Effective ways to remove the smell of onions after eating, from the body, dishes from the room

Effective ways to remove the smell of onions after eating, from the body, dishes from the room

Onions are a tasty and healthy prod­uct, but if used raw, they inevitably leave behind a spe­cif­ic smell. The aro­ma can come not only from the mouth, but “stick” to the skin of the hands, hair, clothes, and even fill the entire room. Some­times you can be patient, wait­ing for the smell to dis­ap­pear on its own, but in some sit­u­a­tions, the aro­ma needs to be elim­i­nat­ed urgent­ly, and with­out resort­ing to such car­di­nal meth­ods as tak­ing a bath or wash­ing clothes. Exper­tol­ogy Spe­cial­ists We have pre­pared for you some sim­ple and effec­tive meth­ods that will help you quick­ly deal with the prob­lem.

Effective ways to remove the smell of onions after eating, from the body, dishes and kitchen appliances, from the room

How to get rid of onion smell coming from the mouth

Here are some meth­ods to get rid of the unpleas­ant smell and taste of onions in your mouth after eat­ing:

  1. Brush your teeth. It is advis­able to use a “vig­or­ous” mint tooth­paste. And process not only the teeth, but also the tongue, gums, the inner sur­face of the cheeks. To enhance the effect, also clean the inter­den­tal gaps with a floss, then rinse your mouth with a spe­cial rinse.

  2. Rinse your mouth. Chloro­phyl­lipt, dilut­ed with water in a ratio of 1 to 3. Just be care­ful not to acci­den­tal­ly swal­low the liq­uid.

  3. Drink a glass of fresh milk + rinse your mouth with it. EThis prod­uct has prop­er­ties to neu­tral­ize for­eign odors.

  4. Eat one orange, chew some zest (do not for­get to wash the cit­rus thor­ough­ly before doing this). You can also con­sol­i­date the effect by drink­ing fresh­ly squeezed orange, or bet­ter, lemon juice.

  5. Make a mouth­wash with bay leaf infu­sion. Take a few dried leaves, pour boil­ing water (200 ml.), Cov­er the glass with a lid, let cool and brew for 1 hour. Rinse your mouth sev­er­al times.

  6. eat nuts. If you have a sachet of peanuts or roast­ed almonds (includ­ing goz­i­na­ki) on hand, eat some to cov­er up the onion smell and after­taste.

  7. Eat fresh sor­rel. Be sure to wash the leaves before using them. Sor­rel con­tains a nat­ur­al acid that per­fect­ly neu­tral­izes onion odor mol­e­cules. If for some rea­son you do not want to use this plant, just squeeze its juice, dilute it slight­ly with water and rinse your mouth.

  8. Drink a cup of strong black cof­fee or chew on nat­ur­al cof­fee beans. Chew­ing grains not only deodor­izes the mouth, but also stim­u­lates the sali­va­tion process, so that the smell is “washed off” faster.

Also, in order to remove the smell of onions from the mouth, you can chew fresh mint leaves. In this case, there will be a dou­ble effect — fresh breath and ben­e­fits for the body, as this plant invig­o­rates, relieves stress, pos­i­tive­ly affects the diges­tive tract and helps to reduce body weight.

How to remove onion smell from hair

There is only one way to quick­ly remove the unpleas­ant smell of onions from the hair if it is absorbed dur­ing cook­ing or eat­ing with­out wash­ing your hair — to cov­er this aro­ma with anoth­er, more pro­nounced and pleas­ant one. You can use hair­spray, but your own per­fume or essen­tial oil is bet­ter (as an option — lemon, orange, laven­der). We spray an odor­ous agent on the hair, put on a light hat, tie a scarf, ban­dana or wrap our head with a tow­el. And in this form we spend 30–60 min­utes.

If the smell of onion remained on the hair after some cos­met­ic pro­ce­dures were car­ried out (a mask was made, for exam­ple), it will not be so easy to remove it. The aro­ma strong­ly impreg­nates the tis­sues of the head — hair, skin, to remove it, you need to take dras­tic mea­sures. Usu­al­ly strong organ­ic odors are absorbed by weak­ened, deplet­ed, porous hair. And healthy ones after pro­ce­dures with onions do not exude an unpleas­ant odor, but masks with such an ingre­di­ent are rarely made on healthy hair.

The eas­i­est way to solve the prob­lem is to wash your hair sev­er­al times with sham­poo, rinse with vine­gar, use the deter­gent again. If this method does not help, you can make a mask with com­po­nents that will help remove the smell of onions. It is rec­om­mend­ed to use one of the fol­low­ing recipes:

  1. Mix two chick­en yolks with five table­spoons of hon­ey and five drops of any essen­tial oil. Apply to hair for one hour, rinse, rinse with fresh lemon juice.

  2. We take a spoon­ful of col­or­less hen­na, the same amount of cos­met­ic clay and dry mus­tard, dilute it with kefir or sour cream to the con­sis­ten­cy of a plas­tic gru­el. Add a few drops of essen­tial oil. Apply to hair for an hour, rinse, rinse with vine­gar or lemon juice.

  3. Mix in equal parts chick­en yolks, hon­ey, cognac and lemon juice. For smell, you can add essen­tial oil of lemon or oth­er cit­rus. Apply for an hour, wash off.

To enhance the effect of these sav­ing masks, while the prod­uct is on your hair, put a plas­tic bag on your head and wrap a tow­el on top.

How to remove the smell of onion from the skin of the hands

Effective ways to remove the smell of onions after eating, from the body, dishes and kitchen appliances, from the room

Some­times just wash­ing your hands with soap does not help get rid of the lin­ger­ing onion smell. What can be done in this sit­u­a­tion:

  1. We pre­pare liq­uid soap / gel and some kind of mild abra­sive in advance. If liq­uid soap is not at hand, grate a small piece of bar deter­gent on a fine kitchen grater for veg­eta­bles, pour a small amount of warm water, mix. In 15 min­utes, you will have hand wash­ing gel. As a soft abra­sive, you can take Extra fine salt, soda, cof­fee grounds, tea leaves, sug­ar, chopped oat­meal, chopped orange, lime, lemon zest (or a lit­tle bit of every­thing).

  2. We mix the soap base and abra­sive, start clean­ing the skin before the salt or sug­ar, soda (if they are present in the com­po­si­tion) dis­solve.

  3. Care­ful­ly rub the mix­ture into the skin of the hands, pay­ing spe­cial atten­tion to the fin­ger­tips that have come into con­tact with raw onions. To enhance the effect, you can use a soft brush (or an old tooth­brush).

  4. Leave the mix­ture on the skin for a few min­utes, rinse with cool water.

Also, the fol­low­ing meth­ods will help to remove the smell of onions from the skin of the hands:

  1. Take a slice of lemon in your hands and rub it with your fin­gers. Make such move­ments as if you were wash­ing your hands, let the lemon juice cov­er the entire sur­face of the palms. Leave on for 3 min­utes, rinse your hands with cool water.

  2. Wash your hands with soap and water, take a piece of a raw pota­to and rub its juice on the spots on your skin that give off an unpleas­ant onion smell.

  3. Rub a few fresh mint leaves with your fin­gers.

To avoid such a prob­lem in the future as the smell of onions from your hands after cook­ing, cut the veg­etable with rub­ber gloves. Or at least rinse your hands with cold water before cook­ing, the pores of the skin will nar­row and the epi­der­mis will not absorb the onion fla­vor too much.

How to remove onion smell from dishes and kitchen appliances

Usu­al­ly, the kitchen board on which it is cut is most affect­ed by the ingrained smell of onions. And it does not mat­ter what mate­r­i­al it is made of (except glass, which is not sus­cep­ti­ble to food odors). If made of plas­tic, onion juice pen­e­trates into small cracks from cuts, and the unpleas­ant aro­ma lasts for a long time. If the board is wood­en, this is even worse, since even the dens­est and strongest wood per­fect­ly absorbs veg­etable juice with all its fla­vors. There­fore, let’s start with how to remove the smell of onions from a cut­ting board, here are a few ways:

  1. Rinse the prod­uct under cold run­ning water using a stiff bris­tled brush.

  2. Take equal pro­por­tions of salt and soda, add a few tea­spoons of lemon juice, mix. Before the loose ingre­di­ents have time to dis­solve in the cit­rus juice, apply the mix­ture to the entire sur­face of the board and begin to rub it with a brush. Make cir­cu­lar motions as if you are pol­ish­ing the sur­face. Rinse the cut­ting board with plen­ty of cool run­ning water.

  3. Wash the board with deter­gent (prefer­ably liq­uid laun­dry soap or soap shav­ings dis­solved in water). Then rinse the sur­face with table vine­gar, rinse the prod­uct.

  4. Moist­en the board with water (copi­ous­ly), apply dry mus­tard to the sur­face, rub it with a sponge or brush, rinse with water.

  5. Pour abun­dant­ly over the already washed board with an aque­ous solu­tion of cit­ric acid. We take the pro­por­tions “by eye”, for one glass of water a few tea­spoons of pow­der. Leave on for 5–10 min­utes, then rinse thor­ough­ly under the tap.

If the smell of onions has ingrained into oth­er wood­en or plas­tic kitchen uten­sils (dish­es, for exam­ple), sim­ply soak them for 30 min­utes in a solu­tion pre­pared accord­ing to one of the above recipes. In order for the solu­tion to com­plete­ly cov­er the prod­ucts, they can be placed in a large con­tain­er and pressed with some kind of load. If the dish­es / kitchen uten­sils are made of glass, ceram­ics, steel, cov­ered with enam­el, it is very easy to elim­i­nate the onion smell — just wash the prod­ucts with deter­gent in cool water.

How to remove the smell of onions in the room (room, kitchen, apartment)

The smell of onions can remain in the room after cook­ing for two rea­sons. The first is that a large amount of this veg­etable was used dur­ing cook­ing, the room sim­ply smelled of it lit­er­al­ly “through”. In this case, you can: wash the dish­es that were used in the cook­ing process; ven­ti­late the room by open­ing the win­dow for 15–30 min­utes; turn on a fan for bet­ter air cir­cu­la­tion. It is rec­om­mend­ed to close the door to the room so that the unpleas­ant odor does not spread to oth­er rooms.

The sec­ond rea­son for the per­sis­tent smell of onions is that after cook­ing, a cut onion remained on the table, which was not cov­ered by any­thing. Onion smell mol­e­cules are very volatile, it is enough to leave half of the veg­etable cut up for 10 min­utes so that the whole room is sat­u­rat­ed with a spe­cif­ic aro­ma. And air­ing in this case may not be effec­tive at all until the host­ess “packs” the onion and puts it in the refrig­er­a­tor. But even after that, it is not easy to cope with the smell of onions. What can be done in such a sit­u­a­tion, in addi­tion to the stan­dard ven­ti­la­tion of the room:

  1. Take a spray bot­tle, pour water into it and add a few drops of any essen­tial oil. The smell of onion is well cam­ou­flaged and inter­rupt­ed by the smell of lemon or any conif­er­ous aro­ma.

  2. Put a saucepan of water on the stove, put in it a few slices of an orange with a peel, a lemon, a cou­ple of heads of dried cloves or a few mint leaves, drip essen­tial oil, etc. Bring to a boil, let the steam fill the room and dis­place, drown out, cam­ou­flage the smell of onions.

In gen­er­al, you can use any pleas­ant-smelling sub­stances to achieve the desired effect, boil a vanil­la stick or a few pinch­es of cin­na­mon, for exam­ple, it depends on your imag­i­na­tion and the prod­ucts that are on hand.

Useful information on the topic

So that the smell of onions that remain in the mouth for a long time, cor­rode the eyes, remains on the hands, hair, kitchen uten­sils and in the room after cook­ing, no longer both­er you, fol­low the rec­om­men­da­tions of expe­ri­enced house­wives and pro­fes­sion­al chefs:

  1. When cut­ting onions, do not for­get to wear gloves. You can use thin dis­pos­able poly­eth­yl­ene prod­ucts that are removed and thrown away imme­di­ate­ly after cut­ting veg­eta­bles.

  2. If pos­si­ble, pro­tect your wood or plas­tic board by chop­ping onions on it. For this pur­pose, you can put clean paper under the veg­etable or wrap the board with sev­er­al lay­ers of thin cling film.

  3. From the pun­gent smell of onions, from which tears appear in the eyes, any impromp­tu res­pi­ra­tor will help, even a reg­u­lar ban­dage on the nose and mouth. To pro­tect your eyes from caus­tic fumes, you can wear glass­es, includ­ing sun­glass­es.

  4. So that the knife does not smell like onions, first hold it under a stream of ice water, then grease it with veg­etable oil.

  5. Dur­ing meals, it is rec­om­mend­ed to first eat dish­es that con­tain fresh onions, and then enjoy oth­er dish­es. Thus, the food that will be eat­en after the onion will kill its taste and smell.

  6. If the onion itself smells very strong­ly, you can reduce the sever­i­ty of the aro­ma by dous­ing the veg­etable with boil­ing water or immers­ing it in an aque­ous solu­tion of table vine­gar for 15 min­utes.

  7. If after cook­ing you have a half of an unused onion left, do not leave it on the table. Be sure to wrap with cling film or put in a small con­tain­er with a tight-fit­ting lid, put in the refrig­er­a­tor, oth­er­wise the smell will fill the entire room in a mat­ter of min­utes.

These sim­ple tips will help you enjoy dish­es with fresh onions and at the same time not suf­fer from the unpleas­ant smell that pen­e­trates the skin, hair and fills any room.






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