How to iron a jacket

How to iron a jacket

For the pro­duc­tion of most jack­ets, syn­thet­ic mate­ri­als are used, which have many advan­tages: mois­ture resis­tance, wear resis­tance, strength, resis­tance to dirt and dust. How­ev­er, such mate­r­i­al does not tol­er­ate expo­sure to high tem­per­a­tures. In some cas­es, only iron­ing with min­i­mum tem­per­a­tures is per­mis­si­ble.

We have pre­pared a list of rec­om­men­da­tions, fol­low­ing which you will quick­ly smooth out the prod­uct with­out harm to the jack­et.

How to iron a jacket

What do the icons on the label mean?

Read the infor­ma­tion from the man­u­fac­tur­er on the label:

  1. you can iron the jack­et if the iron is indi­cat­ed on the label with­out any signs;
  2. if the iron is crossed out from below, then it is for­bid­den to steam the jack­et;
  3. if the iron is crossed out, then the jack­et can­not be ironed at all;
  4. if the image of the iron is accom­pa­nied by a dot, then the jack­et can be ironed, but the device must be slight­ly heat­ed.

On jack­ets made of dif­fer­ent mate­ri­als, the icons on the labels will also be dif­fer­ent, so read the infor­ma­tion care­ful­ly before iron­ing.

Preparatory actions

If you haven’t ironed your jack­et yet, you should test how the mate­r­i­al reacts to heat. To do this, take a sam­ple of the fab­ric (it comes with each prod­uct) and iron it. If a piece of fab­ric has not dete­ri­o­rat­ed, you can iron the entire jack­et.

Before iron­ing, let the jack­et hang on a hang­er for 1–2 days. Many creas­es will be smoothed out, which will sim­pli­fy the iron­ing process.

It is use­ful to use a sprayer. Turn the jack­et inside out and damp­en it with a spray bot­tle. The main thing is not to let the prod­uct get too wet. Hang the jack­et on a hang­er, straight­en out all the wrin­kles by hand and wait until it is com­plete­ly dry.

It is rec­om­mend­ed to store the jack­et in the warm sea­son in a clos­et in a straight­ened form. If you fold it, then there is a risk of strong creas­ing of the prod­uct, which the iron can­not han­dle.

You can’t iron a dirty jack­et — you must first wash it. Oth­er­wise, expo­sure to high tem­per­a­tures will lead to the fact that the dirt will even more eat into the prod­uct.

Insu­lat­ed jack­ets must be ironed in their entire­ty. If you iron the prod­uct selec­tive­ly, then the insu­la­tion will be applied uneven­ly.

How to iron a jacket: procedure

Iron­ing a jack­et con­sists of the fol­low­ing steps:

  1. Iron the lin­ing first. Do not press the iron too hard on the fab­ric. It is advis­able to put a cot­ton cloth or tow­el between the lin­ing and the iron;
  2. After lin­ing, move to the sleeves and col­lar, and then to the large details;
  3. If iron­ing the lin­ing does not straight­en the out­er side of the jack­et, moist­en the gauze under run­ning water and place between the prod­uct and the iron;
  4. After the jack­et is ironed, hang it on a coat hang­er for 2 hours. Dur­ing this time, the prod­uct will cool down and take its orig­i­nal shape.

For iron­ing a jack­et, we rec­om­mend pur­chas­ing an arm­rest that looks like a mini iron­ing board. You can also use a sleeve pad. Such devices great­ly facil­i­tate the iron­ing process.

It is impos­si­ble to iron the jack­et too often, as fre­quent expo­sure to high tem­per­a­tures risks deform­ing the prod­uct and chang­ing its col­or.

If the icon on the label indi­cates the admis­si­bil­i­ty of steam­ing, then the pro­ce­dure will be as fol­lows:

  1. Hang the jack­et, straight­en the folds;
  2. Turn on the mode for del­i­cate mate­ri­als on the iron;
  3. Turn on the steam and begin to process the jack­et with it from a dis­tance of 10–15 cm. The move­ments should go from top to bot­tom. Start at the back, work your way up to the sleeves and shoul­ders.

Steam­ing a jack­et can help you get rid of the odor.

If the jack­et has a lot of dec­o­ra­tive ele­ments, then you can only smooth it with a steam­er.

Features of ironing jackets from different materials

The order of iron­ing depends on the mate­r­i­al, used to make the jack­et:

  1. Bologna jack­ets hard­ly wrin­kle, how­ev­er, if they are stored fold­ed for a long time, then notice­able wrin­kles will appear on the sur­face of such a prod­uct. You can use the iron only at the min­i­mum tem­per­a­ture, and the jack­et itself must be turned inside out. Be sure to use damp gauze. Do not press the iron on the jack­et, do not hold the device in the same place for a long time;
  2. Suede jack­ets are not rec­om­mend­ed for iron­ing. If there is no choice, then it is nec­es­sary to set the min­i­mum tem­per­a­ture regime. You can also smooth the suede prod­uct with a steam gen­er­a­tor or steam from hot water in the bath­room. Anoth­er option is to hang the jack­et on a coat hang­er and wait a cou­ple of days;
  3. Leatherette jack­ets are ironed from the inside out, the front parts of the prod­uct should not come into con­tact with each oth­er. Steam­ing is pro­hib­it­ed for such jack­ets;
  4. Poly­ester jack­ets iron well after wash­ing while dry­ing nat­u­ral­ly;
  5. Steam­ing is suit­able for syn­thet­ic jack­ets.

Additional Recommendations

Prop­er care of jack­ets requires tak­ing into account the fol­low­ing nuances:

  1. The max­i­mum water tem­per­a­ture for wash­ing the prod­uct is 40 °C. If the tem­per­a­ture is high­er, the jack­et mate­r­i­al will stretch. As a result, the thing is deformed, iron­ing it and lev­el­ing it will not work;
  2. Liq­uid pow­der is suit­able for wash­ing jack­ets. Stan­dard dry pow­der is poor­ly washed out and leaves a coat­ing on the sur­face of the clothes. If you walk through such places with an iron, then the white coat­ing will turn yel­low or brown;
  3. In order to facil­i­tate and speed up the iron­ing of the jack­et, add 4–5 ten­nis balls to the drum of the machine when wash­ing.

The jack­et does not need to be ironed if it is prop­er­ly dried. Remove the jack­et from the machine, wring it out light­ly with your hands. You can not unscrew — you can only gen­tly press. Wet places blot with a ter­ry tow­el. After that, hang the jack­et on the coat hang­er and straight­en all the folds. As the jack­et dries, re-straight­en any wrin­kles from time to time.

How to iron a jacket without an iron

How to iron a jacket

If the man­u­fac­tur­er has banned the iron­ing of the jack­et, then there is anoth­er way to smooth it:

  1. Hang the jack­et on the shoul­ders, fas­ten it;
  2. Smooth the sur­face of the prod­uct with wet hands and take it to the bath­room;
  3. Turn on hot water so that the room is filled with steam;
  4. Leave the jack­et in the bath­room with the door closed for 15 min­utes;
  5. Place the jack­et in anoth­er room and leave it to dry at room tem­per­a­ture.

If after iron­ing the fluff or oth­er warm­ing is crum­pled, shake the jack­et sev­er­al times. As a result, the insu­la­tion will straight­en out, and it will not be nec­es­sary to re-iron the prod­uct.

If sud­den­ly stains appear on the jack­et after iron­ing or smooth­ing the prod­uct in anoth­er way, you should con­tact a pro­fes­sion­al dry clean­er.






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