How to remove the smell from the bag with folk and special means

How to remove the smell from the bag with folk and special means

A bag is not only a con­tain­er for var­i­ous lit­tle things that a per­son may need out­side the home. It is also an acces­so­ry, an addi­tion to the over­all image, form­ing the opin­ion of oth­ers. And if a wom­en’s or men’s bag smells unpleas­ant, imme­di­ate­ly after pur­chase or dur­ing oper­a­tion, you need to take action. You can, of course, take the prod­uct to dry clean­ing, but why not try to fix the prob­lem on your own, sav­ing on the ser­vices of spe­cial­ists. In this arti­cle, read­ers of Exper­tol­ogy mag­a­zine will learn how to remove odor from a bag at home.

How to remove the smell from the bag with folk and special means

Causes of an unpleasant smell in the bag

Before try­ing to remove the smell com­ing from the inte­ri­or of the acces­so­ry, you should under­stand why such a prob­lem arose. There may be sev­er­al options:

  1. Organ­ic or inor­gan­ic con­t­a­m­i­na­tion got on the lin­ing, because of this, an unpleas­ant smell inside the bag. In this case, clean­ing or wash­ing the lin­ing is required.
  2. Just an odor­ous sub­stance got on the lin­ing, for exam­ple, per­fume spilled. To fix the prob­lem, it is enough to wash and / or ven­ti­late the bag. Aro­ma absorbers can also be used.
  3. The prod­uct is sewn of a mate­r­i­al that emits a smell. In this case, the bag will smell strong­ly at first, after a few months of oper­a­tion the prob­lem will dis­ap­pear by itself. To speed up the process, you can use spe­cial odor absorbers.

Hav­ing found out where the unpleas­ant smell came from, you can begin to pre­pare the prod­uct for clean­ing.

Preparing your bag for odor removal

The main mea­sures to pre­pare the prod­uct for clean­ing:

  1. Take out every­thing that is in them from all pock­ets and com­part­ments of the bag.

  2. Turn out the pock­ets and, if pos­si­ble, the lin­ing, shake the prod­uct so that small debris spills out of it.

  3. Go over the lin­ing with a brush to remove dust and dirt embed­ded in the fab­ric.

  4. If pos­si­ble, pro­tect the parts (acces­sories) of the bag that are oxi­dized, prone to rust and cor­ro­sion with poly­eth­yl­ene.

Now the prod­uct is com­plete­ly ready for clean­ing pro­ce­dures. We list and describe the main, most effec­tive and safe meth­ods.

How to remove the smell from the bag — we erase the lining of the accessory

It is known that reg­u­lar wash­ing is the best way to deal with unpleas­ant odors. If your prod­uct or at least its lin­ing can be washed in water, with deter­gents, try this method first:

  1. If the lin­ing can be removed from the bot­tom and turned inside out, do so.
  2. Dis­solve the shav­ings obtained by grind­ing a piece of ordi­nary laun­dry soap in water at room tem­per­a­ture. Shav­ings are obtained by rub­bing a bar on a kitchen fine grater. You can use baby soap or laun­dry soap in the form of a liq­uid.
  3. If the bag can be washed from the out­side, wash and rinse in cool water. If not, wash only the lin­ing. To do this, apply a soapy solu­tion to the sponge, sat­u­rate the lin­ing with it, “squeeze” if pos­si­ble. And then, con­stant­ly rins­ing the sponge, soak the soap out of the fab­ric, the foam should stop form­ing.
  4. Wipe the out­side of the prod­uct dry if pos­si­ble. Inside, put crum­pled sheets of clean paper (not news­pa­per, print­ing ink can trans­fer from it to the fab­ric), stuff the prod­uct tight­ly. As mois­ture is absorbed into the paper, change the padding. When you see that the paper is no longer wet, take the bag out onto the bal­cony or out­side for final dry­ing and air­ing.

If the pol­lu­tion seems strong to you, and you want to soak the prod­uct before wash­ing, so that the dirt comes off bet­ter, con­sid­er whether it is worth doing it, how safe it is for the acces­so­ry. Inside the bag there may be card­board frame parts, parts that are fixed with glue. After soak­ing, it can sim­ply “fall apart” into pieces.

Treatment with a solution of potassium permanganate, hydrogen peroxide, vinegar or lemon juice

How to remove the smell from the bag with folk and special means

The first way to remove the smell from organ­ic mat­ter (meat, rot­ten fruit, etc.) is to use a mix­ture of potas­si­um per­man­ganate and hydro­gen per­ox­ide. But keep in mind that potas­si­um per­man­ganate has a pink tint, the liq­uid pre­pared from it can stain the fab­ric. And per­ox­ide has bright­en­ing, bleach­ing prop­er­ties, so the lin­ing mate­r­i­al can shed. If you are still sure that the fab­ric will with­stand such treat­ment, pre­pare a clean­ing mix­ture. Take a liter of tepid water, dis­solve 3 tea­spoons of hydro­gen per­ox­ide and so much potas­si­um per­man­ganate in it so that the liq­uid becomes trans­par­ent and pale pink. Make sure that there are no undis­solved crys­tals at the bot­tom of the con­tain­er. Put on rub­ber gloves, sat­u­rate a sponge with the solu­tion, and thor­ough­ly wipe the lin­ing of the bag. Wait 15 min­utes, rinse off the prod­uct by wip­ing it with a damp, clean cloth or sponge. Dry­ing of the prod­uct takes place in the open air or with the help of lumps of white sheets of office paper.

Also, nat­ur­al acids dis­solved in water will help you remove the smell from the bag. You can take 1 liter of liq­uid, add a few table­spoons of vine­gar to it or 1 table­spoon of vine­gar and fresh­ly squeezed lemon juice. The acces­so­ry is processed inside, and if the fab­ric allows, then out­side, wet­ting a sponge or cot­ton pad with a solu­tion. It is not nec­es­sary to strong­ly moist­en the prod­uct, it is enough that its sur­faces become wet. The bag after pro­cess­ing in the open is kept in the fresh air. Dur­ing this time, the prod­uct has time to dry and air out, the mol­e­cules of evap­o­rat­ing acids take odor mol­e­cules with them.

How to remove the smell — we use inexpensive absorbents

To remove an unpleas­ant odor and rid the prod­uct of excess mois­ture, such sim­ple means as salt and soda, acti­vat­ed char­coal will help. This method helps in sit­u­a­tions where there is no obvi­ous con­t­a­m­i­na­tion of the lin­ing fab­ric, but the irri­tat­ing aro­ma is still present. How do we use salt and soda:

  1. We mix both com­po­nents in equal parts (the mass depends on the inter­nal vol­ume of the bag). Salt is desir­able to take a fine grind brand Extra.
  2. Pour the mix­ture into all the pock­ets and inter­nal com­part­ments of the bag, it is enough that it cov­ers the bot­tom for a few cen­time­ters.
  3. We place the prod­uct in a plas­tic bag, tight­ly tie it, stand for a week.
  4. After 7 days, remove the bag, care­ful­ly remove the entire mix­ture with a brush. It should absorb not only unpleas­ant odors, but also excess mois­ture.

How to use acti­vat­ed char­coal:

  1. Grind 10–20 tablets into pow­der, you can sim­ply crush them by wrap­ping them in a news­pa­per.
  2. We make paper bags or small fab­ric bags, pour crushed coal into them.
  3. We lay out the bags in all pock­ets and depart­ments of the bag.

If after three days the unpleas­ant smell does not go away, change the old bags for new ones with fresh coal. The pro­ce­dure can be repeat­ed sev­er­al times.

How to remove the smell from the bag with special means

How to remove the smell from the bag with folk and special means

In the assort­ment of hard­ware stores there are many house­hold chem­i­cals that will help get rid of an unpleas­ant smell. In par­tic­u­lar, experts rec­om­mend using the Com­bi Clean­er clean­ing foam from the well-known Sala­man­der Pro­fes­sion­al brand. It is a uni­ver­sal clean­er that is suit­able for the care of prod­ucts made of such mate­ri­als as leather, suede, tex­tiles, nubuck, for the care of patent leather acces­sories. The high­ly effec­tive and del­i­cate for­mu­la eas­i­ly elim­i­nates odors, stains, dirt, salt and water stains, restores the col­or and struc­ture of mate­ri­als. The prod­uct is suit­able for clean­ing hand­bags, as well as oth­er acces­sories and shoes. It is extreme­ly easy to use:

  1. The foam can is thor­ough­ly shak­en.
  2. The prod­uct is applied to a clean cloth, sponge, nap­kin, sponge.
  3. The sur­face requir­ing clean­ing and main­te­nance is wiped or blot­ted.
  4. The sur­face is pol­ished or cleaned with a soft brush.

After such treat­ment, the repul­sive smell from the bag will dis­ap­pear, a pleas­ant unob­tru­sive cit­rus aro­ma will remain.

You can also pur­chase a uni­ver­sal 2 in 1 fresh­en­er, for exam­ple, Nagara Aqua Beads Laven­der. This prod­uct simul­ta­ne­ous­ly absorbs unpleas­ant odors and fills the premis­es with a light aro­ma of laven­der. If you put a con­tain­er of gran­ules or direct­ly sev­er­al gran­ules in a bag for one day, you can achieve the desired effect. After that, the absorber can be used to fresh­en the air in the bath­room or toi­let room, in the liv­ing room, bed­room, etc.

How to remove odor from a new bag

Some users have encoun­tered a sit­u­a­tion where an unpleas­ant odor comes from the inside of a brand new prod­uct. This is due to the fact that the bag was made of poor qual­i­ty mate­ri­als or tech­nolo­gies were vio­lat­ed dur­ing its pro­duc­tion, it was stored or trans­port­ed in inap­pro­pri­ate con­di­tions. In this case, you can take the fol­low­ing mea­sures:

  1. Wash the bag or clean it with clean­ing foam (the same Com­bi Clean­er) inside and out.
  2. Use absorbents that will absorb an unpleas­ant odor. These can be spe­cial absorbers or impro­vised means (salt and soda, acti­vat­ed car­bon).
  3. Use fra­grances that will kill the unpleas­ant “aro­ma” from the bag.

As nat­ur­al fla­vors for deodor­iz­ing the inte­ri­or of the acces­so­ry, you can use sachets, home-made bags made of cot­ton mate­r­i­al filled with ground cof­fee, cit­rus peels, and fra­grant herbs. You can put cot­ton wool soaked in your favorite essen­tial oil or per­fume in a sachet. Per­fume or essen­tial oils can sim­ply be applied to a tis­sue hand­ker­chief and put in the pock­et of the bag. It will be invis­i­ble, but will exude aro­ma for a long time.






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