How to wash bio down

How to wash bio down

Bio-down is a biopoly­mer, down jack­ets from which are per­fect­ly warm and at the same time are light, thin, easy to care for. It is often used for the pro­duc­tion of oth­er prod­ucts. This mate­r­i­al can be washed both by hand and in the machine. At the same time, there are a num­ber of rules, fol­low­ing which, you will retain the orig­i­nal appear­ance of the prod­uct for a long time.

How to wash bio-down

What is bio down

Bio-down was invent­ed “by mis­take” in the 1970s and was lat­er used to make clothes for Amer­i­can astro­nauts. After reveal­ing the unique prop­er­ties of this mate­r­i­al, it began to be active­ly used for oth­er pur­pos­es.

Bio-down is a new gen­er­a­tion of insu­la­tion. It was used for sewing clothes and sleep­ing bags for peo­ple who lived in the North­ern regions, and for polar explor­ers. How­ev­er, today it is often found in ordi­nary down jack­ets, in fish­ing and hunt­ing clothes, in fillers for blan­kets, pil­lows and chil­dren’s toys.

This eco-friend­ly mate­r­i­al is hypoal­ler­genic, resis­tant to defor­ma­tion, mois­ture and wear. With prop­er care, it does not roll, does not crum­ple. Bio-down retains vol­ume for a long time, resis­tant to dust mites and mold. Its dry­ing is car­ried out in nat­ur­al con­di­tions and takes a min­i­mum of time.

There are also dis­ad­van­tages: this mate­r­i­al does not tol­er­ate high tem­per­a­tures well, and also accu­mu­lates sta­t­ic elec­tric­i­ty. It is flam­ma­ble, has a reduced hygro­scop­ic­i­ty and is more expen­sive than reg­u­lar fluff.

General recommendations

The opti­mum tem­per­a­ture for wash­ing the prod­uct is 30–40 ° C. If you set the tem­per­a­ture low­er, then you will not be able to get rid of con­t­a­m­i­nants, and if it is high­er, then the filler will roll down.

Gel pow­der is a suit­able prod­uct, as stan­dard dry pow­der results in white spots and unsight­ly streaks. Spe­cial deter­gents for wash­ing down and woolen prod­ucts are suit­able, since they do not con­tain sodi­um perbo­rate, which pro­vides a more acidic envi­ron­ment, since an alka­line envi­ron­ment risks destroy­ing bio-down fibers.

Do not use bleach or con­di­tion­er.

Be sure to read the infor­ma­tion on the prod­uct label. The man­u­fac­tur­er indi­cates the max­i­mum tem­per­a­ture of the water for wash­ing, the abil­i­ty to wash the prod­uct in a type­writer and use an iron. So, if the label shows an image of a basin with a palm, then such a prod­uct can only be washed by hand, and if the basin is crossed out, then you will have to be con­tent with dry clean­ing or dry clean­ing.

Preparatory actions

  1. If there is an edge on the hood, remove it. The same applies to any remov­able fit­tings.

  2. If there are heav­i­ly soiled spots on the sur­face of the jack­et, wash them with laun­dry soap. Also, soft brush­es and sponges do well with strong dirt.

  3. Prod­ucts made from bio-down can­not be soaked.

  4. This com­pletes the prepara­to­ry steps.

How to wash bio-down in the machine

You should not add any oth­er things to a prod­uct with bio-down. If there is free space, this is good: the clothes will be bet­ter washed, the rem­nants of deter­gents will be com­plete­ly elim­i­nat­ed.


  1. Select the “Del­i­cate”, “Hand wash”, “For wool” or “For silk” mode.
  2. Turn off the spin, and a suit­able num­ber of rev­o­lu­tions is 600 (oth­er­wise the filler runs the risk of going astray).
  3. Install rinse. If, in addi­tion to the pow­der, you add anoth­er deter­gent, then you need to rinse the item at least 2 times.
  4. Turn the prod­uct inside out, fas­ten all zip­pers.
  5. Put the clothes in the drum and add 2–3 ten­nis balls inside. You can also use plas­tic balls.

Plas­tic balls are designed specif­i­cal­ly for wash­ing things with fillers — you can find them in hard­ware stores. These balls pre­vent the fluff from clump­ing into lumps, and also enhance the effect of the gel or oth­er deter­gent. Dur­ing the rins­ing process, they com­plete­ly elim­i­nate deter­gent residues, which pre­vents the for­ma­tion of unsight­ly stains.

Atten­tion! Do not wash your bio-down prod­uct in the machine too often, oth­er­wise it will wear out faster.

How to wash bio down by hand

How to wash bio-down

Wash­ing prod­ucts with bio-down by hand is more labo­ri­ous, since a wet down jack­et becomes heav­ier, which makes wash­ing and rins­ing more dif­fi­cult. But still, hand wash­ing is the most gen­tle and care­ful way to clean the prod­uct from con­t­a­m­i­na­tion.

  1. First of all, you need to shake the down jack­et to rid it of dust, and then check the pock­ets, fas­ten the zip­pers, unhook the fur trim, turn the jack­et inside out.

  2. The next step is to wash heavy soil­ing using a soft sponge and soap. Pre-soak­ing of the prod­uct is not allowed. Fill the tub with warm water and add a suit­able deter­gent.

  3. Wash the down jack­et, clean the soiled areas with a sponge and rinse it sev­er­al times in clean water. It is nec­es­sary to ensure that the water after rins­ing becomes com­plete­ly trans­par­ent.

Drying Features

  1. Care­ful­ly wring out the prod­uct so as not to deform it. It is impos­si­ble to twist the jack­et strong­ly, oth­er­wise the fluff will crum­ple. It is enough to put a down jack­et on the bot­tom of the bath for 20–30 min­utes so that the water glass nat­u­ral­ly.

  2. Next, you need to place the thing on the floor dry­er, spread­ing out the rags at the bot­tom. This is nec­es­sary in order to get rid of the main part of the mois­ture. Then the down jack­et must be hung on a coat hang­er — in no case bent in half, oth­er­wise even an iron will not be able to cope with the creas­es that have appeared.

  3. Then it is enough to place the prod­uct in a dry, cool room, away from heat­ing appli­ances. If the down jack­et is dried on the street, then it should not be in direct sun­light.

  4. If bio-down pil­lows have been washed, then they should be dried in a hor­i­zon­tal posi­tion — on a met­al dry­er or on the sur­face of sev­er­al ropes on the bal­cony. Turn them over every 1–2 hours to ensure even dry­ing.

  5. On aver­age, bio-down dries com­plete­ly in 3–4 hours. In order to speed up the dry­ing process, you can place the prod­uct in a dry­er by select­ing the “For down prod­ucts” mode. If this mode is not avail­able, just set the min­i­mum tem­per­a­ture.

  6. After the down jack­et is com­plete­ly dry, you need to gen­tly fluff it. This will straight­en the filler and give the jack­et the appro­pri­ate shape. Then the prod­uct can be ironed by putting gauze on top. Instead of an iron, you can use a steam­er — this will pre­serve the integri­ty of the top lay­er of the fab­ric and the filler itself.

Prod­ucts made from bio-down should be stored in a clos­et in a straight­ened form, and in the off-sea­son, a cov­er should be put on it to pro­tect it from dust. Vac­u­um bags can­not be used — oth­er­wise creas­es will appear on the down jack­et.






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