How to wash glass - folk and professional means, tools

How to wash glass — folk and professional means, tools

Glass clean­ing is part of a chore around the house, and doing it is not always easy. Espe­cial­ly for those who live in big cities, where there is a lot of dust and dirt in the air. Pol­lu­tion on glass can block 50% of day­light, and this, as you know, is not very good for the health and mood of those who are con­stant­ly indoors. In addi­tion, cloudy glass, cov­ered with a lay­er of dust, splashed with rain or snow, looks depress­ing. This arti­cle was writ­ten by Exper­tol­ogy experts to help you choose the eas­i­est and most stress-free way to clean your win­dows, which will nev­er let you down and make it eas­i­er to take care of your apart­ment or house.

How to wash glass - folk and professional means, tools

Necessary inventory to wash the glass in the window

To clean the glass in the win­dows quick­ly and effi­cient­ly, You can use the fol­low­ing aux­il­iary items:

  1. Sponges or kitchen tow­els for clean­ing glass with deter­gent and for remov­ing MC residue.

  2. Cloths made of microfiber or microfiber — use­ful for wash­ing frost­ed glass.

  3. Scraper for wash­ing (includ­ing dou­ble-sided with foam and water) — allows you to remove deter­gent, dirt with­out streaks, scratch­es and oth­er marks.

  4. A glass scraper with a spray is a two-in-one tool, a soap solu­tion or a clean­ing agent is poured into the spray bot­tle, the scraper removes dirt from the glass.

  5. Brush with semi-rigid bris­tles for remov­ing stub­born dirt such as bird drop­pings, paint, etc.

  6. Paper tow­els or toi­let paper — need­ed in order to wipe the glass dry, with­out traces of deter­gents.

  7. Util­i­ty knife for remov­ing stub­born dirt such as glue, film, paper.

  8. Gloves to pro­tect the skin of the hands, a res­pi­ra­tor mask (in case prod­ucts with a strong, pun­gent odor are used).

You will also need wash­ing liq­uid in order to wash the glass effi­cient­ly. You can use a pur­chased prepa­ra­tion, you can pre­pare a solu­tion your­self from what you have at hand. Con­sid­er both options — here is a list of effec­tive com­mer­cial win­dow clean­ers, as well as recipes for prepar­ing a clean­ing solu­tion at home.

Purchased household chemicals that can be used to wash glass

The range of house­hold chem­i­cals, which is suit­able for high-qual­i­ty glass wash­ing, is very wide. You can choose a drug for every “taste” and bud­get. Here are a few clean­ers that are in high demand among house­wives:

  1. Frosch Glass Clean­er. This is an envi­ron­men­tal­ly friend­ly deter­gent, which con­tains biodegrad­able ampholyt­ic sur­fac­tants of plant ori­gin. Der­ma­tol­o­gist test­ed and suit­able for peo­ple with sen­si­tive skin.

  2. Organ­ic Peo­ple eco-spray for clean­ing glass and mir­rors. It will clean all smooth sur­faces in the apart­ment, it does not have a strong smell, it is eco­nom­i­cal, it is inex­pen­sive.

  3. Mis­ter Mus­cle. This tool has already man­aged to estab­lish itself as effec­tive and easy to use. In addi­tion, there are replace­able bot­tles with­out a sprayer on sale, which allows you to save on the sec­ond and sub­se­quent pur­chas­es.

  4. Nap­kins for glass­es. Allows you to wash the glass with­out the use of chem­i­cals, only with water. They do not leave streaks, elim­i­nate the need for pol­ish­ing and wip­ing dry.

  5. Frat­ty HB Frat­ty Clean­er 2 in 1 for wash­ing glass­es and office equip­ment. Safe and inex­pen­sive clean­er for glass, plas­tic and most sur­faces in the home.

  6. CIF - a liq­uid that will pro­vide high-qual­i­ty glass clean­ing and mir­ror shine with­out much effort.

  7. IKeep - a prepa­ra­tion for clean­ing domes­tic pro­duc­tion. Suit­able for wash­ing glass, mir­rors, var­i­ous trans­par­ent sur­faces, earth­en­ware and porce­lain. Advan­tage — absolute­ly safe for plas­tic win­dow frames.

  8. Envi­ron­men­tal­ly friend­ly win­dow clean­er Green Care Glass & Win­dow Clean­er. Allows you to clean with­out harm to the health of house­holds, and does not harm the envi­ron­ment.

  9. Clin Win­dows and Mir­rors Lemon. Quite inex­pen­sive and eco­nom­i­cal drug.

  10. Mul­ti­func­tion­al con­cen­trate for glass and oth­er glossy sur­faces ten­zi glass. A ver­sa­tile prepa­ra­tion that can be use­ful for dif­fer­ent types of clean­ing.

  11. Help - the best inex­pen­sive rem­e­dy from the class of house­hold chem­i­cals that will allow you to for­get about the ques­tion of how to wash the win­dows in the apart­ment.

This is not the whole list of high-qual­i­ty and effec­tive win­dow clean­ers. The range is large, but we hope that the rec­om­men­da­tions of clean­ing spe­cial­ists will make it eas­i­er for you to choose the right prod­uct.

Home remedies for quality glass cleaning

How to wash glass - folk and professional means, tools

The sim­plest tool that will help wash the glass so that it is not vis­i­ble at all is laun­dry soap. Take a quar­ter of a stan­dard bar, rub it on a reg­u­lar fine grater to form chips. Add some warm water, wait for the soap to dis­solve. You should get a creamy sub­stance. Put a lit­tle soap on a damp sponge for wash­ing dish­es, lath­er, lath­er the glass thor­ough­ly, leave the foam for 2–3 min­utes. Then the clean­ing agent can be washed off with plain water, and then wipe the sur­face with a paper tow­el until it dries com­plete­ly and the stains dis­ap­pear. Thus, you will not only achieve per­fect glass trans­paren­cy, but also pre­vent the occur­rence of mold, which often appears around the win­dow perime­ter near the rub­ber seal. After all, laun­dry soap has dis­in­fec­tant prop­er­ties. If you have met­al-plas­tic dou­ble-glazed win­dows installed, you need to make sure that the soap solu­tion does not get on the snow-white win­dow frame, oth­er­wise, if it is not washed off well, the frame may turn yel­low over time.

You can also use the fol­low­ing house­hold non-spe­cial­ized prod­ucts for wash­ing glass­es:

  1. Dish­wash­ing liq­uid. Elim­i­nates dirt no worse than spe­cial sprays.

  2. Ammo­nia, ordi­nary med­ical alco­hol or vod­ka. They do an excel­lent job of remov­ing dirt, such as traces of glue or adhe­sive tape.

  3. White spir­it or any sim­i­lar sol­vent. The tool will help remove foil, tint or dec­o­ra­tive film, glue stains, grease and sim­i­lar con­t­a­m­i­nants. How­ev­er, before wash­ing the win­dows, test the prod­uct on a small sur­face, if the con­cen­tra­tion of the drug is increased, the glass may become opaque.

  4. Chalk solu­tion (1 glass of water + 3 table­spoons of crushed chalk). Excel­lent glass clean­er.

  5. Vine­gar solu­tion (1 liter of hot water + 1 table­spoon of 9% table vine­gar).

Do not for­get that prepa­ra­tions in the form of pow­ders, includ­ing those con­tain­ing abra­sive sub­stances, can­not be used to clean glass sur­faces, because they can leave scratch­es on the sur­face that can­not be removed.

Magnetic window cleaning brush

This is just an ide­al option for those who live on the upper floors of high-rise build­ings. Wash­ing glass­es for such peo­ple is asso­ci­at­ed with the risk of falling from a great height and injur­ing them­selves. But not to leave the win­dows from the out­side unwashed? No way, because you can buy a mag­net­ic brush and for­get about the fear of heights. The prin­ci­ple of its oper­a­tion is sim­ple — the brush con­sists of two halves, each of which is attached to a mag­net, they are con­nect­ed by a cord. Each of the halves has a wash­ing sur­face (a clean­ing agent is applied to it), as well as a scraper for remov­ing foam. The user holds one half in his hand and runs it over the glass, the sec­ond is hung out of the win­dow from above with a string and is mag­ne­tized to the glass from the out­side. This sec­ond half exact­ly repeats the move­ments of the first one, which the user oper­ates on. In this way, you can wash the glass inside and out with­out the slight­est prob­lem, with­out risk­ing falling from a height.

When choos­ing a device, be sure to read what is writ­ten on the pack­ag­ing and read reviews about a par­tic­u­lar prod­uct, man­u­fac­tur­er, mod­el. Some mag­net­ic brush­es are not suit­able for dou­ble glazed plas­tic win­dows, as the halves are not mag­ne­tized due to the large dis­tance between them. But you can choose the right tool that will help wash the glass, the range of such prod­ucts is wide.

Tips & Tricks

Clean­ing experts have com­piled sev­er­al rec­om­men­da­tions for read­ers of our online pub­li­ca­tion, which will help you wash the glass cor­rect­ly and avoid com­mon mis­takes:

  1. Before wash­ing the glass, free the win­dow open­ings and win­dow sills from every­thing super­flu­ous, move the cur­tains and cur­tains so that the deter­gent does not get on them and does not leave a stain.

  2. Wash the frame before wash­ing the glass. Do not use col­ored prod­ucts for this, so that the plas­tic does not stain. We also do not use soda and sim­i­lar sub­stances that can scratch a plas­tic or wood­en sur­face or cor­rode paint.

  3. It is bet­ter to wash win­dow glass in hot, warm, but calm weath­er, the sur­face will dry faster and there will be no streaks, as well as re-con­t­a­m­i­na­tion with dust.

  4. To pre­vent con­den­sa­tion from col­lect­ing on the glass­es, you can wipe them after wash­ing with a mix­ture of glyc­erin and alco­hol in a ratio of 1 to 10. To pre­vent the for­ma­tion of con­den­sate, it is also rec­om­mend­ed to reg­u­lar­ly ven­ti­late the room, and sup­ply valves can be installed on the win­dows.

  5. If you need to wash the win­dows in win­ter, and they are icy, a warm saline solu­tion will help to quick­ly remove the ice. And if you process win­dows with it also at the end of the pro­ce­dure, the glass­es will shine beau­ti­ful­ly.

  6. What­ev­er you decide to wash the glass with, first treat the inner sur­face, then the out­er one.

  7. At the end of the pro­ce­dure, wipe the sur­face first with ver­ti­cal, then hor­i­zon­tal move­ments, this will pro­tect against streaks.

  8. Do not use cloths with eas­i­ly detach­able fibers to wipe the glass. Such traces, adher­ing vil­li on the win­dows will be very notice­able.






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