Which is better - shower or bath

Which is better — shower or bath

When choos­ing a suit­able san­i­tary ware for tak­ing hygiene pro­ce­dures, you should be guid­ed sole­ly by your own taste pref­er­ences, but you should also not for­get about the fea­tures of the room in which this prod­uct will be installed. Which is bet­ter: show­er or bath? Our experts will help you sort out a dif­fi­cult issue.

Bath Features and Benefits

Bath Features and Benefits

Relax­ing twi­light from can­dles, pleas­ant­ly tick­ling foam, the abil­i­ty to ful­ly relax and wash prop­er­ly, as well as a bulky design, con­stant plaque, etc.

Advan­tages of baths:

  1. A great way to relax — in the bath you can relax to your heart’s con­tent, giv­ing rest to a tired body, which can­not be done in a show­er cab­in. And if you wish, you can steam the “bones”, as they say, with high qual­i­ty.

  2. The oppor­tu­ni­ty to take a ther­a­peu­tic bath — in the bath­room you can not only arrange a full-fledged relax­ation area, but also spend time with ben­e­fits for the body. It is enough just to add valu­able oils, sea salt, herbs to the water and you can enjoy a pleas­ant, and, most impor­tant­ly, use­ful water pro­ce­dure.

  3. The best option for kids — if you have small chil­dren, a show­er cab­in will def­i­nite­ly not replace a full bath for them. For them, this is not just a way to swim, but also an inter­est­ing pas­time — a real mini-pool. By the way, tak­ing a bath, chil­dren strength­en their mus­cle corset.

  4. Pos­si­bil­i­ty of using a bath for house­hold needs — the prod­uct can be used to soak clothes, for exam­ple, to rinse a large con­tain­er, to bathe a pet.

Bath cons:

  1. large dimen­sions;

  2. high water con­sump­tion;

  3. dete­ri­o­rat­ing out­er coat­ing;

  4. incon­ve­nience for the elder­ly or those with lim­it­ed phys­i­cal abil­i­ties.

Features and advantages of shower cabins

shower cabin

A show­er cab­in is a con­ve­nient and prac­ti­cal option for those who live in a dynam­ic rhythm. Mod­ern mod­els are dis­tin­guished by incred­i­ble func­tion­al­i­ty: their tech­ni­cal char­ac­ter­is­tics make it pos­si­ble to turn a san­i­tary ware almost into a sauna.

Among the main advan­tages of show­er cab­ins are:

  1. Sav­ing room space — show­ers — a real sal­va­tion for own­ers of small-sized hous­ing. Despite the seem­ing­ly impres­sive dimen­sions, the san­i­tary ware does not take up much space: it will be pos­si­ble to eas­i­ly fit in the room not only a wash­basin and a toi­let bowl, but also a wash­ing machine.

  2. Low water con­sump­tion — although we do not have to pay that much for water, com­par­ing the water con­sump­tion from tak­ing a bath and a show­er, it must be admit­ted — the dif­fer­ence is enor­mous. Already with­in a month of oper­a­tion, you can notice the dif­fer­ence.

  3. Hygiene — while tak­ing a show­er, all impu­ri­ties are imme­di­ate­ly washed off the body, unlike a bath, in which, in fact, they float while you bask in warm water.

  4. The speed of accep­tance of pro­ce­dures — in the show­er you can wash your­self very quick­ly. All you have to do is step into the show­er, turn on the water and lath­er up. There is no need to waste time wait­ing until a suf­fi­cient amount of water is col­lect­ed, and you do not have to sit soak­ing in it.

  5. Con­ve­nience — the show­er is very con­ve­nient for peo­ple with dis­abil­i­ties and the elder­ly, because in order to use the show­er cab­in, no effort is need­ed: just go into the box and turn on the water, you can even install a bench to take a show­er in a sit­ting posi­tion.

  6. Man­u­fac­tura­bil­i­ty — mod­ern mod­els of show­er cab­ins are the real embod­i­ment of pro­gres­sive tech­nolo­gies. You can quick­ly adjust the pres­sure and tem­per­a­ture of the water at the touch of a but­ton, enjoy steam pro­ce­dures by set­ting the steam gen­er­a­tors to the micro­cli­mate of the bath, etc.

Dis­ad­van­tages of show­ers:

  1. the com­plex­i­ty of care — a large num­ber of pro­tru­sions, tech­ni­cal ele­ments, the walls of the cab­in itself — it takes a lot of time to clean all this;

  2. with a weak pres­sure of water, the process of tak­ing a show­er is very dif­fi­cult;

  3. in the show­er you can not ful­ly relax;

  4. as a rule, the prod­uct costs more than a bath.

Final comparison. Bathtub or shower

When choos­ing a suit­able san­i­tary ware, sev­er­al fac­tors should be tak­en into account: the com­po­si­tion of the fam­i­ly, the age of its mem­bers, their pref­er­ences, lay­out fea­tures and the size of the room. To final­ly make a choice, you need to visu­al­ly com­pare both prod­ucts, which we will try to do now.


show­er cab­in


Design fea­tures will not allow the use of a bath in a small room

Com­pact design ide­al for small spaces

Water con­sump­tion


Small (if the process of tak­ing a show­er does not take much time)


Suit­able for bathing ani­mals, wash­ing, wash­ing large con­tain­ers

Used only for its intend­ed pur­pose

Avail­abil­i­ty of addi­tion­al options

A small set of addi­tion­al options (usu­al­ly in a jacuzzi bath)

A large num­ber of aux­il­iary options

Is it suit­able for chil­dren

Great for bathing babies

Chil­dren are reluc­tant to bathe in the show­er

Is it suit­able for peo­ple with FEV

In some cas­es, no

Yes (prod­ucts with a low pal­let)


Ease of main­te­nance

Com­plex­i­ty of care

The pos­si­bil­i­ty of relax­ation








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