Compare brands of TVs Sony and Samsung

Compare brands of TVs Sony and Samsung

At first glance, it may seem that TV mod­els from famous brands, in gen­er­al, do not dif­fer much from each oth­er. But in fact, there is a dif­fer­ence, and this fact is impor­tant for those who are versed in tech­nol­o­gy or, at least, appre­ci­ate image qual­i­ty, com­ple­ment­ed by wide func­tion­al­i­ty. Our experts stud­ied the TV mar­ket in detail and com­pared two “mon­sters” of the elec­tron­ics mar­ket: Sony and Sam­sung. About who turned out to be bet­ter, fur­ther.


About brands

The Japan­ese brand “came into being” back in 1946, when two enter­pris­ing Japan­ese cre­at­ed an enter­prise that was still unknown to any­one, but soon sound­ed all over the world. Sony Cor­po­ra­tion has always been famous not only for the reli­a­bil­i­ty of its devices, but also for incred­i­ble inno­va­tion, the abil­i­ty to open a new mar­ket and instant­ly con­quer it with a prod­uct with an ide­al ratio of qual­i­ty and price.

In recent years, the com­pa­ny has pushed inno­va­tion into the back­ground, pre­fer­ring to increase pro­duc­tion and pro­mote exist­ing TV mod­els. Con­sumers val­ue Sony equip­ment for its sleek and styl­ish design, a vari­ety of options and high build qual­i­ty.

The Kore­an brand is con­sid­ered one of the largest indus­tri­al con­cerns in the world for the pro­duc­tion of high-tech audio and video equip­ment, elec­tron­ics, house­hold appli­ances, etc. And, although the com­pa­ny was found­ed in the 30s, it began to devel­op the above prod­ucts only after more than 30 years. Sam­sung TVs are pop­u­lar among con­sumers pri­mar­i­ly due to their excel­lent inter­face, pic­ture qual­i­ty, and vari­ety of mod­els.

Product Features

Con­sid­er the main char­ac­ter­is­tics of mul­ti­func­tion­al TVs, tak­ing into account the fea­tures of the Sony and Sam­sung brands, which con­sumers most often pay atten­tion to.


Both brands in ques­tion invari­ably delight with orig­i­nal, and some­times quite unusu­al mod­els. For exam­ple, not so long ago, Sony intro­duced a unique copy of the A1E TV, the design of which does not include a frame — after instal­la­tion, it seems that it sim­ply floats in the air. Sam­sung also likes to sur­prise con­sumers: the com­pa­ny once intro­duced a series of QLED TVs with invis­i­ble wires and the abil­i­ty to merge with the wall sur­face when turned off.

Screen resolution

TV mod­els with Full HD dis­plays still remain the same stan­dard, although prod­ucts with a 4K dis­play are grad­u­al­ly occu­py­ing an increas­ing niche in the mar­ket (they have already moved from the cat­e­go­ry of know-how to the cat­e­go­ry of a quite afford­able prod­uct). Both Sony and Sam­sung offer con­sumers TV mod­els that are prac­ti­cal­ly the same in this aspect.

Operating system

Since 2015, all Sam­sung TVs have built-in the Tizen oper­at­ing sys­tem. Its main fea­tures are a con­ve­nient and easy-to-use inter­face (Smart Hub) and a vari­ety of soft­ware. But not every­thing is so rosy: pre-installed pro­grams, unfor­tu­nate­ly, can­not be removed. Sony uses Android TV in its TVs. Pros: Avail­abil­i­ty of apps from Google Play, built-in Chrome­cast tech­nol­o­gy, thanks to which you can trans­fer con­tent from your mobile device direct­ly to your TV.

Matrix type

The Sony brand active­ly uses OLED screens in its TV mod­els (their devel­op­er, by the way, LG), while Sam­sung is devel­op­ing its own prod­uct — a QLED dis­play, which is dis­tin­guished by excel­lent per­for­mance and high qual­i­ty.

Smart TV function

Both brands offer this option in their TV mod­els pre­sent­ed in the mid­dle price seg­ment. Togeth­er with it, “in the load” comes sup­port for addi­tion­al appli­ca­tions, the abil­i­ty to con­nect Wi-fi, etc.


Sony brand prod­ucts, of course, out­per­form Sam­sung TVs in most points. Espe­cial­ly when it comes to sur­round sound and sound qual­i­ty.

Compare the best

To get an idea of ​​how com­pet­i­tive the brands in ques­tion are, let’s com­pare sev­er­al TV mod­els that came out in 2019 and took lead­er­ship posi­tions in their seg­ment.


The pro­duc­t’s name

Screen diag­o­nal, cm



Smart TV

Addi­tion­al options


Pop­u­lar Mod­els

Sam­sung UE32J4000AU


720 Full HD

Dol­by Dig­i­tal, stereo



Sony KDL-48WD653


1080 Full HD

Dol­by Dig­i­tal, stereo





Sam­sung UE40K6000AU


1080 Full HD

Dol­by Dig­i­tal, DTS, Stereo



Sony KD-65ZD9



Dol­by Dig­i­tal, stereo



How to choose the right option?


In the absence of expe­ri­ence with prod­ucts like mul­ti­func­tion­al TVs from well-known brands, the process of choos­ing the right one can be by no means a plea­sure. So, if we are talk­ing about the bud­get seg­ment. It is imme­di­ate­ly nec­es­sary to under­stand that you should not expect super-high res­o­lu­tion and mega-sound from such devices. And the pic­ture will be far from ide­al, since the back­light in inex­pen­sive mod­els is built only in the side parts of the dis­play.

Sam­sung offers quite good qual­i­ty for a rea­son­able price, but, again, the prices for TVs will be slight­ly high­er than in the bud­get cat­e­go­ry. As for Sony, the com­pa­ny sells the prod­uct at a high price.

But the mid­dle price seg­ment is already more inter­est­ing. The choice of a par­tic­u­lar mod­el will direct­ly depend on the main pref­er­ences:

  1. If you want to enjoy the qual­i­ty of col­or repro­duc­tion, you should give pref­er­ence to Sony, but Sam­sung offers the best con­trast;

  2. Inter­est­ed in a high-qual­i­ty mod­el among prod­ucts with a diag­o­nal of no more than 40 inch­es — Sam­sung will please with a wide vari­ety of prod­ucts;

  3. If you are attract­ed by high-qual­i­ty, volu­mi­nous, “juicy” sound, “Japan­ese” should be the unequiv­o­cal choice;

  4. If you pre­fer func­tion­al­i­ty, inno­va­tion, Sony will cer­tain­ly please you with its prod­ucts.

The pre­mi­um seg­ment is a sep­a­rate issue. Both brands, Sony and Sam­sung, are con­stant­ly improv­ing their TV sets, delight­ing with incred­i­ble inno­va­tion and lux­u­ri­ous design. To make a good choice, you have to, as they say, tight­en up. And we will try to help sim­pli­fy the task. So, what is good about Sony’s pre­mi­um prod­uct:

  1. unique design;

  2. a wide range of TVs;

  3. sur­round sound;

  4. build qual­i­ty;

  5. imple­ment­ed inno­va­tions;

  6. real­is­tic image.

In turn, Sam­sung “attacks” the elec­tron­ics mar­ket at an accel­er­at­ed pace due to no less advan­ta­geous advan­tages:

  1. the qual­i­ty of the oper­at­ing sys­tem;

  2. styl­ish design;

  3. a vari­ety of prod­ucts not only with a stan­dard, but also with a con­cave screen;

  4. excel­lent video sig­nal;

  5. intel­li­gent con­trol.






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