How to wash faded clothes

How to wash faded clothes

Each of us at least once in our lives faced with a sit­u­a­tion when, after wash­ing, things became clean, but “exchanged” col­ors, that is, they par­tial­ly fad­ed. What to do in such a sit­u­a­tion, throw out wardrobe items? Not nec­es­sar­i­ly, you can try to wash them off. How this is done, with the use of what means, read the arti­cle from our experts.

How to wash faded clothes

How to wash faded things — expert advice

Get the desired result with min­i­mal effort will help you advice from experts and expe­ri­enced house­wives:

  1. If after wash­ing you notice that things have fad­ed, imme­di­ate­ly sep­a­rate them by col­or.. Those that have shed can be dried, and those that have stains must be treat­ed imme­di­ate­ly. Do not delay the pro­ce­dure, you need to try to remove the paint while the prod­ucts are still wet.

  2. What­ev­er tool you use to wash fad­ed items, wear rub­ber gloves. The skin of the hands must be pro­tect­ed from expo­sure to sub­stances that can be effec­tive in cleans­ing, but are too aggres­sive for the epi­der­mis.

  3. Before you start solv­ing the prob­lem, care­ful­ly study the infor­ma­tion on the tag sewn to the item. There may be rec­om­men­da­tions on what prod­ucts can and can­not be used for cleans­ing (acids and chlo­rine are often not used).

  4. Remem­ber that white fab­rics can be washed in hot water, and col­ored ones only tol­er­ate con­tact with warm (40 degrees) and cool (30) water.

And the last thing — use chem­i­cal stain removers in strict accor­dance with the man­u­fac­tur­er’s instruc­tions, do not mix them with any­thing to enhance the effect, this way you can break the struc­ture of the fab­ric fibers.

How to remove white things from paint from faded clothes

On white, any, the light­est shades are clear­ly vis­i­ble. But wash­ing white is much eas­i­er, as you can use bleach­es that help restore the orig­i­nal col­or of the fab­ric. Let’s start with indus­tri­al bleach­es — oxy­gen or chlo­rine-based. Oxy­gen bleach­es are suit­able for del­i­cate fab­rics, chlo­rine bleach­es are suit­able for cot­ton and linen. The cheap­est and eas­i­est to use chlo­rine-based prod­uct is White­ness. Use it like this:

  1. 10 liters of cold water are poured into a basin or oth­er con­tain­er, if there are a lot of things, more liq­uid is added.

  2. 2 table­spoons of White­ness are poured into the water for every 10 liters. If the spots are very bright, you can increase the amount of bleach to 4 table­spoons.

  3. Load things for 1 hour. Take out, eval­u­ate the result. If the spots have turned pale, but have not dis­ap­peared com­plete­ly, we extend the pro­ce­dure for anoth­er 30 min­utes. Soak­ing for more than 2 hours is not rec­om­mend­ed, since bleach still has a destruc­tive effect on fab­ric fibers. After soak­ing, the prod­ucts are rinsed and washed in the usu­al way.

If the fab­ric is very dense, and the stain from fad­ed prod­ucts is ingrained, you can apply undi­lut­ed White­ness to the con­t­a­m­i­na­tion before soak­ing and wait 1 minute.

For fab­rics that do not tol­er­ate con­tact with aggres­sive sub­stances, you can use the fol­low­ing oxy­gen bleach­es:

  1. Van­ish Oxy Action. Soak white things with stains for a max­i­mum of 6 hours in a basin of water, to which 1–2 mea­sur­ing caps of deter­gent have been added.

  2. Bleach Sar­ma Active. For 10 liters of liq­uid you need to take 50 ml. bleach and wash­ing pow­der. Items with stains from fad­ed cloth­ing are placed in the solu­tion for a max­i­mum of 60 min­utes, after which they are washed as usu­al.

  3. Bos plus. This tool enhances the action of wash­ing pow­der. Suit­able for wash­ing at a tem­per­a­ture of 30–90 degrees. For max­i­mum effect, it is rec­om­mend­ed to soak the prod­ucts in a solu­tion of 40 grams of bleach and 40 grams of deter­gent for 20 min­utes. Then add bleach to the pow­der and wash in the wash­ing machine at the high­est pos­si­ble tem­per­a­ture for the fab­ric.

In the assort­ment of mod­ern super­mar­kets and online stores there are oth­er bleach­es that will help to remove stains from white things from fad­ed prod­ucts. If the dirt is very bright, buy sev­er­al prepa­ra­tions, it is pos­si­ble that using 2–3 clean­ers in suc­ces­sion will allow you to get a more pro­nounced whiten­ing effect.

How to wash white with folk remedies

How to wash faded clothes

We offer you sev­er­al recipes that can help wash off white things with stains of fad­ed paint. The effec­tive­ness of each self-pre­pared drug depends on the den­si­ty of the fab­ric, its type, the amount of paint that got on it, the “age” of the dirt, that is, how long ago the paint got on things, how tight­ly it was absorbed into the fibers. We note right away that silk, velor, wool and oth­er del­i­cate fab­rics should not be tried to be cleaned of stains using folk reme­dies. It is bet­ter to imme­di­ate­ly take such things to dry clean­ing, where for­eign paint will be removed quick­ly and safe­ly, with­out dam­ag­ing the struc­ture of the fibers.

Folk recipes of funds that can be effec­tive in solv­ing the prob­lem:

  1. Laun­dry soap rubbed on a grater or crushed in anoth­er way. It is dilut­ed with a small amount of water, wait­ing for the soap to com­plete­ly dis­solve, so that a slur­ry sim­i­lar in con­sis­ten­cy to yogurt is obtained. Add a few table­spoons of vine­gar, cit­ric acid, or both to the com­po­si­tion, mix. Apply to stains from fad­ed things, leave for 3–4 hours. With­out remov­ing the com­po­si­tion from the fab­ric, they put the thing in the drum of the wash­ing machine, it is advis­able to set the water tem­per­a­ture to the hottest pos­si­ble for the fab­ric. Start wash­ing.

  2. Every­thing is the same as in the first para­graph, only instead of soap and vine­gar, dish­wash­ing liq­uid (2 table­spoons) and soda (1 tea­spoon) are mixed.

  3. For remov­ing very bright stains from whites use a com­bined com­po­si­tion of cit­ric acid or lemon juice, salt, crushed Aspirin tablets. All ingre­di­ents are tak­en in equal amounts, mixed and dilut­ed with water to the con­sis­ten­cy of gru­el. It is applied to the stain, allowed to dry for an hour, then washed off with a weak­ly con­cen­trat­ed mix­ture of water and hydro­gen per­ox­ide. Then things are washed as usu­al.

  4. A mix­ture of wash­ing pow­der, ammo­nia and salt (1:1:3), 3 liters of warm water. In this solu­tion, you need to soak the wardrobe item for 2–3 hours. After soak­ing, the prod­ucts are rinsed and washed.

If folk recipes did not help you, then you can addi­tion­al­ly try to whiten clothes with indus­tri­al prepa­ra­tions, per­haps the clean­ing effect will notice­ably increase.

How to wash faded colors

Wash­ing fad­ed col­ored items is a more dif­fi­cult task. You essen­tial­ly need to remove extra­ne­ous pig­ments that have soaked into the fab­ric, but in this case, how to save the paint with which the prod­ucts them­selves are paint­ed? In this mat­ter, one can only hope that stain removers and oth­er prod­ucts will remove for­eign pig­ments, since they turned out to be not resis­tant enough, since things shed, with­out adverse­ly affect­ing the bright­ness of the col­ors of soiled clothes. What prod­ucts can be used to wash fad­ed col­ored items? Stain removers for col­ored linen. Top prod­ucts in this cat­e­go­ry:


  2. Udal­ix Oxi Ultra.

  3. Aston­ish OXY PLUS.

  4. Sar­ma Active 5 in 1.

  5. Lud­wik Col­or.

  6. G‑Oxi gel.

Use stain removers to remove dirt from fad­ed items in strict accor­dance with the instruc­tions that are writ­ten on the pack­age. Only in this case it is pos­si­ble to obtain the expect­ed result and pre­serve the intrin­sic bright­ness of the fab­rics.

How to wash faded colored items with improvised means

House­wives’ recipes can come in handy in case you don’t have an indus­tri­al stain remover on hand. What home­made prod­ucts can be used:

  1. Eth­yl alco­hol and lemon juice, mixed in equal pro­por­tions. We apply the solu­tion to the stain from shed­ding things, wait 30 min­utes, wash it.

  2. Mix one tea­spoon of glyc­erin and ammo­nia and add 10 table­spoons of water, apply to the fab­ric for 60 min­utes, wash.

  3. Pure fresh­ly squeezed lemon juice or an aque­ous solu­tion of cit­ric acid. Apply to the area of ​​con­t­a­m­i­na­tion, cov­er with a clean white cot­ton cloth, iron with a hot iron. After that, apply lemon juice again for 15 min­utes, wash it off.

Before remov­ing stains from fad­ed clothes, be sure to test the com­po­si­tion on a small incon­spic­u­ous area of ​​the fab­ric. After all, all col­ored prod­ucts are paint­ed dif­fer­ent­ly. On some things, the own pig­ment keeps well, on oth­ers it is weak­er. There­fore, it is always nec­es­sary to car­ry out a pre­lim­i­nary test of the dura­bil­i­ty of the paint.

How to prevent shedding of clothes during washing

Regard­less of whether things are prone to shed­ding or not, even if the paint on them is strong enough, fol­low the gen­er­al wash­ing rules:

  1. Do not wash bright col­ored items in water hot­ter than 30–40 degrees.

  2. Absolute­ly always sort things — white sep­a­rate­ly, col­ored sep­a­rate­ly, dark and black sep­a­rate­ly. Even if you wash by hand and/or in cool water.

  3. Do not exceed the dosage of the pow­der.

  4. Try to wash new things the first two times sep­a­rate­ly from all the oth­ers so that excess paint comes off them.

Also, care­ful­ly con­sid­er the choice of wash­ing pow­der. For white, col­ored and black clothes, there are spe­cial deter­gents that pre­serve and strength­en their col­or, pre­vent­ing shed­ding.






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