6 Best Pans for an Induction Cooker

Our experts have stud­ied the prod­ucts of induc­tion cook­er com­pa­nies and select­ed the top 6 mod­els that are includ­ed in this rat­ing.

How to choose a frying pan for an induction cooker

  1. Mate­r­i­al. Pans for induc­tion are made of stain­less steel, alu­minum, cast iron, cop­per. Stain­less steel with­stands ele­vat­ed tem­per­a­tures, but with­out a spe­cial coat­ing, food will def­i­nite­ly stick to the sur­face. Alu­minum is strong and light, so fry­ing pans made of it weigh lit­tle. Cop­per is an excel­lent con­duc­tor of heat, heat­ing food even­ly. Cast iron allows you to keep food warm for a long time. In addi­tion, this mate­r­i­al is durable, prac­ti­cal and easy to main­tain.
  2. Coat­ing. It depends on the coat­ing whether the food will burn. Ceram­ic non-stick coat­ing is espe­cial­ly pop­u­lar because of its wear resis­tance. Dia­mond is con­sid­ered one of the best because it even­ly dis­trib­utes heat and does not form hot spots. But fry­ing pans with such a coat­ing are very expen­sive and not every­one can afford to buy them. Tita­ni­um non-stick is the best option for every­day tasks. Pro­tects food from burn­ing, does not wear off for a long time, allows the use of met­al spat­u­las, spoons.
  3. The size. The stan­dard diam­e­ter for pans for a fam­i­ly of 2–4 peo­ple will be 25–30 cm. The height of the walls should be cho­sen based on what dish­es you plan to cook. For pan­cakes, pan­cakes, cut­lets, low walls are suit­able, and for large steaks, fry­ing por­tions of spaghet­ti, veg­eta­bles — high.
  4. Bot­tom. It must be made of sev­er­al lay­ers in order to heat up bet­ter and faster, reduc­ing the risk of food burn­ing.
  5. A pen. Bake­lite ones are con­sid­ered the best because they remain cold dur­ing the entire cook­ing. Remov­able han­dles are con­ve­nient for those who use the pan not only on the stove, but also in the oven.
  6. Appoint­ment. Grill pans allow you to cook veg­eta­bles, meat, fish, poul­try, fry­ing food until gold­en brown. Pan­cakes are spe­cial­ly designed for mak­ing deli­cious pan­cakes. May have recess­es to make pan­cakes of dif­fer­ent sizes. Wok pans dif­fer in wall height and con­i­cal shape. In them, food is fried more even­ly and cooked faster than in tra­di­tion­al mod­els.

Rating of the best frying pans for an induction cooker

Fissler Crispy Steelux Premium (26 cm)

Rat­ing: 4.9

Fissler Crispy Steelux Premium (26 cm)

First of all, the Cook­star bot­tom pan is suit­able for both induc­tion and oth­er cook­ers. Ide­al for fry­ing foods until gold­en brown. The Novo­gril­l’s non-stick sur­face pre­vents food from burn­ing by dis­trib­ut­ing the heat even­ly. A fea­ture of the pan is the mea­sur­ing scale and the drain rim, through which it is easy to remove liq­uid / oil. The han­dle is non-remov­able, made of steel, has a con­ve­nient hole for hang­ing. With­stands heat up to 200 degrees.


  • pro­duc­tion mate­r­i­al — steel;
  • suit­able for oven use.


  • there is no heat­ing indi­ca­tor;
  • steel han­dle;
  • high cost — 15500 r.

AMT Gastroguss Frying Pans Titan AMTI-532 (32 cm)

Rat­ing: 4.8

AMT Gastroguss Frying Pans Titan AMTI-532 (32 cm)

The sec­ond line goes to the alu­minum mod­el with Lotan tita­ni­um non-stick coat­ing. The fry­ing pan is designed for induc­tion cook­ers and has a spe­cial bot­tom 1 cm thick. Thanks to the remov­able han­dle made of Bake­lite, the prod­uct can be used as a bak­ing dish in the oven. With­stands heat up to 210 degrees. The man­u­fac­tur­er does not rec­om­mend the use of met­al objects when mix­ing. Sup­plied with­out lid.


  • the han­dle does not heat up;
  • can be washed in the dish­wash­er.


  • no heat­ing indi­ca­tor;
  • high cost — 11200 r.

See also: 18 best fry­ing pans

Tefal Emotion (28 cm)

Rat­ing: 4.7

Tefal Emotion (28 cm)

The third posi­tion is occu­pied by a fry­ing pan with a heat­ing indi­ca­tor that will noti­fy the user that the sur­face has reached the desired tem­per­a­ture and you can start cook­ing. The mod­el is made of stain­less steel, inside cov­ered with a tita­ni­um non-stick coat­ing Tita­ni­um. Suit­able for all types of hob, includ­ing induc­tion. Users note the uni­form heat­ing of the pan, which serves as an addi­tion­al fac­tor pre­vent­ing burn­ing. The han­dle is fixed, but this is not crit­i­cal, because Tefal Emo­tion is not suit­able for use in the oven.


  • thick­ened bot­tom;
  • Bake­lite non-heat­ing han­dle.


  • can­not be used in the oven;
  • rel­a­tive­ly expen­sive — 5 thou­sand rubles.

Tefal Character (26 cm)

Rat­ing: 4.7

Tefal Character (26 cm)

The fourth is a fry­ing pan from the Char­ac­ter col­lec­tion of styl­ish dish­es. It is made of alu­minum alloy, so it weighs lit­tle. Tita­ni­um Pro non-stick coat­ing pro­vides excel­lent fry­ing of food while main­tain­ing all the use­ful and nutri­tious prop­er­ties. The heat indi­ca­tor will tell you the opti­mum tem­per­a­ture by chang­ing col­or so you can start cook­ing. The bot­tom, made of stain­less steel, per­fect­ly dis­trib­utes heat and does not deform over time. The pan is suit­able not only for induc­tion, but also for oth­er stoves. The bake­lite han­dle does not get hot.


  • can be cooked with­out oil;
  • the coat­ing is wear resis­tant;
  • dish­wash­er safe;
  • accept­able cost — 3500 r.


  • not suit­able for oven;
  • do not use met­al spat­u­las.

Rondell Mocco RDA-278 (28cm)

Rat­ing: 4.6

Rondell Mocco RDA-278 (28cm)

In fifth place is a fry­ing pan for induc­tion type stoves from the Moc­co & Lat­te col­lec­tion. It fea­tures a Tri­Ti­tan Spec­trum three-lay­er non-stick coat­ing that allows the use of met­al spat­u­las. Made from extrud­ed alu­minum for even heat dis­tri­b­u­tion. On the out­side, the mod­el also has a spe­cial coat­ing that pro­vides easy clean­ing. Suit­able for all types of plates.


  • wear-resis­tant coat­ing;
  • inner sur­face with micro­cells;
  • bud­get cost — 2800 r.


  • steel han­dle;
  • can­not be used in the oven;
  • no heat indi­ca­tor.

See also: 16 best grill pans

Nadoba Grania 728118 (24 cm)

Rat­ing: 4.5

Nadoba Grania 728118 (24 cm)

The rat­ing is com­plet­ed by a mod­el made of cast alu­minum. The five-lay­er ILAG Gran­itec non-stick coat­ing con­tain­ing min­er­als will pre­vent food from burn­ing, even when fry­ing with­out adding oil. The man­u­fac­tur­er indi­cates that the use of met­al blades is accept­able. Bake­lite han­dle with soft-touch coat­ing does not heat up and does not slip out of the palm. The prod­uct is suit­able for induc­tion and oth­er types of cook­ers. Dish­wash­er allowed.


  • stain­less steel bot­tom
  • com­plete­ly safe cov­er­age;
  • bud­get cost — 2400 r.


  • can­not be used in the oven.

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Total votes: onerat­ing: 5

Atten­tion! This rat­ing is sub­jec­tive, is not an adver­tise­ment and does not serve as a pur­chase guide. Before buy­ing, you need to con­sult with a spe­cial­ist.







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