Compare carpet and linoleum

Compare carpet and linoleum | Determine the best coverage

Our experts in the field of con­struc­tion and repair have ana­lyzed the prop­er­ties of two types of floor­ing mate­ri­als — car­pet and linoleum, eval­u­at­ed their advan­tages and dis­ad­van­tages in com­par­i­son, which will help you choose the most suit­able one.



Floor cov­er­ing that resem­bles a car­pet. Man­u­fac­tur­ers pro­duce sev­er­al types of car­pet, dif­fer­ing in the mate­r­i­al of man­u­fac­ture and prop­er­ties:

  1. woven car­pet — made on the basis of nat­ur­al jute mesh fab­ric, to which a pile is attached, con­sist­ing of wool fibers or poly­mer fibers. Has increased strength;

  2. nee­dle stitch — made on the basis of jute, syn­thet­ic felt or rub­ber. With the help of a nee­dle of a spe­cial machine, the threads that form a pile in the form of small loops are pulled through the base and fixed on it;

  3. nee­dle-punched — man­u­fac­tur­ing tech­nol­o­gy is the same as in the man­u­fac­ture of nee­dle-stitched car­pet, the dif­fer­ence is that in this case, ser­rat­ed nee­dles are used that entan­gle the fibers of the pile;

  4. flocked — are made using equip­ment that gen­er­ates a sta­t­ic elec­tric dis­charge, as a result of which the fibers of the pile take a strict­ly ver­ti­cal posi­tion, after which they are attached to the base.

Car­pet can be divid­ed into two groups: nat­ur­al and arti­fi­cial. For the pro­duc­tion of nat­ur­al car­pet, wool, silk, cot­ton, jute, linen, coconut fibers are used, for arti­fi­cial — fibers from poly­ester, polyamide and poly­acryl. In addi­tion, the car­pet is divid­ed accord­ing to the length of the pile: with a short pile — up to 5 mm long, medi­um length — up to 8 mm, long pile — over 8 mm.



Linoleum, like car­pet, can be divid­ed into two types — nat­ur­al and arti­fi­cial.

Nat­ur­al linoleum is made exclu­sive­ly from nat­ur­al mate­ri­als — with a jute or linen base, on which a mix­ture of wood flour, lin­seed oil, lime­stone and nat­ur­al wood resin is applied.

Arti­fi­cial is divid­ed into sub­species depend­ing on the mate­r­i­al of man­u­fac­ture:

  1. PVC — can be made on the basis of nat­ur­al fab­ric (jute or felt) or on the basis of fiber­glass and oth­er syn­thet­ic mate­ri­als. PVC linoleum based on foamed PVC is also pro­duced. A mate­r­i­al in which sev­er­al dif­fer­ent com­po­nents are present is called het­ero­ge­neous, made exclu­sive­ly from PVC vari­eties — homo­ge­neous;

  2. alkyd or glyptal - it is made with a fab­ric base, on which a mix­ture of alkyd or glyptal syn­thet­ic resins is applied with the addi­tion of fillers and dyes;

  3. nitro­cel­lu­lose - made with­out a base of nitro­cel­lu­lose with fillers — gyp­sum, plas­ti­ciz­er, col­or­ing pig­ments;

  4. relin — made on the basis of rub­ber, cov­ered with a lay­er of syn­thet­ic rub­ber. It can be used to cov­er the floors of tech­ni­cal rooms, garages, swim­ming pools, gyms, etc. It is not used for res­i­den­tial premis­es, as it is capa­ble of releas­ing sub­stances harm­ful to health.

The mate­r­i­al is sub­di­vid­ed and marked by class­es with a two-dig­it num­ber, in which the first dig­it deter­mines the pur­pose — for res­i­den­tial, office and com­mer­cial or indus­tri­al premis­es, and the sec­ond — the degree of load that the mate­r­i­al can with­stand — low, medi­um, high and very high.

Table of advan­tages and dis­ad­van­tages




Car­pet nat­ur­al

+ envi­ron­men­tal friend­li­ness;

+ good heat and sound insu­la­tion;

+ the floor is “warm”, that is, it cre­ates max­i­mum com­fort, espe­cial­ly in the bed­room;

- gets dirty quick­ly

- low wear resis­tance;

- risk of dam­age by moths;

- the pos­si­bil­i­ty of infec­tion with path­o­gen­ic microor­gan­isms — mold and fun­gus;

- wool coat­ing accu­mu­lates sta­t­ic elec­tric­i­ty;

- high price;

- the risk of pro­vok­ing aller­gic reac­tions in asth­mat­ics and aller­gy suf­fer­ers;

- it is dif­fi­cult to remove fat­ty stains.

Car­pet arti­fi­cial

+ high wear resis­tance;

+ there is no dan­ger of con­t­a­m­i­na­tion by path­o­gen­ic microor­gan­isms;

+ easy to clean, and dirt is bare­ly notice­able;

+ does not deform, keeps its shape well;

+ durable, retains tex­ture and col­or for a long time;

+ is sold at a rel­a­tive­ly low­er price than nat­ur­al.

- not envi­ron­men­tal­ly friend­ly — some types of mate­ri­als from which arti­fi­cial car­pet is made can emit sub­stances harm­ful to health.

Linoleum nat­ur­al

+ has high strength and wear resis­tance;

+ long ser­vice life, cal­cu­lat­ed in tens of years;

+ envi­ron­men­tal­ly friend­ly, as it is made from nat­ur­al nat­ur­al ingre­di­ents;

+ easy to clean with deter­gents;

+ does not accu­mu­late sta­t­ic elec­tric­i­ty;

+ not flam­ma­ble — refers to hard­ly flam­ma­ble mate­ri­als;

+ resis­tant to solar ultra­vi­o­let, does not fade in the sun and retains col­or for a long time.

- high cost in com­par­i­son with arti­fi­cial;

- when the base is moist­ened, it can be prone to rot­ting;

- low elas­tic­i­ty, which com­pli­cates lay­ing work;

- lim­it­ed in design, does not have a wide vari­ety in col­or and pat­terns.

Linoleum arti­fi­cial

+ elas­tic, which sim­pli­fies lay­ing work;

+ has a wide range of col­ors and pat­terns in the design;

+ has a low cost;

+ easy to clean and wash with house­hold deter­gents;

+ alkyd linoleum has high heat and sound insu­la­tion qual­i­ties and wear resis­tance.

- shrink­age under the influ­ence of high tem­per­a­tures is pos­si­ble;

- able to emit an unpleas­ant odor, which dis­ap­pears over time;

- alkyd linoleum is fire haz­ardous.


The main differences between materials

The main dif­fer­ences between the mate­ri­als are as fol­lows:

  1. have a dif­fer­ent sur­face tex­ture: linoleum is smooth, car­pet is fleecy;

  2. car­pet has a high­er cost than linoleum;

  3. linoleum has a wider scope of use, car­pet is lim­it­ed in use for rooms with high humid­i­ty and the pos­si­bil­i­ty of sig­nif­i­cant tem­per­a­ture changes;

  4. linoleum is eas­i­er to fit;

  5. linoleum has a longer ser­vice life.

How are the materials similar?

The sim­i­lar­i­ty of mate­ri­als is as fol­lows:

  1. can be made from nat­ur­al or arti­fi­cial ingre­di­ents;

  2. in some types of both mate­ri­als, the same com­po­nents are present, for exam­ple, nat­ur­al jute fab­ric as a base;

  3. can be used for floor­ing in rooms of the same pur­pose.

Con­clu­sions: It is impos­si­ble to say unequiv­o­cal­ly which is bet­ter — linoleum or car­pet, since there are many vari­eties of both mate­ri­als. It is nec­es­sary to select the appro­pri­ate one based on the fol­low­ing con­di­tions: the func­tion­al pur­pose of the room and, accord­ing­ly, the paten­cy — the load on the floors, the mode of oper­a­tion of the room — the degree of humid­i­ty, the pos­si­bil­i­ty of sud­den tem­per­a­ture changes, the aes­thet­ic com­po­nent — the nature of the inte­ri­or design of the room.






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