How to quickly wash dishes

How to quickly wash dishes

Today we will tell you how to turn wash­ing dish­es into an excit­ing quest from a bor­ing rou­tine process. You will learn how to wash a moun­tain of dish­es in 10 min­utes and many inter­est­ing sub­tleties of this process.

After our arti­cle, you will become an expert on clean dish­es and sched­ule your dish­wash­ing so you don’t miss your turn. And to begin with, we will choose the right tools and means

How to quickly wash dishes

Dishwashing liquids

These acces­sories will make the process of wash­ing dirty dish­es easy and fun. Soon you will become experts in var­i­ous house­hold items and learn how to choose high-qual­i­ty deter­gents.

We will need:

  1. sponge;

  2. brush;

  3. dish­wash­ing liq­uid;

  4. nap­kins;

  5. spe­cial devices;

Let’s take a look at which of these tools are the most effec­tive.


This prod­uct is most often used in the house­hold. Sponges made of foam rub­ber dif­fer in sev­er­al ways:

  1. To size. There are small, medi­um and large spec­i­mens. The choice should be stopped on the one that is most com­fort­able for the hand.

  2. Accord­ing to the poros­i­ty of the mate­r­i­al. The size of the pores is of no fun­da­men­tal impor­tance. With large pores, the foam is more volu­mi­nous, due to the size of the soap bub­bles. Dense foam from fine­ly porous foam rub­ber con­tains a high con­cen­tra­tion of sur­fac­tants. This con­tributes to the rapid break­down of fat­ty and oth­er con­t­a­m­i­nants.

  3. By soft­ness. The soft mate­r­i­al has less clean­ing pow­er, but is more gen­tle on del­i­cate sur­faces.

  4. By the pres­ence of abra­sive fiber or oth­er coat­ing. The pres­ence of addi­tion­al ele­ments in the form of a met­al­lized mesh, a fiber lay­er increas­es the effi­cien­cy of clean­ing com­plex con­t­a­m­i­nants.

  5. By price. This para­me­ter is often not deci­sive. The price depends on the brand, the cost of mate­ri­als and equip­ment on which the goods are pro­duced.

We rec­om­mend choos­ing a medi­um-pored sponge, the size of your palm, with a lay­er of abra­sive fiber applied. You should also be guid­ed by your own needs and choose the best option for the price. Grad­u­al­ly hav­ing test­ed in prac­tice dif­fer­ent types of foam rub­ber prod­ucts, you can choose the copy that is right for you.

Ershiki and brushes

How to quickly wash dishes

Oth­er types of dish­es for wash­ing dish­es include var­i­ous brush­es, brush­es, scrap­ers. Such things often have ergonom­ic han­dles, they are com­fort­able to hold. Also, clean­ing devices have the fol­low­ing advan­tages:

  1. Effi­cient clean­ing of dirt due to the increase in the clean­ing sur­face of the device. If we hold an ordi­nary sponge in our hand so that we use only part of the prod­uct. In this case, we wash the entire sur­face area of ​​​​the brush even­ly dis­trib­ut­ing the pres­sure of the hand thanks to the han­dle.

  2. Fast clean­ing of hard-to-reach places. The bris­tles eas­i­ly pen­e­trate and remove deposits and deposits in the recess­es near the han­dles.

  3. Keep­ing the soft­ness of the hands. Dry­ness and irri­ta­tion of the skin occurs due to the action of aggres­sive com­po­nents of deter­gents. Abra­sive coat­ings of sponges cause micro-scratch­es, which leads to rough­ness of the skin of the hands. The use of brush­es with han­dles elim­i­nates direct con­tact with deter­gents.

  4. Reduc­ing the con­sump­tion of deter­gents. Due to the large clean­ing capac­i­ty, the need for exces­sive use of sur­fac­tants is sig­nif­i­cant­ly reduced.

  5. Ease of stor­age. Thanks to the han­dles, the brush­es can be hung or placed in a stand. Nat­ur­al ven­ti­la­tion of the wash­ing sur­face reduces the rate of bac­te­r­i­al growth.

Frequency of replacement of mechanical devices

Aux­il­iary clean­ing house­hold items are con­sum­able items that must be replaced peri­od­i­cal­ly. Like any thing, sponges and brush­es wear out and fail over time:

  1. The spongy lay­er is crushed, torn.

  2. Abra­sive fiber becomes thin­ner and rolls.

  3. The bris­tle is deformed and crum­pled.

In addi­tion, organ­ic residues pen­e­trate into the thick­ness of the mate­r­i­al and between the bris­tles, which pro­voke the growth of bac­te­ria and fun­gi. Infect­ed objects are a source of spread of fun­gal spores and bac­te­ria (often path­o­gen­ic). There­fore, we rec­om­mend exclud­ing the use of con­t­a­m­i­nat­ed chil­dren’s dish­es.

Con­sum­ables must be replaced in a time­ly man­ner. In the case of a dai­ly active strug­gle for the clean­li­ness of dish­es, sponges phys­i­cal­ly can­not stand the con­stant load. There­fore, they will sim­ply need to be replaced after 1–2 weeks.

At the same time, use com­mon sense. If you wash 1 plate a day, then you can post­pone the replace­ment of the foam assis­tant by 1 month.

In the event that the sponge looks quite fresh and the hand does not rise to throw it away, trans­fer it to the cat­e­go­ry of clean­ing sup­plies.

Also, in order to save mon­ey, we can advise you to send wash­cloths to the dish­wash­er once every cou­ple of days. We do not rec­om­mend putting foam rub­ber in a microwave oven, because when heat­ed strong­ly, syn­thet­ic mate­ri­als trans­form and release tox­ic sub­stances.

Wipe wipes

On this issue, the fight­ers for clean­li­ness are divid­ed into 2 camps. Some metic­u­lous­ly wipe all the washed dish­es. Oth­ers just let the water drain and put the kitchen uten­sils in their places. But one moment unites 2 oppos­ing camps. It is crys­tal and glass.

As soon as the glass­es begin to dry, whitish stains imme­di­ate­ly become vis­i­ble on them. There­fore, even the most noto­ri­ous oppo­nent of wip­ing dish­es will def­i­nite­ly take a nap­kin and rub a crys­tal glass to a shine.

To do this, choose the right tex­tile. The main char­ac­ter­is­tics and mod­els of nap­kins cor­re­spond­ing to the descrip­tion are pre­sent­ed in the table:



Tex­tile type


Abil­i­ty to absorb water

Microfiber, ter­ry cloth, waf­fle cloth, cel­lu­lose, vis­cose, bam­boo cloths


Abil­i­ty to hold large amounts of water

Microfiber, cel­lu­lose

Dirt-repel­lent prop­er­ties

Char­ac­ter­ize the ease of wash­ing

Microfiber, bam­boo cloths

Dry­ing speed

The abil­i­ty to quick­ly release mois­ture allows fre­quent use of tex­tiles and reduces the risk of decay and bac­te­r­i­al growth

Microfiber, bam­boo cloths

Del­i­cate care

Do not leave dust and lint after wip­ing

Microfiber, bam­boo, vis­cose


How to quickly wash dishes

House­hold chem­i­cals do an excel­lent job. The host­esses are sat­is­fied with the time sav­ings and the clean­li­ness of the washed dish­es. Anoth­er issue is the envi­ron­men­tal friend­li­ness of the select­ed prod­ucts. Some flu­ids are made from nat­ur­al ingre­di­ents, while oth­ers are pure­ly syn­thet­ic.

We present you the most effec­tive dish­wash­ing deter­gents.


Nat­ur­al prod­uct based on glyc­erin and nat­ur­al oils. Con­tains soda and active sub­stances that are washed off when rins­ing. Glyc­erin soft­ens the skin of the hands. Biosil­ver ions have an antibac­te­r­i­al effect and inhib­it the growth of microor­gan­isms.

Bio Mio

The nat­ur­al com­po­si­tion allows you to safe­ly use the prod­uct for wash­ing dish­es, fruits, chil­dren’s sup­plies for feed­ing and play­ing. The con­cen­trat­ed com­po­si­tion pro­vides an eco­nom­i­cal con­sump­tion.


The com­po­si­tion has hypoal­ler­genic and antibac­te­r­i­al prop­er­ties. Effec­tive­ly wash­es away dirt at any water tem­per­a­ture. Rec­om­mend­ed for wash­ing chil­dren’s things, dish­es and fruits.


A con­cen­trat­ed prod­uct based on active syn­thet­ic sub­stances with the addi­tion of nat­ur­al car­ing ingre­di­ents. Aloe extract and vit­a­min E soft­en and pro­tect the skin of the hands.

Pril works in a wide tem­per­a­ture range, effec­tive­ly wash­es var­i­ous types of dirt, even on a relief sur­face.


The com­po­si­tion of the thick gel includes arti­fi­cial active sub­stances, dyes and fra­grances, which copes well with pol­lu­tion and does not dry the skin of the hands. The prod­uct lath­ers well and wash­es away grease even in cold water. Rec­om­mend­ed for wash­ing dish­es and kitchen sur­faces.

Sarma soda effect

Due to the thick gel-like con­sis­ten­cy, the liq­uid foams well, wash­es away com­plex con­t­a­m­i­nants in cold water. Con­tains sub­stances that pre­vent the growth of bac­te­ria. The com­po­si­tion includes soda and oth­er active chem­i­cals.

How to wash a mountain of dishes in 10 minutes

To begin with, take an eval­u­a­tive look at the upcom­ing work and deter­mine the main groups of dish­es. It can be:

  1. Wine glass­es, glass­es, cups.

  2. Plates, saucers.

  3. Forks, spoons, knives.

  4. Fry­ing pans, pots.

  5. Oth­er plas­tic and met­al items: con­tain­ers, spat­u­las, veg­etable peel­ers.

Today, our goal is not to clean the dish­es from soot, com­plex dirt and stains, but to quick­ly deal with a large amount of mis­cel­la­neous porce­lain, met­al and plas­tic.

Imag­ine that all our dirty dish­es are on the table, and we our­selves can deter­mine in what order we will wash them.

Using this dish­wash­ing tech­nique, we kill 3 birds with one stone: we save time, water and deter­gents.

We will pre­pare strate­gic equip­ment in the form of sponges, brush­es and deter­gents and will act accord­ing to the instruc­tions.


How to quickly wash dishes

Before wash­ing, remove the left­over food from the dish­es, put them in piles, sort them into groups and pro­ceed:

  1. Wear gloves if your skin is dry and sen­si­tive.

  2. Close the hole in the kitchen sink with a stop­per and fill with warm water. An alter­na­tive option is to pour water into a basin.

  3. Drop a few drops of deter­gent and stir in water. Or pour the prod­uct under run­ning water to cre­ate lath­er.

  4. If you have a dou­ble sink, fill the oth­er half with clean water. If not, then pour water into the sec­ond basin.

Washing process

Let’s start with the clean­est (not greasy) dish­es. We put glass­es and sim­i­lar glass and ceram­ic prod­ucts, includ­ing tea saucers, into the soapy solu­tion.

Why don’t we put all the dish­es at the same time? If you put greasy plates along with crys­tal wine glass­es, the water will instant­ly become con­t­a­m­i­nat­ed. Under the influ­ence of warm water, the fat will melt, float, cov­er the sur­face of the water and wine glass­es with a thin film. You will have to spend extra deter­gent or change the water.

There­fore, the most rea­son­able thing is to rinse the prac­ti­cal­ly clean glass using a clean sponge and lath­er of the solu­tion in the sink.

Next is the turn of the remain­ing dish­es. You can put every­thing in the water that will fit. Wash­ing is also more con­ve­nient in groups.

First of all, let’s wash the plates. Then cut­lery. They can be washed in batch­es. To do this, take the forks and spoons in one hand, open them with a fan, and rinse the appli­ances alter­nate­ly from 2 sides with a sponge.

Do not for­get that we send all the dish­es for rins­ing in a near­by con­tain­er.

When there is room in the sink again, put the pots in the water. Greasy pans will wait a bit. But in order not to waste time, put a drop of Fairy into the pans and pour warm water. Let them get wet.

In the mean­time, wash pots, plas­tic con­tain­ers, lids, ladles and spat­u­las.

The next step is to load the soaked pans and fin­ish the wash­ing process on them. Dirty pans will require addi­tion­al use of dish­wash­ing liq­uid.


If the issue of sav­ing water is not so crit­i­cal, we offer the fol­low­ing option for rins­ing home­made porce­lain and ceram­ics. We rinse the dish­es fold­ed into the sink, but do not take them out, but drain the water.

Next, turn on the run­ning water, rinse each device in turn and set it to drain either on a tow­el or on a spe­cial dry­er.

Drain­ing water from a basin filled with dish­es is prob­lem­at­ic. In this case, we do this:

  1. We rinse all the dish­es one by one, put it on the table.

  2. We change the water and again load all the kitchen uten­sils into the basin.

  3. Rinse, take out and leave to drain.

  4. You can repeat the pro­ce­dure again.


How to quickly wash dishes

This stage is not for every­one. We will not impose the process as nec­es­sary. You need to approach the sit­u­a­tion indi­vid­u­al­ly. If there is not enough time, it is enough to let the water drain. Next, arrange the dish­es in their places.

Useful life hacks

Actions that do not require a lot of time and effort will help to avoid the accu­mu­la­tion of dish­es and save time on wash­ing them. Here are some tips to help opti­mize your dish­wash­ing process:

  1. In the morn­ing after break­fast, place the plate and cup in the sink and fill with water. Put cut­lery on a plate so that they are also in the water. While you are prepar­ing, the dish­es will get soaked and it will be enough for you to sim­ply rinse them and leave them on the dry­er.

  2. After a fam­i­ly din­ner, put the dish­es in the sink, pour water with a few drops of liq­uid deter­gent and leave for 20–30 min­utes.

  3. If you are on a camp­ing trip and you for­got your soap, take the ash­es from the fire and use them as a clean­ing agent. It also cleans greasy dish­es with sand and horse­tail greens.

  4. When wash­ing a ser­vice cov­ered with glaze, do not use an abra­sive, in order to avoid dam­ag­ing the sur­face.

  5. Wash glass and crys­tal by hand, rinse with cold water and wipe with a nap­kin.

  6. After wash­ing, put the glass­es to drain upside down, and hang the wine glass­es by the leg. This will avoid water stains.

The lit­tle tricks and tricks we have pro­posed will save time on wash­ing dish­es. And in emer­gen­cies, such as a din­ner par­ty or a par­ty, know­ing how to quick­ly wash, you can eas­i­ly cope with a moun­tain of chi­na and glass.






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