How to remove pilling from pants

How to remove pilling from pants

Pills on pants appear for many rea­sons: fre­quent wear, improp­er wash­ing and dry­ing. So, if you con­stant­ly wash your pants at too high a tem­per­a­ture, then spools will quick­ly appear on them. Also, this prob­lem is typ­i­cal for knitwear and oth­er prod­ucts made from syn­thet­ic fibers. If dur­ing wear­ing the pants often come into con­tact with the bag, then spools will appear at the points of con­tact.

We have pre­pared a selec­tion of effec­tive ways to quick­ly deal with pilling on your pants.

How to remove pilling from pants

Pill removal machines

Today, stores sell a spe­cial machine for remov­ing pel­lets, which looks like an epi­la­tor. The device has knives that quick­ly cut off the fall­en pile. The pel­lets fall into a sep­a­rate com­part­ment and are then thrown out.

Machines are suit­able for pro­cess­ing pants, regard­less of the mate­r­i­al from which they are made. The blade of the device is wide enough, so you can put the prod­uct in order with a cou­ple of move­ments. Usu­al­ly such devices work on bat­ter­ies, the charge is spent spar­ing­ly.

The cost of such devices varies — from 300 to 12$. The most pop­u­lar devices include the fol­low­ing:

  1. Eco­tone Robust. The machine is uni­ver­sal and is used for any fab­rics with spools on the sur­face. It is suit­able not only for pants, but also for car seats, soft toys;
  2. Philips GC026/00. The device can be used for the most del­i­cate prod­ucts. It has holes of var­i­ous sizes. The con­tain­er is eas­i­ly removed and cleaned thanks to spe­cial brush­es;
  3. Xiao­mi Deer­ma DEM-MQ811. The machine does not leave marks, ensures the safe­ty of the fab­ric, pre­vents the pile of fibers, the accu­mu­la­tion of dust.

How to quickly remove pilling from pants with improvised means

Did you see spools on your favorite pants? Impro­vised tools that are in every home will help you quick­ly deal with the prob­lem:

  1. Take the razor, pull the pants by hand in the prob­lem area and walk the device from the bot­tom up. Move smooth­ly and care­ful­ly — oth­er­wise there is a risk of ruin­ing your pants. This method is opti­mal for smooth, lint-free pants;
  2. If there are a lot of small spools on the pants, stretch the prob­lem areas of the clothes by hand and treat them with the hard side of the dish­wash­ing sponge;
  3. Cut off some tape and run it over where the spools appear. Attach a piece of tape tight­ly and tear it off sharply. So you get rid of not only pel­lets, but also dust, threads, hair, wool, etc. And instead of adhe­sive tape, you can use ordi­nary elec­tri­cal tape;
  4. If the spools are too large, care­ful­ly cut them off with nail scis­sors;
  5. Take fine-grained sand­pa­per and go over your pants with it. Instead of sand­pa­per, you can use a brush;
  6. Dry a piece of porous bread in the oven or in the sun and clean your pants with it. So you will not only get rid of the spools, but also even out the scuffs;
  7. Take a hard wash­cloth that has nev­er been used before. When dry, brush your pants along the fibers. Thus, quick­ly get rid of the pel­lets.

Atten­tion! It is nec­es­sary to elim­i­nate the pel­lets only from dry pants. If you have washed them, wait until they are com­plete­ly dry.

After the pills are removed, spray the sur­face of the pants with a fix­ing var­nish designed for styling hair. It is nec­es­sary to treat the sur­face with a means from a con­sid­er­able dis­tance. Thus, the scales of the fab­ric stick togeth­er. And to even out the sur­face of the vil­li, go over the pants with a soft brush designed for suede prod­ucts.

How to remove pilling from wool pants

Wool pants require spe­cial care. If pel­lets appear on the sur­face of the clothes, use the fol­low­ing tips:

  1. Gen­tly stretch the fab­ric by hand and slide the blade or razor from the bot­tom up in the direc­tion of knit­ting;
  2. Cut the spools with nail scis­sors with­out stretch­ing the mate­r­i­al;
  3. For fluffy pants, a comb with small, fre­quent teeth is suit­able. Walk it in the direc­tion of knit­ting. While pro­cess­ing the pants, hold them with your hand;
  4. If you wash wool pants sev­er­al times with gel prod­ucts with the addi­tion of con­di­tion­ers, then their fab­ric will soft­en and smooth out, and the spools will dis­ap­pear.

How to remove pilling from mohair pants

Get a soft tooth­brush that says “soft” on the pack­ag­ing. Run the brush in the direc­tion of the fibers, then wash the pants with a deter­gent designed for wash­ing del­i­cate fab­rics. If you take a brush that is too hard, then the appear­ance of the mohair prod­uct will be spoiled.

Anoth­er option is a plas­tic comb with many small teeth. She is able to quick­ly and accu­rate­ly cope with many pel­lets — not only on mohair, but also on Angarsk wool.

In no case should you use adhe­sive tape to process mohair pants — oth­er­wise the pile will be torn out, which will lead to unpleas­ant bald spots.

How to prevent pimples

Fol­low our rec­om­men­da­tions to deal with pel­lets as lit­tle as pos­si­ble:

  1. Check the pants label for details. The man­u­fac­tur­er indi­cates the opti­mal wash­ing mode, water tem­per­a­ture, suit­able deter­gent, speed, dry­ing fea­tures. If you neglect the rules for car­ing for clothes, then you often run the risk of fac­ing the prob­lem of the appear­ance of spools;
  2. Try not to let your pants come into con­tact with oth­er pieces of cloth­ing, espe­cial­ly if they are loose and of poor qual­i­ty. For exam­ple, if you store pants with a sweater, then there may be hooks on the clothes, which leads to the for­ma­tion of spools;
  3. Buy pants with syn­thet­ic fibers in the fab­ric. Pel­lets on such clothes appear much less often, and the clothes them­selves are dis­tin­guished by increased wear resis­tance;
  4. Pants are rec­om­mend­ed to be washed in the “Del­i­cate wash” mode. Add soft­en­ing con­di­tion­er. For hand wash­ing, you can add baby sham­poo;
  5. When soak­ing, do not immerse the pants in too hot water. Under the influ­ence of high tem­per­a­ture, the fab­ric is deformed.

If the pants are made of a del­i­cate mate­r­i­al like mohair, then such a prod­uct can only be washed in cold water by hand, using prod­ucts for del­i­cate fab­rics. After wash­ing, rinse them in warm water. It is impos­si­ble to squeeze and unscrew the pants with effort. Fab­ric soft­en­ers are not used when wash­ing mohair pants, oth­er­wise the pile will be smoothed, and the fluffi­ness of the prod­uct will be spoiled.

Such pants are dried in a well-ven­ti­lat­ed area — you can not keep them in the open sun and next to heat­ing devices.






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