How to get paint out of clothes

How to get paint out of clothes

It is quite dif­fi­cult to remove paint from clothes — some­times it is eas­i­er to throw away the soiled thing and buy a new one. This is espe­cial­ly true for young chil­dren, whose cre­ativ­i­ty is often accom­pa­nied by stains on clothes.

At the same time, there are many meth­ods to remove paint from clothes quick­ly and with­out a trace. These include both folk meth­ods of remov­ing paint, and pro­fes­sion­al chem­i­cals.

How to get paint out of clothes

What needs to be taken into account

If the thing is expen­sive, then it is bet­ter to imme­di­ate­ly take it to dry clean­ing. Spe­cial­ists will care­ful­ly clean the prod­uct, and the risk that the item will dete­ri­o­rate will be min­i­mal. But you can clean the clothes on your own — the main thing is to start doing this imme­di­ate­ly after iden­ti­fy­ing the stain so that it does not have time to eat into the fibers of the fab­ric.

If the paint has dried up, try to scrape it off the sur­face of the clothes with a sharp blade — in the future, the clothes will be eas­i­er to wash. How­ev­er, do not use the blade on soft, thin fab­ric — oth­er­wise the prod­uct may tear.

Ways to get paint out of clothes

We have pre­pared sev­er­al ways to help you get paint out of clothes. If any of them turned out to be inef­fec­tive, try anoth­er method — per­haps the first method tried was sim­ply not suit­able for your par­tic­u­lar paint. How­ev­er, first test the prod­uct used on an incon­spic­u­ous area of ​​the cloth­ing.

Butter and Powder


  1. Light­ly heat the but­ter to soft­en it.
  2. Add the pow­der to the oil in equal pro­por­tions and mix the ingre­di­ents.
  3. Place the mix­ture on the sur­face of the stain for 5–10 min­utes, depend­ing on the degree of con­t­a­m­i­na­tion.
  4. Elim­i­nate the rem­nants of the prod­uct along with the paint and wash the item in the machine in the usu­al way.

Before plac­ing the item in the drum of the wash­ing machine, rub dish­wash­ing liq­uid into the stained area. This will pre­vent but­ter stains.

Vegetable oil

Apply veg­etable oil to the con­t­a­m­i­na­tion, then leave the item for 30 min­utes. Next, wipe off the paint, apply dish­wash­ing liq­uid and leave the prod­uct again for 30 min­utes.

The final step is to wash the clothes in the wash­ing machine.

To enhance the effect, salt and wash­ing pow­der can be added to veg­etable oil — all of these ingre­di­ents should be pre­sent­ed in equal pro­por­tions. Apply the mix­ture to the dirt for 30 min­utes, rinse and wash the item in the machine.

Before plac­ing it in the drum, you can also add a lit­tle dish­wash­ing liq­uid to pre­vent stains.

Laundry soap

If the stain is small, use laun­dry soap. Soap the area of ​​con­t­a­m­i­na­tion and leave the thing for 20 min­utes. After that, wash the prod­uct by hand or in a type­writer.

You can add tooth­paste to laun­dry soap — in this case, it will be pos­si­ble to remove more per­sis­tent dirt. In the future, it is also enough to wash the thing in the machine.

Nail polish remover

The method is only suit­able if there is no ace­tone in the com­po­si­tion of the prod­uct — oth­er­wise it will wash off the col­or of the clothes. If the prod­uct has a suf­fi­cient­ly per­sis­tent, sat­u­rat­ed col­or, then a prod­uct with ace­tone is also suit­able.

It is nec­es­sary to apply a lit­tle liq­uid on a cot­ton pad, wipe the place of con­t­a­m­i­na­tion and wash the prod­uct in the machine.


This is a rather risky way to process fab­ric. It can be used on tough mate­ri­als by first test­ing the sol­vent on an incon­spic­u­ous area of ​​cloth­ing.

Apply a sol­vent (white spir­it, kerosene, refined gaso­line) to the sur­face of the stain, and the move­ment should go from the edge of the con­t­a­m­i­na­tion to its cen­ter. After the paint has dis­solved, rinse the item under warm run­ning water, and then wash it in the machine.

Features and nuances

How to get paint out of clothes

Often the pro­ce­dure for remov­ing paint depends on what exact­ly is stained with a par­tic­u­lar thing.

  1. Gouache, water­col­or. It is enough to rinse the clothes in water up to 30 ° C and wash them by hand or in a wash­ing machine. Old paints from water­col­ors or gouache are removed with stain removers, and for wash­ing it is nec­es­sary to use a gel or mus­tard pow­der, dilut­ed to a mushy state and applied to the sur­face of the prod­uct for 20 min­utes.
  2. Tem­pera. Mix dena­tured alco­hol and glyc­erin in equal pro­por­tions, heat the mix­ture a lit­tle, soak a cot­ton pad in it and treat the paint stains.
  3. Stamp paint. Such a com­po­si­tion is firm­ly eat­en into the struc­ture of tis­sue fibers. To remove it, you must use wet wipes con­tain­ing alco­hol. If the stain is old, treat it with cologne, then gen­tly wipe it with a sponge. As soon as the dirt begins to move away, remove it with a nap­kin, and then wash the prod­uct with soap.
  4. Latex, acrylic. Remove any dried paint residue with a sharp blade or knife. If the stain has just appeared, light­ly blot it with a paper tow­el, with­out rub­bing it in any way — this will only increase the area of ​​con­t­a­m­i­na­tion. Next, wash the thing with tar soap or treat it with alco­hol.
  5. Artis­tic acrylic paint. If the stain appeared 30 min­utes ago or ear­li­er, then liq­uid soap or dish­wash­ing deter­gent will help to remove it. How­ev­er, to remove such com­pounds, spe­cial sol­vents are sold in spe­cial­ized stores — after using them, all that remains is to wash the thing by hand in warm water.
  6. Alkyd paint. Enam­el grout is removed with ace­tone, refined gaso­line or white spir­it. As for oil com­po­si­tions, but­ter and wash­ing pow­der will cope with them. But before that, a stain from any alkyd paint should be tried to be removed with a blade or knife.
  7. Water based paint. A fresh stain is quick­ly removed by wash­ing in cool, and then in hot water. If the con­t­a­m­i­na­tion is already old, use an alco­hol-based prod­uct.
  8. Hair dye. If the soiled item is light, apply a lot of hydro­gen per­ox­ide to the desired area for 30 min­utes. If the clothes have a bright, sat­u­rat­ed col­or, ordi­nary table vine­gar 9% will do. A fresh stain is quick­ly removed with laun­dry soap. Regard­less of the method in the future, the prod­uct must be washed man­u­al­ly or in an auto­mat­ic machine.

It is impos­si­ble to wash a thing in hot water, oth­er­wise the paint will eat into the struc­ture of the mate­r­i­al more strong­ly (the excep­tion is the water-based paint men­tioned above). When using chem­i­cals, start pro­cess­ing from the inside of the con­t­a­m­i­nat­ed prod­uct.

Before remov­ing dried ink, place paper or cloth under the mate­r­i­al to pre­vent the stain from trans­fer­ring to the back of the gar­ment. Be care­ful not to increase the area of ​​con­t­a­m­i­na­tion.






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