Метка: does

  • The plate does not spin in the microwave: why and what to do?

    The plate does not spin in the microwave: why and what to do?

    [ad_1] The device of the microwave oven tray, which is respon­si­ble for the uni­form cook­ing and heat­ing of food, mal­func­tions occur. More­over, the oven itself con­tin­ues to work, but the plate stops rotat­ing. There can be sev­er­al rea­sons, as well as ways to repair. This is what we will ana­lyze in our arti­cle. Reasons for…

  • Why does the refrigerator not work, but the freezer works.

    Why does the refrigerator not work, but the freezer works.

    [ad_1] The sit­u­a­tion when the refrig­er­a­tor breaks down is always unex­pect­ed and unpleas­ant. Espe­cial­ly on the eve of a big feast or in a big heat, when you need to care­ful­ly mon­i­tor the fresh­ness of prod­ucts. Often, users are faced with a dif­fer­ent prob­lem when the freez­er works, and the refrig­er­a­tor prac­ti­cal­ly does not cool.…

  • The multicooker does not turn on: reasons and what to do?

    The multicooker does not turn on: reasons and what to do?

    [ad_1] Today, every house­wife has house­hold helpers in the kitchen. These include meat grinders, blenders, toast­ers, microwave ovens, etc. But they can sud­den­ly stop work­ing. For exam­ple, what to do if the mul­ti­cook­er does not turn on. What could be the rea­sons and how to solve them? Possible reasons There may be sev­er­al of them:…

  • The microwave does not heat up but works: what to do, what is the reason?

    The microwave does not heat up but works: what to do, what is the reason?

    [ad_1] The prob­lem with using microwave ovens is that each one can even­tu­al­ly stop work­ing. The main prob­lem is the fol­low­ing — the microwave has stopped heat­ing, but it works, it spins the plate. And it seems that they did every­thing right: the oven turns on, the microwave turns the tray, the light is on,…

  • Why does ice freeze on the back wall in the refrigerator and what to do?

    Why does ice freeze on the back wall in the refrigerator and what to do?

    [ad_1] If ice freezes on the back wall in the refrig­er­a­tor, then often this indi­cates improp­er oper­a­tion of the house­hold appli­ance or the pres­ence of mal­func­tions of one kind or anoth­er. To find out the cause of ice freez­ing, you can call a repair­man or try to fig­ure it out your­self. Cooling mode set incorrectly…

  • Why does the refrigerator buzz and make noise?  What to do and how to reduce noise with your own hands?

    Why does the refrigerator buzz and make noise? What to do and how to reduce noise with your own hands?

    [ad_1] It does­n’t mat­ter what mod­el your fridge is, what mat­ters is how it works. If the refrig­er­a­tor makes noise, it is always unpleas­ant and rais­es con­cerns about its con­di­tion. But, even if the refrig­er­a­tor is very buzzing or mak­ing noise, this does not mean at all that it is bro­ken. Con­sid­er the caus­es of…

  • Why does the microwave sparkle inside and what to do?  DIY repair

    Why does the microwave sparkle inside and what to do? DIY repair

    [ad_1] Not many peo­ple know what to do if the microwave sparks. But, as with oth­er equip­ment, prob­lems also occur peri­od­i­cal­ly with it, and sparks in the cham­ber are per­haps the most com­mon. If spark­ing becomes notice­able dur­ing oper­a­tion of the appli­ance, you need to turn it off imme­di­ate­ly, and then find out why the…

  • Why the refrigerator does not turn on: reasons and what to do?

    Why the refrigerator does not turn on: reasons and what to do?

    [ad_1] Mod­ern house­hold appli­ances are quite reli­able. But there are sit­u­a­tions when the refrig­er­a­tor does not turn on, which can cause food spoilage. It is not always worth rush­ing to con­tact the ser­vice, the prob­lem may have a sim­ple solu­tion. Incorrect location or contamination For prop­er ven­ti­la­tion, it is required to install the refrig­er­a­tor at…

  • The refrigerator door does not close tightly: reasons and what to do

    The refrigerator door does not close tightly: reasons and what to do

    [ad_1] One of the most com­mon rea­sons for buy­ing a new refrig­er­a­tor is the bro­ken door of the old one. And all because the unit becomes unus­able if the refrig­er­a­tor door does not close. But why say good­bye to the refrig­er­a­tor ahead of time when you can fix this mal­func­tion your­self? What to do if…

  • How does a coffee maker work: geyser, drip, carob, capsule

    How does a coffee maker work: geyser, drip, carob, capsule

    [ad_1] Today there are many cof­fee machines that allow you to pre­pare any kind of cof­fee, but they all dif­fer in their func­tion­al­i­ty. Geyser, drip, cap­sule and espres­so cof­fee mak­ers are in lit­tle demand. Con­sid­er the fea­tures of each type of cof­fee mak­er and how to prop­er­ly brew an invig­o­rat­ing drink in them. The design…