Метка: bacteria

  • How to iron a sheet with an elastic band: 6 best ways

    How to iron a sheet with an elastic band: 6 best ways

    With the advent of sheets with an elastic band, the life of housewives was divided into “before” and “after”. The beds began to look perfect, like a stretched drum. But what is behind this beauty and how to achieve the perfect smoothness of the sheets, now let’s figure it out. If you are reading this…

  • How to wash jeans in a washing machine

    How to wash jeans in a washing machine

    You might be surprised to know that jeans that are so durable at first glance need delicate care? In order to keep attractive denim products as long as possible, you need to follow a number of simple rules, which we will talk about. We will tell you how, with what means and with what things…

  • Kombucha: benefits and harms to the body

    Kombucha: benefits and harms to the body

    Kombucha is a substance based on yeast and bacteria. It is used to make a drink containing B vitamins, probiotics and other substances. Researchers of the kombucha drink, which is made on the basis of the mushroom, are sure that it is necessary for people who want to normalize cholesterol levels and protect themselves from…

  • Unleavened bread: benefits and harms

    Unleavened bread: benefits and harms

    In all stores you can find yeast-free bread in various designs. It has great advantages compared to classic bread, but it can have some harm. Let’s try to understand the features of such a product. What is unleavened bread? Photo: 31daily.com/ This type of bread is called so, since yeast, sourdough are not used…

  • How to spend fasting days on kefir

    How to spend fasting days on kefir

    For the body to work properly, it needs to do fasting days. The time when you can choose one product to eat throughout the day. One of the best products that you can use is kefir. If used correctly, it will only benefit you. Dairy products are quite cheap, healthy, inexpensive and have a low…

  • How to clean the refrigerator from the outside

    How to clean the refrigerator from the outside

    It is enough to wipe the outer surface of a newly purchased refrigerator with a sponge moistened with soapy water — this will eliminate germs and factory dust. But during operation, various stains and dirt may appear on the refrigerator, especially if it is located next to the stove — in the latter case, grease…

  • How to quickly wash dishes

    How to quickly wash dishes

    Today we will tell you how to turn washing dishes into an exciting quest from a boring routine process. You will learn how to wash a mountain of dishes in 10 minutes and many interesting subtleties of this process. After our article, you will become an expert on clean dishes and schedule your dishwashing so…

  • How to wash sneakers

    How to wash sneakers

    Sneakers must be washed regularly, as pathogenic bacteria often multiply in these shoes due to sweating of the feet. As a result, a fungus may appear in the sneakers, an unpleasant odor may occur. Regular washing of shoes will ensure a beautiful appearance of sneakers, the absence of fungus and microbes, a repulsive smell. We…

  • Comparing Chlorella and Spirulina

    Comparing Chlorella and Spirulina

    The desire for a healthy lifestyle leads to the fact that many people are forced to abandon standard products — they do not have the proper energy value or do not contain the necessary trace elements and nutrients. And then the diet needs to be supplemented with something else. Algae are good dietary supplements. These…

  • Compare sugar and sweetener |  Pros and cons

    Compare sugar and sweetener | Pros and cons

    Sugar is now found in almost all products. It is added to baked goods, canned food, marinades, sauces, sausages and much, much more. You can meet glucose even in those dishes where it — in theory — should not be. Just sugar is both a flavor enhancer, and a preservative, and just a food additive.…