How to wash black clothes, how to restore their color and remove stains

How to wash black clothes, how to restore their color and remove stains

Black things are a clas­sic, they look styl­ish at all times, regard­less of fash­ion trends. It’s just hard to take care of them. Even the high­est qual­i­ty prod­ucts, with pro­longed and fre­quent wear, wash out, fade, and stains from deodor­ant may appear on them. How­ev­er, if you fol­low a few sim­ple wash­ing rules, you can keep the orig­i­nal look of black things for a long time. You will learn about these rules from this arti­cle.

How to wash black clothes, how to restore their color and remove stains

Choosing the Right Detergent

Black items are rec­om­mend­ed to be washed with a spe­cial deter­gent. Many man­u­fac­tur­ers pro­duce such rub­ble chem­i­cals. For exam­ple:

    1. Deter­gent for wash­ing dark and black clothes Per­woll Advanced Black.



    1. Deter­gent for dark clothes “Black­er than black” from the com­pa­ny HG.



    1. Sodasan Col­or organ­ic laun­dry deter­gent for col­ored and black clothes with water soft­en­er.



    1. White sails for wash­ing black and den­im fab­rics.



    1. Wash­ing gel Ecomix Black.



    1. Gel Per­sil.



    1. Gel Formil Black.



    1. Henkel Weasel 3D, Black Restora­tion Effect.



    1. Domol.



    1. Vilor for black fab­rics.



    1. Eco-friend­ly Neu­trale gel is odor­less, hypoal­ler­genic, does not con­tain chlo­rine, fra­grances, phos­phates and dyes.



The choice is wide, and the range includes prod­ucts of dif­fer­ent price cat­e­gories, so you can eas­i­ly pick up both an expen­sive gel (for 800–10 dol­lars) and a cheap­er drug . Such gels have many advan­tages over con­ven­tion­al deter­gents, name­ly:

    1. Strength­en the fibers of the fab­ric, things look like new longer, wear out more slow­ly, keep their shape bet­ter, do not stretch.



    1. Smoothens fibers (which may have frayed after sev­er­al wash­es) for opti­mal light reflec­tion.



    1. Pre­serve and restore the rich col­or of black fab­rics, pro­tect against fad­ing, gray­ing.



    1. They con­tain spe­cial sub­stances that pro­tect the fibers from chem­i­cal and mechan­i­cal influ­ences.



    1. Many gels are suit­able for wash­ing del­i­cate fab­rics.



    1. Most of them do not con­tain phos­phates and are suit­able for auto­mat­ic and hand wash­ing.



If you intend to wash black wool or silk, make sure that the prod­uct you are going to buy is suit­able for this pur­pose.

If for some rea­son you do not want to buy a spe­cial­ized prod­uct in order to wash exact­ly black things, then you can use reg­u­lar wash­ing pow­der, but this is not the best choice. First­ly, the pow­der in gran­ules does not dis­solve well in warm water, and it is not rec­om­mend­ed to wash black clothes at tem­per­a­tures above 40 degrees. There­fore, the sol­id par­ti­cles of the clean­ing agent can dam­age the fibers and wash out the pig­ments, which can cause things to lose their bright­ness. Sec­ond­ly, the undis­solved pow­der is poor­ly rinsed out, and this caus­es notice­able whitish streaks and stains, things look untidy. There­fore, it is bet­ter to wash black clothes with liq­uid deter­gents.

Washing gel for black clothes based on laundry soap 72%

An excel­lent alter­na­tive to house­hold chem­i­cals is a home­made wash­ing gel made from laun­dry soap (you can also take baby laun­dry soap). Pre­vi­ous­ly, the house­wives washed only with it and were quite pleased with the result, but now the soap has been unde­served­ly for­got­ten. But it acts del­i­cate­ly on fab­rics, per­fect­ly wash­es dirt. To pre­pare the gel, take a bar of laun­dry soap, chop with a knife or grate. Add warm water, wait for the soap to dis­solve and dilute with water even to the desired con­sis­ten­cy. You can add a few drops of any essen­tial oil — lemon, laven­der, so that things smell pleas­ant after wash­ing. You can also make a gel with the addi­tion of soda ash (sold in hard­ware stores). The recipe is sim­ple — boil 4 liters of water, add 90 grams of soap chips and soda ash, stir to dis­solve the com­po­nents, let cool, add essen­tial oil, pour into a stor­age con­tain­er.

Before washing black clothes, prepare them

The first thing to do is to sep­a­rate the black clothes from the clothes of oth­er col­ors. When wash­ing dark, col­ored and white items at the same time, you risk get­ting an unpleas­ant result — paint from one gar­ment will leave stains and streaks on oth­er things. Black items are washed only with oth­er black items. You also need to study the infor­ma­tion that is print­ed on the prod­uct tag. There should be rec­om­men­da­tions regard­ing the tem­per­a­ture regime, the pos­si­bil­i­ty of spin­ning and sub­se­quent iron­ing. The tag indi­cates the com­po­si­tion of the fab­ric, which will also help you choose the right wash­ing pro­gram. And a few more tips:

    1. If the clothes have stub­born stains that are unlike­ly to be washed off, try to remove them before you start wash­ing (use a spe­cial stain remover).



    1. Be sure to check your pock­ets. If coins, hair­pins remain in them, they can dam­age things.



    1. Turn black items inside out to keep the col­or vibrant.



    1. Fas­ten all zip­pers, but­tons and hooks.



Hav­ing pre­pared the prod­ucts, you can start wash­ing in an auto­mat­ic type machine, semi-auto­mat­ic or man­u­al­ly.

How to wash black clothes in the washing machine

How to wash black clothes, how to restore their color and remove stains

There is noth­ing com­pli­cat­ed in this pro­ce­dure. We load clothes, make sure that there is free space in the drum, this is nec­es­sary so that the rinse is of high qual­i­ty, and there are no stains on things. Then we set the tem­per­a­ture regime — it all depends on the com­po­si­tion and type of fab­ric, but in any case, black clothes are not rec­om­mend­ed to be washed at tem­per­a­tures above 40 degrees. We select the mode, the opti­mal one is a gen­tle mode (del­i­cate, dai­ly, quick wash). We also select the spin con­di­tions at the min­i­mum speed and, if pos­si­ble, add an addi­tion­al rinse. If your water is too hard, the sed­i­ment that forms in it can ruin not only the inter­nal mech­a­nism of the wash­ing machine, but also the struc­ture of the mate­r­i­al from which the item is made, as well as reduce the effec­tive­ness of the deter­gent. To soft­en the water, add bak­ing soda to the pow­der com­part­ment.

How to wash black clothes by hand

If the item is made of del­i­cate fab­ric, or ordi­nary, but the degree of con­t­a­m­i­na­tion is small, it is bet­ter to wash it by hand. In this case, the paint will be less washed out, and the fibers will not be adverse­ly affect­ed. We will need a basin, warm (30–40 degrees) water, liq­uid deter­gent, soda to soft­en the water if it is hard. First, dis­solve the gel and soda in water, stir­ring the water, then immerse things in it and leave for 15 min­utes. Then we wash with­out active influ­ence, with soft crum­pling, squeez­ing move­ments, if pos­si­ble, do not rub the fab­ric. Then rinse the clothes in plen­ty of warm water. We fin­ish rins­ing when the foam stops drip­ping from the clothes, and the water becomes com­plete­ly trans­par­ent. Addi­tion­al­ly, we rinse in water with table vine­gar (1 table­spoon per 1 liter of liq­uid). This will help refresh and fix the col­or of black things. At the very end, we wring out things with­out twist­ing them, shake them slight­ly, hang them to dry, but not under hot sun­light, but in the shade or in a ven­ti­lat­ed room (not on a bat­tery, not in an elec­tric dry­er).

How to return things to a bright black color

You can restore the bright­ness of the black paint of black things at home, our experts have pre­pared a descrip­tion of sev­er­al sim­ple ways for you. How­ev­er, before car­ry­ing out such pro­ce­dures, it is rec­om­mend­ed to prac­tice on some old thing that you don’t mind throw­ing away if the exper­i­ment turns out to be unsuc­cess­ful.

Ways to restore the bright­ness of the black col­or of clothes:

    1. Use cof­fee solu­tion. First you need to remove the stains, if any, then the clothes must be washed and dried. Then we pre­pare the solu­tion — it should be enough so that it com­plete­ly cov­ers the clothes soaked in it. For 1 liter of water we take about 150 grams of ground cof­fee. You can do more — the more con­cen­trat­ed the solu­tion is, the more sat­u­rat­ed col­or things will get. We boil the solu­tion, let it cool down to 30–40 degrees, fil­ter it, immerse the clothes in the pan. Leave for 15–20 min­utes, rinse, squeeze, dry.



    1. Using a decoc­tion of tobac­co leaves. We take 15 grams of raw mate­ri­als per 1 liter of water, boil for half an hour, let it cool to a tem­per­a­ture of 30–40 degrees, fil­ter. Then we pro­ceed in the same way as in the case of cof­fee. If your clothes smell strange after rins­ing, rinse them again by adding fab­ric soft­en­er to the water.



    1. An aque­ous solu­tion of salt and bak­ing soda. We take both ingre­di­ents in equal pro­por­tions, dilute with water, wait for com­plete dis­so­lu­tion. Immerse things for 30 min­utes, rinse, wring out, dry.



    1. Aque­ous solu­tion of table food vine­gar 9%. We dilute vine­gar with water in a ratio of 1 to 1. Imme­di­ate­ly after wash­ing and rins­ing things, with­out dry­ing them, immerse them in the pre­pared liq­uid for 30 min­utes, rinse again, wring out, dry.



    1. Nat­ur­al dry char­coal food col­or­ing or phar­ma­cy acti­vat­ed char­coal, pow­dered. It is bet­ter, of course, to use the dye, as it is sold in packs of 25 grams, it is inex­pen­sive and has already been crushed. We dilute the pow­der with water, soak things for half an hour, rinse thor­ough­ly so that grains of the sub­stance do not remain in the fab­ric fibers, squeeze and dry.



It is also worth men­tion­ing that you can restore the bright­ness of the col­or of black things with the help of a spe­cial dye. They, as well as deter­gents for wash­ing black clothes, have a large selec­tion, espe­cial­ly in online stores. Here are some options:

    1. Dr. Machine wash wipes Beck­mann. They are added to the wash­ing machine drum along with black clothes and restore the col­or of the fab­ric, as well as restore the fibers.



    1. Acrylic dye for fab­rics made from nat­ur­al, mixed fibres. Designed for pro­cess­ing linen, woolen, nat­ur­al silk, nylon, woolen fab­rics. It does not pen­e­trate deep into the fibers, but envelops them from the out­side. It is not used for col­or­ing things that con­tain syn­thet­ic addi­tives.



    1. Sim­pli­col paint to restore the col­or of things.



    1. Ani­line dye for pro­fes­sion­al dye­ing of silk clothes, jeans. The agent pen­e­trates deep into the fibers with­out destroy­ing their struc­ture.



For syn­thet­ic fab­rics, only spe­cial dyes should be used, since such mate­r­i­al does not absorb pig­ments well, sheds heav­i­ly, after dye­ing and wash­ing out the pig­ments, clothes may acquire an unex­pect­ed col­or.

What­ev­er prod­uct you use, always read the instruc­tions on the pack­age care­ful­ly and act in accor­dance with the man­u­fac­tur­er’s rec­om­men­da­tions. Dilute the com­po­si­tion and paint things in enam­el or glass­ware. Work with rub­ber gloves. Han­dle each item sep­a­rate­ly from the rest, in turn.

How to remove stains from black clothes

A vari­ety of stains, espe­cial­ly light ones, are very clear­ly vis­i­ble on black things, and, of course, they do not dec­o­rate the prod­uct. To get rid of dirt that could not be removed dur­ing nor­mal wash­ing, the fol­low­ing house­hold chem­i­cals will help:

    1. Oxi Action Van­ish stain remover — suit­able for del­i­cate fab­rics, effec­tive in cold water. You can use any oth­er oxy­gen stain remover with­out bleach­ing prop­er­ties instead.



    1. Stain remover Spir­it 77 max.



    1. Eco-friend­ly, hypoal­ler­genic stain remover SYNERGETIC.



    1. Nel­lie’s Wow Stick Stain Remover.



    1. Stain remover Dr. Beck­mann Pre­Wash.



    1. Stain remover for Tableau fab­ric.



Before using any of these prod­ucts, experts rec­om­mend that you first read the instruc­tions, and then test it on a small area of ​​the fab­ric in an incon­spic­u­ous place. If any reac­tion occurs, the col­or of the thing begins to change, do not use the drug.

You can also try to use these tools to remove stains of dif­fer­ent types:

    1. Deodor­ant or antiper­spi­rant stains can be removed with an aque­ous solu­tion of vine­gar, alco­hol dilut­ed with water, or vod­ka.



    1. Sweat stains of the host­ess are suc­cess­ful­ly elim­i­nat­ed with dish­wash­ing deter­gent.



    1. You can try to remove stub­born stains of var­i­ous ori­gins with an aque­ous solu­tion of table salt (100 grams per 1 liter of water). Rub the mix­ture into the stain and leave for a day, then rinse the item.



    1. Grease stains can be removed by rub­bing salt into the fab­ric, treat­ing it with dish­wash­ing deter­gent and then laun­dry soap.



    1. If stains, plaque appear on the fab­ric, this may indi­cate that the item was not rinsed well. Repeat this pro­ce­dure using plen­ty of run­ning water, and option­al­ly black fab­ric soft­en­er.



It is strict­ly for­bid­den to wash / remove stains from black clothes using prod­ucts that are declared as bleach­ing or bright­en­ing. If you are not sure that the drug is suit­able for your pur­pos­es — see its com­po­si­tion. The pres­ence as a com­po­nent of such a prod­uct as chlo­rine (may be indi­cat­ed as sodi­um hypochlo­rite) is a con­traindi­ca­tion for use on black things.







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