Метка: beds

  • How to iron a sheet with an elastic band: 6 best ways

    How to iron a sheet with an elastic band: 6 best ways

    With the advent of sheets with an elastic band, the life of housewives was divided into “before” and “after”. The beds began to look perfect, like a stretched drum. But what is behind this beauty and how to achieve the perfect smoothness of the sheets, now let’s figure it out. If you are reading this…

  • Bed bug steam generator — efficiency and how to use

    Bed bug steam generator — efficiency and how to use

    Everyone who at least once in their life has been in a room that was occupied by bedbugs will never forget their impressions. Parasites may not even be visually visible, but a terrible smell betrays their presence with a head. It is generally accepted that the presence of bedbugs in a residential area is a…

  • When and how to harvest cabbage for storage for the winter

    When and how to harvest cabbage for storage for the winter

    For long-term storage for the winter, late-ripening varieties of cabbage are used. By following the rules for harvesting and preparing heads of cabbage for storage, you will provide yourself with vitamins and fiber for the whole winter. When to harvest cabbage for the winter In October, cabbages of medium-late, late and hybrid varieties are…

  • Pet beds: why you need them and how to choose

    Pet beds: why you need them and how to choose

    [ad_1] Not everyone knows how to choose the right bed for a puppy, adult dog, cat or other pet. There are a lot of offers on the market, but does your pet need them if he is completely satisfied with sleeping on the sofa, floor or master’s bed? Before buying a bed, you need to…

  • Tips for summer residents: What to sow in June and how to make even beds

    [ad_1] June crops are the best time for summer residents: the earth is already warm, and the fruits sprout quickly. 5-tv.ru tells what can be sown in the first month of summer, and also shares a life hack for perfectly flat beds. What can you sow in June In June, summer residents need to sow…