How to wash a white shirt from yellow stains

How to wash a white shirt from yellow stains

A white shirt is a wardrobe item that will look appro­pri­ate and advan­ta­geous in almost any sit­u­a­tion. There­fore, such a thing is in the clos­et not only for men who adhere to a busi­ness style, but also for many fash­ion­istas. But white shirts have one obvi­ous draw­back — any speck, any pol­lu­tion that could be invis­i­ble on col­ored things, is clear­ly vis­i­ble on white, which makes the thing unsuit­able for wear­ing. Very often on white shirts, espe­cial­ly those bought a long time ago, yel­low spots appear in the armpits. The occur­rence of such pol­lu­tion is dif­fi­cult to avoid in the hot sea­son, when even antiper­spi­rants do not save. Ammo­nia, acids, urea, micro and macro com­po­nents of sweat set­tle on the fab­ric, pen­e­trate deep into the struc­ture of the mate­r­i­al, enter into chem­i­cal reac­tions with air and, in fact, with the fibers of the mate­r­i­al. As a result, mois­ture evap­o­rates, and yel­low marks that are dif­fi­cult to remove appear on clothes.

How to wash a white shirt from yellow stains

To get rid of yel­low stains on white shirt fab­ric, you can use:

  1. Laun­dry deter­gents with enzymes and/or oxy­gen bleach­es.

  2. Stain removers, includ­ing those with active oxy­gen.

  3. Ordi­nary chlo­rine bleach­es by type of White­ness.

  4. Folk reme­dies — salt, vine­gar, bak­ing soda or soda ash, hydro­gen per­ox­ide 3%, laun­dry soap and even aspirin, ammo­nia, etc.

Before using a par­tic­u­lar prod­uct, you need to deter­mine whether it is suit­able for the type of fab­ric from which the white shirt is sewn. If the fab­ric is del­i­cate — silk or wool, it must be washed using spe­cial deter­gents, it is not rec­om­mend­ed to use folk recipes for clean­ing it (except for salt, soda, soap), and chlo­rine stain removers and bleach­es are gen­er­al­ly pro­hib­it­ed. If the fab­ric is cot­ton, linen, it will with­stand wash­ing with ordi­nary deter­gent, and the use of White­ness, and expo­sure to vine­gar or soda. We give gen­er­al tips on how to remove yel­low stains from a white shirt, and you have to decide which ones are suit­able for your appli­ca­tion. If you are not sure about your choice, it is bet­ter not to risk it, but take the item to dry clean­ing.

How to wash a white shirt from yellow stains in a washing machine

First, let’s focus on the choice of deter­gent. It should be pow­er­ful enough, it is rec­om­mend­ed that it con­tains enzymes — sub­stances that bind and remove par­ti­cles of dirt. At the same time, it is bet­ter that it is not a dry pow­der, but a gel, includ­ing cap­sules. Such a prod­uct is safer in terms of com­po­si­tion, it is less harm­ful to the envi­ron­ment, it is less like­ly that it will cause aller­gies in some­one who wears washed clothes. Also, liq­uid wash­ing pow­der is per­fect­ly sol­u­ble even in cool water, it is well rinsed out of fab­ric fibers. And remem­ber that for del­i­cate fab­rics you need to buy spe­cial deter­gents, oth­er­wise the thing may sit down, stretch or be oth­er­wise dam­aged.

Next, we deter­mine the wash­ing tem­per­a­ture and mode, it is desir­able that the white shirt be washed at a tem­per­a­ture of 40–60 degrees, if the fab­ric is del­i­cate, then at a tem­per­a­ture of 30 degrees. For silk and wool, vis­cose, you can choose a spe­cial or gen­tle mode, “hand wash”, for cot­ton and linen — the usu­al mode. The spin speed does not mat­ter, set the one that is allowed for the fab­ric.

If the stains are fresh, for exam­ple, they put on a white shirt in the morn­ing and took it off in the evening, find­ing yel­low cir­cles under the armpits, you can wash the item with­out any pri­or prepa­ra­tion. Just load it into the machine, includ­ing oth­er white things, and start the process. If the stains are old, the thing was worn sev­er­al times and soaked with a lot of sweat, it will need to be treat­ed with a stain remover before wash­ing or soaked in a solu­tion pre­pared accord­ing to one of the pop­u­lar recipes. You will read more about this in the post.

How to wash a shirt by hand

If you are wash­ing the item by hand, have a con­tain­er, liq­uid deter­gent and a soft brush ready. The water should be tol­er­a­bly hot or warm if a del­i­cate item is being processed. Dilute the gel prod­uct in water, addi­tion­al­ly apply it to the armpit area on the shirt, while the fab­ric should be damp. Rub the stains with a brush, leave for 10 min­utes, then immerse the item in soapy water. Mas­sage if it is cot­ton / linen, rub it well, leave it to soak for half an hour. Then rub again, work­ing espe­cial­ly well under the armpits. Leave the shirt in the water for anoth­er 30 min­utes, then wash it again by hand. Now the shirt can be wrung out with­out twist­ing, col­lect clean warm water into the con­tain­er, rinse the prod­uct. It is nec­es­sary to rinse in sev­er­al changes of water so that at the end of the pro­ce­dure the water remains clear and there is no foam in it. After hand and machine wash­ing, you can dry a white shirt in the fresh air, under the sun’s rays, it will not fade, and ultra­vi­o­let will addi­tion­al­ly dis­in­fect the fab­ric.

We use stain removers and bleaches

There are stain removers that are used before wash­ing, and there are also house­hold chem­i­cals that need to be added to the wash­ing pow­der. The lat­ter include, for exam­ple, Van­ish’s Oxi Action Gold or Ace Oxy Mag­ic White. They will not only remove stains and dirt, but also make white things even whiter. The prod­ucts that are used before wash­ing are Sano Oxy­gen Stain Remover or Kore­an prepa­ra­tion with enzymes and nat­ur­al soda NATURE LOVE MERE. In gen­er­al, the range of such drugs is huge, you can eas­i­ly choose the option for your­self, depend­ing on the more com­fort­able method of appli­ca­tion and price. Those stain removers that are added to the pow­der dur­ing wash­ing are the most con­ve­nient to use, they enhance the action of the deter­gent and have an addi­tion­al clean­ing effect. Prepa­ra­tions that are used before wash­ing are also very easy to use, as a rule, they are sold in spray bot­tles, they are used very eco­nom­i­cal­ly — sprayed on places with yel­low spots, wait­ed a cer­tain time, and that’s it, you can start wash­ing (man­u­al­ly or in a type­writer) .

How to wash a white shirt from sweat using folk remedies

How to wash a white shirt from yellow stains

Before using any of the folk reme­dies, apply it to an incon­spic­u­ous area of ​​​​the test shirt — will it dam­age the fab­ric, for exam­ple, you can anoint the bot­tom of the prod­uct, which is usu­al­ly tucked into trousers. If no sus­pi­cious reac­tion occurs with­in 5–10 min­utes, great, the prod­uct is safe for the tis­sue.

So what folk recipes can be appliedto wash a white shirt from yel­low stains of var­i­ous ori­gins, includ­ing traces of sweat:

  1. Soap solu­tion from laun­dry soap. This tool does an excel­lent job with var­i­ous con­t­a­m­i­nants, but it costs lit­er­al­ly a pen­ny. Take a quar­ter of a stan­dard bar, chop in any con­ve­nient way, for exam­ple, grate for veg­eta­bles or cut with a knife. Add a lit­tle ordi­nary soda, or bet­ter — soda ash (treat­ed at high tem­per­a­tures), dilute with water to the con­sis­ten­cy of thick sour cream. Moist­en a cloth in the armpit area or where you have a yel­low stain, apply a soap mass to the stained area with a sponge, rub with your hands so that the soap pen­e­trates deep into the fibers of the fab­ric, leave for 30 min­utes. After that, the item can be washed both by hand and in the wash­ing machine.

  2. Hydro­gen per­ox­ide at a con­cen­tra­tion of 3%. Treat stains on a wet white shirt with laun­dry soap, then soak them with per­ox­ide. Leave to soak for 30 min­utes, then wash and rinse well, as the per­ox­ide must be com­plete­ly removed from the fibers of the mate­r­i­al.

  3. Reg­u­lar edi­ble salt. We dilute it with water (30 grams of salt per glass of water), rub the solu­tion into yel­low marks from sweat or oth­er sub­stances. Leave for 30 min­utes, after which the shirt can be washed in any con­ve­nient way.

  4. Soda, both food and cal­cined. Dilute 4 tea­spoons of the sub­stance in a glass, add 2 tea­spoons of dish­wash­ing liq­uid, treat stains, leave the item to soak for 30–60 min­utes, then wash.

  5. Aspirin. The thing is treat­ed with soapy water, wash­ing yel­low spots. While it is soak­ing, a few aspirin tablets are crushed, dilut­ed with water to a slur­ry state, applied to con­t­a­m­i­nat­ed areas, left for 1–2 hours. After that, the shirt can be rinsed and washed in the usu­al way.

  6. Egg yolk and tech­ni­cal alco­hol (dena­tured alco­hol). Mix the com­po­nents in approx­i­mate­ly equal pro­por­tions, apply to yel­low spots, leave for 30–60 min­utes, then wash the item.

  7. Vine­gar or ammo­nia. Both the first and sec­ond sub­stances are used only for pro­cess­ing cot­ton or linen fab­rics. Dilute four table­spoons of vine­gar or two table­spoons of ammo­nia in a glass of water. Treat yel­low spots with a solu­tion, leave for 20–30 min­utes, then wash the item.

  8. Refined gaso­line, for exam­ple, a prod­uct called “Kalosha”. Treat stains with liq­uid, leave for 10 min­utes to soak, then wash as usu­al.

If nei­ther pro­fes­sion­al reme­dies nor tra­di­tion­al med­i­cine recipes help get rid of yel­low spots, you will have to take the thing to dry clean­ing, and in the future take pre­ven­tive mea­sures to pre­vent the occur­rence of such con­t­a­m­i­na­tion.

How to prevent yellow stains and make washing easier

Here are some tips from the experts to help you pre­vent yel­low spots from appear­ing on white shirts, and if they do, it’s eas­i­er to get rid of them:

  1. Wear shirts made from nat­ur­al mate­ri­als such as linen, cot­ton, and wool. In such clothes, the skin will sweat less, and the mois­ture from it will evap­o­rate faster, get­ting less on the fab­ric.

  2. Do not put on a shirt imme­di­ate­ly after apply­ing deodor­ant or antiper­spi­rant, even if it takes a few min­utes to dry. Or use an aerosol prod­uct, it dries in a cou­ple of sec­onds.

  3. Do not apply more antiperspirant/deodorant to your skin than rec­om­mend­ed in the prod­uct instruc­tions. Oth­er­wise, in the armpit area, a lot of sub­stances from the com­po­si­tion of the cos­met­ic prod­uct will accu­mu­late on the tis­sue, which can con­tribute to the yel­low­ing of the white tis­sue.

  4. You should not iron a shirt with yel­low stains from sweat or oth­er sub­stances, under the influ­ence of high tem­per­a­ture from the sole­plate of the iron, the con­t­a­m­i­nants will only become stronger in the fibers of the mate­r­i­al, after which it will be more dif­fi­cult to remove them.

It can be dif­fi­cult to remove yel­low sweat stains from a white shirt fab­ric, espe­cial­ly if the mate­r­i­al is del­i­cate. Some­times even the high­est qual­i­ty prod­ucts do not help to cope with the prob­lem, so it is bet­ter to pre­vent the occur­rence of per­sis­tent pol­lu­tion than to deal with the con­se­quences.






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