Автор: Yara

  • Functionality Biryusa 139.Specifications, photos, reviews, pluses / minuses.

    Functionality Biryusa 139.Specifications, photos, reviews, pluses / minuses.

    [ad_1] The refrig­er­a­tor is equipped with three com­pres­sor units and one ice mak­er. The defrost­ing of the freez­er is auto­mat­ic, using a drip sys­tem. It can freeze up to 6 kg of food per day. The cool­ing unit con­sists of two evap­o­ra­tive con­densers, a com­pres­sor and an ice mak­er. Functionality Biryusa 139 The pres­ence of…

  • The best dishwashers with descriptions and characteristics: TOP-15 models

    The best dishwashers with descriptions and characteristics: TOP-15 models

    [ad_1] The review presents only the best mod­els of dish­wash­ers. The tech­nique copes well with the tasks set, and if it stands in the kitchen, it will help to make the dish­es clean quick­ly and with­out much effort. The arti­cle con­sid­ers the descrip­tion and char­ac­ter­is­tics of the tech­nique. The best models built-in completely Built-in dish­wash­ers…

  • The best bread makers: TOP 15 models, features, pros and cons

    The best bread makers: TOP 15 models, features, pros and cons

    [ad_1] There are a lot of mod­els of home bread machines and it will not be dif­fi­cult to get con­fused in the set of func­tions. To sim­pli­fy the task of choos­ing, we have com­piled for you an overview of the best bread mak­ers with a descrip­tion and main char­ac­ter­is­tics. Simple, inexpensive models Bud­get bread mak­ers…

  • Functionality Indesit ES 20.Specifications, photos, reviews, pluses / minuses.

    Functionality Indesit ES 20.Specifications, photos, reviews, pluses / minuses.

    [ad_1] One of the sim­plest mod­els of refrig­er­a­tors from Inde­sit. Sup­ports a min­i­mum of func­tions, but at the same time it is rel­a­tive­ly inex­pen­sive. With­out ice mak­er, with drip defrost sys­tem. Functionality Indesit ES 20 The main sup­port­ed fea­tures in the refrig­er­a­tor Inde­sit ES 20: Electro­mechan­i­cal con­trol (there are both but­tons and an adjust­ing knob).…

  • The best microwave ovens: an overview of 18 popular models

    The best microwave ovens: an overview of 18 popular models

    [ad_1] When choos­ing the best microwave oven, a num­ber of dif­fi­cul­ties can arise, knowl­edge on how to choose a microwave oven, as well as our rat­ing, will help you decide. This review presents only the best mod­els with their full descrip­tion and char­ac­ter­is­tics. Best Freestanding Models Free-stand­ing microwaves have less pro­tec­tion against the heat gen­er­at­ed…

  • The best cookers: TOP-16 models

    The best cookers: TOP-16 models

    [ad_1] Cook­ers are an indis­pens­able attribute in cook­ing. The arti­cle presents a rat­ing of only the best mod­els of stoves. They are in great demand among many con­sumers, because they have good tech­ni­cal char­ac­ter­is­tics and prices for dif­fer­ent bud­gets. The best gas stoves Gas stoves are in demand due to their sim­plic­i­ty and ease of…

  • The best blenders for home: an overview of 18 models

    The best blenders for home: an overview of 18 models

    [ad_1] A blender is an essen­tial kitchen appli­ance. With its help, any food is quick­ly chopped, from veg­eta­bles to meat for minced meat. The arti­cle presents a rat­ing of the best blender mod­els: bud­get mod­els, mid-range equip­ment, expen­sive devices. The best immersion blenders Immer­sion blenders are the choice of those who are look­ing for a…

  • what devices are there, their main features, pros and cons, how to choose the right one and what to look for

    what devices are there, their main features, pros and cons, how to choose the right one and what to look for

    [ad_1] With the advent of blenders, cook­ing has become much eas­i­er. This device is designed for fast grind­ing of prod­ucts. How­ev­er, over time, the num­ber of its func­tions increased. A mod­ern blender, espe­cial­ly if it is from the elite, replaces a food proces­sor. He knows how to grind meat, fruits, veg­eta­bles and berries, turn boiled…

  • The best food processors: a rating of 18 models with a description

    The best food processors: a rating of 18 models with a description

    [ad_1] The review presents the best food proces­sors that have man­aged to win the sym­pa­thy of many buy­ers who appre­ci­ate the ease of cook­ing. Here you can choose the mod­el that you will use for many years. Food processors up to 6,000 rubles The review includes sev­er­al bud­get options for food proces­sors. They allow you…

  • specifications and customer reviews about the model, as well as what to look for when choosing

    specifications and customer reviews about the model, as well as what to look for when choosing

    [ad_1] Blender Red­mond RHB 2944 is a small-sized uni­ver­sal device. With it, you can auto­mate part of the work in the kitchen and make cook­ing less time-con­sum­ing. With this appli­ance, you can pre­pare dish­es such as pates, pas­tas, smooth­ies, curd mass, var­i­ous creams and desserts. Some dish­es can­not be pre­pared at all with­out a blender,…