How to clean the wax

How to clean the wax

Today, wax depila­tion is an effec­tive way to elim­i­nate excess hair on the body, requir­ing heat­ed liq­uid wax. For this, a spe­cial device is used — wax. It is easy to care for, but the wax needs to be cleaned imme­di­ate­ly after use.

We have pre­pared rec­om­men­da­tions for the quick and cor­rect clean­ing of the wax — using impro­vised meth­ods and store-bought prod­ucts.

How to clean wax

Features of the functioning of the wax

Wax­ing requires pre­lim­i­nary melt­ing of wax — this pro­ce­dure is car­ried out in a wax melter. The type of wax used depends on the design of the device, which can be lumpy, film, canned. Also, car­tridges with cos­met­ic wax are heat­ed in wax melters.

To warm up the wax, it is enough to turn on the wax heater and wait half an hour. After that, the tool can be used.

In such devices, spe­cial heat­ing ele­ments are built in, thanks to which a con­stant tem­per­a­ture of the wax is ensured.

High-qual­i­ty and com­pe­tent clean­ing of the wax heater after each use will ensure a long ser­vice life of the device. If the car­tridge or jar wax is heat­ed, then the sit­u­a­tion becomes more com­pli­cat­ed: it is nec­es­sary to clean not only the bowl inside, but also the body of the device from the wax. To do this, you can use tur­pen­tine: just moist­en a cloth with the agent and wipe the walls of the bowl with it. But tur­pen­tine has an unpleas­ant odor, so today there are oth­er ways to care for wax melt.

How to clean a wax pan with a metal bowl

If the device has a remov­able met­al bowlthen to clean the device you will need to per­form the fol­low­ing steps:

  1. Place the bowl in a con­tain­er filled with water and add some deter­gent;
  2. Place the con­tain­er on the stove and bring to a boil over low heat;
  3. Wait until the soft­ened wax sep­a­rates from the walls of the bowl — it should float to the sur­face of the water;
  4. Remove the con­tain­er from the heat and wait until the pieces of wax have cooled and hard­ened;
  5. Remove hard­ened wax;
  6. Wipe the bowl dry and place in the appli­ance.

This is the eas­i­est and most effec­tive way, since there is no need to hit the walls of the bowl with hard objects.

How to clean the wax heater for cartridge wax

Do not immerse the device in soapy water. There are two ways to clean the wax machine, and the first is to wipe the device with paper tow­els, which will remove the spilled wax.

The sec­ond way is to use hot steam. This option is suit­able if the walls of the wax mak­er are very dirty. The pro­ce­dure will be as fol­lows:

  1. Rearrange the con­tain­er with water on the stove, turn on the fire and wait for it to boil;
  2. Turn over and hold the wax over the steam so that the wax melts and runs down;
  3. Remove hot wax with wipes pre-moist­ened in an alco­hol solu­tion.

This method requires pre­cau­tions — there is a high risk of get­ting burned.

Compositions for wax after epilation

Wax removers can quick­ly and effec­tive­ly clean wax from epi­lat­ed skin. Such com­po­si­tions melt the wax in the short­est pos­si­ble time and elim­i­nate it, regard­less of the type of sur­face. How­ev­er, the cost of such com­po­si­tions is quite high.

A more bud­get option is to use alco­hol and oil. A warm wax melt is wiped with a cloth, which must first be moist­ened in veg­etable oil — for exam­ple, in store-bought refined sun­flower oil. Wax will stick to this fab­ric. And to elim­i­nate grease stains, you will need to soak a nap­kin in a 40% alco­hol solu­tion (vod­ka will do).

mechanical way

If the wax melter has had time to cool down, then a knife, a spat­u­la made of wood will do to remove the hard­ened wax. Care­ful­ly pry off the frozen drop of wax — after that it will lag behind the sur­face on its own.

After that, moist­en the cloth in the soapy solu­tion, walk it over the sur­face of the device and care­ful­ly wipe the wax melt.

We do not rec­om­mend fre­quent­ly resort­ing to this method of clean­ing the device. Mechan­i­cal clean­ing runs the risk of leav­ing scratch­es on the sur­face of the wax mak­er, spoil­ing the non-stick coat­ing of the bowl inside.

If you mechan­i­cal­ly clean hot wax, the wax will come off quick­ly. But in this case, there is a risk of get­ting burned: be as care­ful and accu­rate as pos­si­ble.

Other ways to clean wax

How to clean wax

Today in stores you can find spe­cial prod­ucts for clean­ing var­i­ous sur­faces:

  1. Wipes moist­ened with lotion to remove the sticky lay­er after epi­la­tion. They are sold in ready-made depila­to­ry or epi­la­tion kits. You can find them in spe­cial­ized stores sell­ing cos­met­ic mate­ri­als. Nap­kins con­tribute to the rapid and com­plete clean­ing of sur­faces;
  2. Wipes moist­ened with 90% alco­hol. They are sold in phar­ma­cies. Such prod­ucts quick­ly and eas­i­ly remove wax from glass, plas­tic or met­al sur­faces. Iso­propyl alco­hol, act­ing as an active sub­stance, con­tributes to the com­plete dis­so­lu­tion of the wax in the short­est pos­si­ble time;
  3. Lotion to cleanse the skin. As part of this tool there are fat­ty com­po­nents. It is enough to moist­en cot­ton with lotion and wipe the walls of the wax mak­er with it to quick­ly get rid of the wax;
  4. Veg­etable oil of any kind — lin­seed, sun­flower, olive. Even the oil used for mas­sage is suit­able. Instead of oil, you can use a fat cream. The pro­ce­dure is sim­ple: apply oil / cream on the walls of a warm wax and wait up to 10 min­utes. Dur­ing this time, the wax will dis­solve. After that, you need to attach a nap­kin or dry cot­ton cloth to the wall of the device to wipe off the wax. To remove resid­ual grease, moist­en the cloth with soapy water and re-walk it along the walls of the device.

The above means are effec­tive only when work­ing with warm wax. If the device is cold, then the con­sid­ered meth­ods will not bring results.

Precautionary measures

Since the vosko­plav oper­ates from the pow­er sup­ply, water must not be allowed to enter the hous­ing or near the con­tacts. Before turn­ing on the wax mak­er, make sure that the device is com­plete­ly dry — the same applies to the plug, con­nec­tion con­tact, wire.

If you turn on a wet device, there is a risk of a short cir­cuit, and you may be injured.

An elec­tri­cal appli­ance plugged into the sock­et must not be han­dled with a wet cloth. The wax melter can only be cleaned when it is turned off and dis­con­nect­ed from the pow­er sup­ply.






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