prod­uct.


How to clean the case from yellowness


    1. Apply the paste to the tooth­brush and use it to treat the sur­face of the case.


    1. Leave the paste on for 20 min­utes.


    1. Rinse the cov­er under warm run­ning water.


    1. If the yel­low­ing on the case does not dis­ap­pear, repeat steps 1–3.


The tooth­paste should not con­tain any dyes. You can use tooth­paste instead.

ammonia, soda and water


    1. Mix alco­hol, soda and water in equal vol­umes.


    1. Apply the mix­ture to the sur­face of the cov­er with a foam sponge and leave for half an hour.


    1. Rinse the cov­er under run­ning water at room tem­per­a­ture.



The method allows you to restore trans­paren­cy even to a com­plete­ly yel­lowed case.


    1. Rinse the case with dish­wash­ing deter­gent to remove grease and dirt. It is rec­om­mend­ed to use an old hard tooth­brush.


    1. Apply WD-40 to the case and sprin­kle bak­ing soda on top.


    1. Wrap the cov­er in a nap­kin, place it in a con­tain­er and fill it with vine­gar. There will be a brief vio­lent reac­tion. The cov­er should be in vine­gar for 6 hours.


    1. Rinse the case addi­tion­al­ly with a clean­ing agent if it is not trans­par­ent enough.


How to lighten a silicone case

If the cov­er has dark­ened, you can use cit­ric acid or gaso­line.


    1. Put on pro­tec­tive gloves and damp­en a cot­ton pad or sponge with the clean­ing solu­tion.


    1. Gen­tly wipe the sur­face of the case, with­out force.


    1. Rinse the case under warm run­ning water to remove any remain­ing clean­ing solu­tion.


This method will allow you to get rid of not only the dark­en­ing of the cov­er, but also the stains left from bril­liant green, felt-tip pens, and paint.

How to get rid of old stains

How to clean the case from yellowness

Try using these meth­ods:

    1. Essen­tial oils remove ink and mark­er stains.


    1. Fin­ger­prints and paint remove sub­stances con­tain­ing alco­hol.


    1. Sun­flower oil allows you to cope with traces of adhe­sive tape, glue.


    1. Stub­born dirt is removed with a melamine sponge.


    1. If the cov­er is heav­i­ly soiled, you should use bleach.


    1. With minor con­t­a­m­i­na­tion, a reg­u­lar school eras­er will help. After pro­cess­ing the cov­er, you will need to wash it with soap and water.


What to do if nothing helps

If none of the above meth­ods helped to clean the case, use aggres­sive clean­ers. But in this case, there is a risk of com­plete­ly ruin­ing the cov­er.


    1. chlo­rine bleach;


    1. sand­pa­per;


    1. pow­ders with abra­sive par­ti­cles in the com­po­si­tion.


The prob­a­bil­i­ty of clean­ing the prod­uct and ruin­ing it is 50/50.

Tech­ni­cal alco­hol will do. Moist­en a cot­ton pad in it and apply to the sur­face of the prod­uct. Next, you should pre­pare a solu­tion of water, boric alco­hol and dish­wash­ing deter­gent. Place the cov­er in this solu­tion for an hour and a half. Take a tooth­brush and clean the stained areas, then rinse the case under run­ning water and dry it with a dry cloth.

High-qual­i­ty sil­i­cone is unlike­ly to suf­fer from the aggres­sive effects of these agents, but cheap mate­r­i­al is high­ly like­ly to be hope­less­ly dam­aged.

Sil­i­cone mate­r­i­al is quite del­i­cate, so even when using aggres­sive clean­ing solu­tions, there are prod­ucts that should not be used to clean cas­es. These include sharp objects, hard brush­es, steel sponges, chem­i­cal sol­vents. If you use them, then scratch­es and cracks will appear on the sur­face of the cov­er, which will quick­ly become dirty in the future.

Case care tips

To ensure that the cov­er lasts as long as pos­si­ble, use the fol­low­ing rec­om­men­da­tions:

    1. High-qual­i­ty sil­i­cone will ensure a long ser­vice life of the case, so when buy­ing it, con­sid­er the mate­r­i­al of the prod­uct.


    1. For light sil­i­cone cas­es, you addi­tion­al­ly need to pur­chase nap­kins. Clean the prod­uct more often, as in the pres­ence of old yel­low­ness and dirt, it will be dif­fi­cult to remove them. It is rec­om­mend­ed to clean the case 3–4 times a week, pay­ing spe­cial atten­tion to the holes — this is where dirt accu­mu­lates.


    1. Do not car­ry smart­phones in sil­i­cone cas­es in your pants pock­ets, espe­cial­ly if the prod­ucts are light, trans­par­ent. Oth­er­wise, they will quick­ly dark­en.


If you bought a case that did not fit the phone, it is bet­ter to imme­di­ate­ly buy a new prod­uct. Try­ing to stretch a case that is too small can ruin it.

At the same time, a slight stretch­ing of the cov­er is pos­si­ble, since sil­i­cone is elas­tic. It is nec­es­sary to warm up the prod­uct using a house­hold hair dry­er, and then put it on the phone. The hot sil­i­cone will stretch and fit your smart­phone.







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